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OLTL: Gina Tognoni not joining the show

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I want to see Gina on something, but I'm not sorry to see Kelly stay away. Kelly's a dud character, she was unbearable for me during most of GT's run, and the current OLTL consistently fails at bringing back old characters.

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It's better, Kelly is such a thankless role. I don't think any writing regime has ever known what to do with that character. Gina didn't become a really great actress until she started playing Dinah on GL. She was good as Kelly, but she really came into her own as Dinah.

If she moved out West, and Y&R had the good sense to get rid of Amelia Heinle and actually write Victoria true to character, she'd make a great Victoria Newman. But I think she has enough talent to try her hand at primetime again.

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I would love to see her as Victoria but Y&R doesn't do strong female characters now. I wish there were a new soap starting up. If not then I agree she may be best off trying primetime. There are still a zillion procedurals on, and she could easily play a cop.

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Though, I don't understand why she might be fighting for more money. I mean, isn't GL paying its actors with lolly pops and sour patches?

But I guess with two Emmy's and becoming one of the IT faces on GL over the last few years, she's a hot commodity in daytime circles right now.

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You know I am a OLTL fan but part of me is happy with this because I want Gina in a better role then Kelly Cramer. I hope she reconsiders moving to LA but I doubt it. Her husband has a big insurance business in New Jersey, so her going west bound is really hard unless it's a short term role. I think Gina deserves a more dynmaic role. I liked her as Kelly years ago but Gina was only 21 when she premiered as Kelly in 1995 and was there until 2001. It has been 8 whole years since Gina left OLTL. I thought she was good on OLTL but she did not grow for me until she was on GL. The role of Dinah took her acting to a whole new level, she is a fabulous actress. Maybe ATWT might consider bringing Dinah over to ATWT since Telenext loves Gina so much. ATWT does not have much of a future but it might be a good boost for ATWT. I also could see Gina on AMC in the role of Skye Chandler or Hayley Vaughn or even Greenlee. I want Gina in a dynamic role and IMO Kelly never was that dynamic. She was fun years ago but Kelly wearing all that makeup and acting fun was so long ago. Gina has so outgrown that role.

I would adore Gina as Victoria Newman on Y&R and IMO that would be gold for her. Y&R can pay her more money then OLTL. OLTL has a very small budget and how Frank gets these vets back. He gets them back for little money or as a favor. Gina did want alot from ABC and the deal presented to her apparently was not a great one.

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If this is indeed true and their is indeed a money issue, how would AMC, a fellow ABC soap, or ATWT be viable candidates for GT to join? Sure they're the only NY soaps left after rejecting OLTL, but I would not believe that ATWT could offer her more than an ABC soap and AMC should be in the same boat as OLTL financially. I was under the impression that once an ABC soap is interested the negotiations are with ABC (the daytime arm).

So if negotiations have broken down, and believing the above, I'm under two assumptions: She walked away from OLTL for reasons outside of money. She may have walked away for money because a West Coast soap made a big offer last minute and it caused a change of mind.

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Me too! I don't want to see the story (especially a chance for David/Greens!) held hostage to RB's availability! GT is the only actress I can see able to give Greens the same combination of fiery passion and aching vulnerability that RB did!

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