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Was Chris Engen Right about Y&R Plot

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Even then in response to your question here's another who's to say he can explain the dress and the botox? Who's to say that he wasn't already close to the edge and perhaps the kiss was the push? maybe he's facing a challenge explaining all these "acts" to his child now...

I'm not trying to debate what was actually in his head I think that has been done to death with no clear answer and I'm also not trying to make your point insignificant I just feel as if a part of our freedoms is our choice not to participate even when they bare consequences. Sometimes the choices are made of ignorance and one does have a right to his or her opinion but at the end of the day we do not have an objective stance on CE's conscience. Why judge this way if we havn't walked a day in his shoes

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What's wrong with sadistic though? I love when twisted bastards are actually twisted bastards. Not cartoonishly twisted -- just twisted. I'm bored with the generic daytime "villains." Adam has never been as interesting as he is right now, IMO. Yes, it's an ugly story. Yes, some parts are uncomfortable to watch... the same way some of the best movies ever made are uncomfortable to watch... but I'm still riveted. The darkness of the story is right up my alley. Perhaps I'm just as crazy as Adam, but I'm loving it all.

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I cannot possibly understand the depth to which the gay posters feel about this issue. However, I am a mother, and before my cousin died of AIDS, I took my son with me to visit him. My son had a lot of questions and he was 14 at the time. I figured he was old enough and definitely ready to learn about dangerous sexual activity whether homosexual or heterosexual. It was a great experience for both my son, and my cousin, to talk about things that you may regret once you get past your teen years. All that I was trying to say is that perhaps CE's 10 yr old son might be a little too young to get ribbed about what his Daddy does on TV. Kids are horribly cruel. I'm just saying that CE may have been hit full on with the reality that, as a soap actor, he would be sometimes asked to do things that might put his son in a very awkward, and very painful situation.

All that being said, I don't know the man, I don't know what motivated his decision. I just think this situation I described might be a reason.

Sorry to step on anyone's feelings. Certainly not my intention.

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Sadistic is fine if there's some point. If it's just to get attention, then I think the story falls apart. Like the unnecessary twist with the doctor. I think Adam's less interesting now because he's no longer a character. He's an avatar for various stunts the writers toss out every few weeks. There's also no real conflict because Victor will always win, and Ashley is so drained of personality and she's probably never going to be a central figure in a way which is not about being victimized. Adam is just going to be crazy, then after some period of months, the story will be over, and everyone will probably move on to the next crazy.

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Thank you! I just can't judge a man who has to consider how or to what degree his profession may do to his young son right now. It may not have anything to do with his decision, but if it did, I think the man is doing what is right for him and his son.

And, yes, there are a lot of things that are done on soaps that are objectionable to letting a youngster see. I taped, and watched my soaps late at night when my son was asleep. He's 25 years old now, and maybe all that protective tv thing was just a waste of time - he's into fantasy, sci-fi, and violence doesn't seem to even make him blink. LOL @ my efforts!

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How do you know that? Seeing violence and sexual situations at a young age may shape how someone sees things or even behaves. Lots of studies show that any TV before the age of two results in "learning lag". Someone liking a violent show at the age of 25 does not mean that letting them watch that type of show at the age of 8 is a good plan.

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Yes, parenting choices can very often bite ya' in the butt. I still can't watch my soaps when my son is around, but this time it's for very different reasons. He makes fun of them so badly that I get my feelings hurt. I think he's insulting my intelligence. This comes from the young man who named his cat Beavis! LOL!

I truly enjoy reading young posters who love soaps! I just wish I could find a way to post that wouldn't end up accidentally hurting someone's feelings. That is just so frustrating to me.

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