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ATWT: June Discussion Thread

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I don't know how many more times I can stomach the following:

-Henry in noticeable disguise and no one recognizing him.

-Jack and Craig's constant c*ckfights over Carly.

-Numerable "interventions" by concerned family and friends being thwarted by either Craig's "trust Carly" speeches or Carly's charming ways of changing the subject.

-Janet's hideous red wig coming loose.

-The lame storyline that is tanking the Vienna/Brad/Katie/Henry quad....yet again.

Why is it so impossible for GutMan and PissAnt to tell a story without ruining it by the end of its first week onscreen? They're gutting the show, day by day.

P.J., I can't say much, but you're not going to like what Carly does before she leaves. Not. One. Bit.

P.S.--Martha's 1st episode on GH.... :wub: & Peyton landing a major role in the new ABC fall drama "Flash Forward".... :wub:

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At this point, I'll be extremely relieved when Maura's on maternity leave. I always am. Goutman and Pissy seem to delight in destroying Carly when Maura leaves...like they're secretly pissed at her for getting pregnant in the first place.

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^^^I don't think they can either. But I need a breather from this idiocy. Even though I hate the Jack/Janet marriage, I rarely have to see it. Jack's allowed to be on without his leech of a wife hanging all over him. Carly and Craig are attached at the hip. I can't remember the last time Carly was on without that parasite. Carly's entire purpose revolves around Craig now. And I don't think the tumble in the ratings is a coincidence. TIIC flucked with history once too often, in the name of bringing back a iconic character, and it's BOMBED.

See...I've lost my entire sense of humor. :lol: Brace yourself....Maura named her daughter Birdie West Defrietas. Love Maura...cringing inwardly for her little girl on the playground in about five years.

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I lobster-hate St Fucikin' Craig Montgomery so freakin' much, I can't see straight. Only the fact Carly's still drinking is keeping me sane.

Libby's turned into one prissy little bitch. I don't care what Parker said...I don't even care if she's technically tried to "let him down easy" after the divorce/annulment. I just wish she'd spit out the real truth---she was just never that into him. Nothing says "stay away from me" better than "wasn't impressed by you in bed. Sorry, dude."

I miss one-on-one Carly/Jack scenes. I even miss their fights. With Lurch perpetually glued to Carly, I doubt Carly does anything besides sneak out to the liquor store by herself anymore.

I want to like the Riley/Casey/Margo stuff. I sort of do....but it feels way too rushed.

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I can't remember the last time a pregnant actress had a good story leading up to her maternity leave.

The last time Maura was pregnant Carly ran off with Simon, leaving her kids in the process.

The last time Kelley was pregnant, Emily was a hooker who got beat up by her john.

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*waves to kelly* Girl, where you been? LOL...

It'd probably be a tie between princesses Lily and Katie. Lily got absolved of plotting to send her son to degaying camp---and I think Katie just left town. Much to everyone's relief! :lol:

But at least Em got to shake off her whoring before she left. Carly just smiles as she walks into chopper blades.

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Hey PJ!

Hmmm, I've been watching OLTL lol....

True, Emily did get to at least go off and spend the summer with her son, so her actual exit wasn't awful. Just the story leading up to it.

I'd say Maura pretty much wins the craptastic maternity send off award.

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Before Toups asks.....Blangiardo/Brash

FINALLY, someone has an honest, unedited reaction to Carly/Craig---are you crazy?? Paul asks. YES, Paul...she is crazy. And telling her he'd send over a bomb-sniffing dog as a wedding present was the line of the day.

The rest of the Carly/Craig stuff was vomit-inducing.

Why all the Meg/Dusty angst? Was the sex that good? 'Cause I don't remember them really doing anything else that would have suggested they were a "couple".

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What are everyone's thoughts on the new brief 8 second opening? Anyone know if there is a longer version?

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