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OLTL: Discussion for the week June 15

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I hope the Morasco Fiasco is coming to an end. It is sucking this show dry, IMO. I'll though I do like the chemistry between Gigi and Schy, I can't stand Stacy. Crystal Hunt may have been good on Guiding Light but she continues to call in her scenes on OLTL. I also wonder if the damage done to Rex's character could ever be repaired. Has this storyline done more damage than can be fixed. To me Rex is just an idiot now. I don't think I could ever take him seriously again. Considering he is a P.I. as well, it ruins any future storyline plot points if he is used in that capacity because he couldn't work his way out of a paper bag now. The biggest problem for me is that I've stopped caring for the character of Rex. We have all seen characters we like in stupid storylines before but this is the first time that storyline has killed the character for me. If OLTL wants to be daring in its story telling then have Rex find out and kill Stacy. Let the viewers know but let the rest of Llanview try to figure it out. Like a backwards who done it where the viewers know but the characters don't. Have Bo figure it out and have him arrest his surrogate son and give Bob Woods something of substance to play and if he figures it out quick enough, restore some luster to the LPD.

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OMG, Dorian, the scenery is aching with bite marks. :lol: She is on some crazy shiz today, and what was that little pill she popped? I love how she pushed her liberal beliefs on the Riveras. :P I was beginning to worry about her with Ray gone and all, but knock on wood, if today's any indication I feel like they are gearing her up for something good. I HOPE.

And again today she dismissed Rachel like a stranger.

ETA: And if Blair's lawyer doesn't look like Alicia Minshew's stunt double...

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I don't think she was any better on GL. The writing for her on GL had more built-in layers since Lizzie had always been disturbed, and the story had plenty of great actors to carry Crystal. This story has none of that.

Rex has been a self-righteous idiot ever since they started this story with Gigi. As soon as they put him back together with Gigi they are just going to pretend everything was fine, and it was all Stacy's fault. None of this works for me because JPL and FF have zero chemistry and when they're together they make both characters detestable. The most character-damaging moments for Rex in my eyes were when he kept bitching about Dorian not giving him a video game system for Shane.

I still wish they weren't going to have Dorian go nuts over losing a man. Robin Strasser must be humiliated, but then she probably knows she isn't going to have another story, she just has to roll with the punches.

Some think her not knowing Rachel is a joke about the recast, but this is the third time Rachel has been recast.

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Not feeling over the top drunk Dorian at all. She came across like a shrill, confused old lady.

On a side note: I really wanted to punch Markko's parents. There comes a point when you can only let mom and dad oppress you so much before you say "f*ck it, I'm out."

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Poor Marcie!! Having to give away Hope was like that was so noble, very Marcie like.

Dorian went NUTS today! Ruining things for Markko/Langston, firing Sean, kicking out Moe/Noelle... How dare Ray break her heart!

I also wonder how Cole will get out of trouble after the cop caught him with the pills..

Solid episode for OLTL.

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