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B&B: Week of June 8, 2009

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Will Ridge acknowledge that he has the same incestuous feelings for Rick that he once had for Bridget?
Will Taylor finally come to the understanding that it is Brooke she is obsessed with?
Will Melody Thomas Scott be cast as Beth Logan, thereby invigorating the whole canvas?
Does Brooke understand that she needs to be with a man who is capable of emotional range?
Will Owen reveal the diabolical exercise and eating habits that have rendered him hypnotic to all who see him remove his shirt?
Can this show be saved?
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We all know it's not incest if they're not actually related! Even if they were raised for many years as blood siblings/children/both, it doesn't count, apparently.

I'm still waiting to see the story where a crazed Pam sabotages Donna's colagen supply.

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You know, he gets dissed here, but Don Diamont is head and shoulders above his male castmates, except maybe Jack Wagner (when he is given worthy material).

I think the game is about to -- maybe -- be seriously elevated by a returning actor. I can only hope. This show really needs a "Paul Rauch" to nurture the weaker performances.

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Oh PLEASE! All he's done so far is go..."Ooooh giggity giggity! I want to put my fingers in your Orchid, Donna. Errr...I mean your flower....errr I mean whatever the writers decide is a clever sexual innudendo..."

If you mean head and shoulders above in terms of looks, then yeah. I'd screw him over every other male cast member on B&B(sans Brandon Beemer, of course), but looks can only take you so far. And Diamont only has a few daddy years left in him before his tube steak turns green.

Ronn Moss is terrible at conveying raw emotion, but the charming, egotistical bastard/romantic lead he so effortlessly pulls off. Diamont, not so much.

The Indecent Proposal ripoff is crap. It's not even good crap. And all of a sudden, Eric gets nostalgic about Stephanie and, of course, she takes him back because she's ultimately a glutton for punishment. She's even more pathetic and weak than Eric. The only difference is that Eric gets his heart broken while Stephanie gets a kick in the balls.

BTW, that beautiful rearrangement of the "tragedy, Mike Stich directs in slo-mo cue" in today's show was so wasted on that cemetery scene today between Taylor and Ridge. I don't want Ronn Moss to ever attempt to cry again!

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Oh, I'm not defending the writing. But Don...I just love the flirtatious gadfly he's playing. I liked him most in his scenes with Heather Tom. It wasn't just nostalgia...they had a nice repartee. Mostly, it was GREAT to see Heather playing light for a change.

You think Ronn is a "charming, egotistical bastard/romantic lead"? I never got him. Not even when he was young and beautiful I think if they'd play up his villainy, I'd enjoy him much more.

All the rest (Indecent Proposal, Eric/Stephanie)...you're totally right!

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Moss plays a decent villain. I loved Ridge VS Amber and Ridge VS Nick and Ridge VS Rick(during the whole Home Shopping Network/Ambrosia Line Days). And his chemistry with Ashley was off the charts, mostly because of Eileen, but he could have easily phoned that story in and not even tried. Ridge clearly, IMO, loved Ashley even if he had only known her for a short time and for once, Ronn Moss played it that way too. Moss(if given a decent scene partner) can easily rise to the occasion.

I hate to say it, but I'm officially ready to join the Morgan Fairchild and/or MTS brigade. This show needs someone to effectively stir the pot while captivating the audience with their beauty. Even if its just for a year. Everyone else is just walking around like a bunch of paycheck collecting drones. It's really sad.

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I happen to see today's show. Boy...talk about boring. Eric trying to convince Stephanie to return to Forrester. Moss attempt to act opposite KKL to more insane Rick talk. What a bore of a show.

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Good lord is ANYONE writing for this show or do they have interns grabbing old scripts from last month? They've done these same SAME exact Ridge/Brooke/Steffy/Rick scenes about 10 times already in the past 5 months

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She was just as bad on Dallas. I don't know if it's the roles Downs is playing or just herself. But as time goes on her acting gets boring to watch. I always loved Koslow and found it odd that they let her go from B&B. She is a underated actress.

In the looks department. But his looks are slowly going to hell. :lol:

I saw him the other day and thought I was watching Brad Carlton. :huh:

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I totally DISAGREE. Jackie's one of the few reasons I tune in to this show. Her relationship with Owen is a refreshing change from Brooke-Ridge-Taylor or Rick-Steffy. I like the Jackie M team, too. Lauren Kaslows fine on DAYS. Leave her there. She's not needed on B&B, and would do nothing to add some fun and camp to the show, sorely missed since DC's passing. LAD's much more fun to watch IMHO.

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