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ATWT: June Discussion Thread

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They never really had a story together, but they occassionally intersected. I do remember some snarky stuff when she was chasing Mike; at one time Andy was chasing Molly while Molly was kind of obsessing on Reid/David, and Carly played some interference for her; Andy dated Nikki, who was Carly's stepdaughter at the time. And when Parker was first born, she was married to John, which Andy didn't really like.

I remember being freakin' shocked when the news they were dating finally broke. And I've always admired them for keeping their private life private...unlike some married costars/two-soap families. I think they were hooking up around the same time the Scott and Missy Reeves marriage was imploding, after whoring themselves to the mags.

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I remember reading an interview with Maura and her first husband, then she was pregnant with her first child while Carly was pregnant. I could barely watch the scenes where Carly had a stillbirth while Maura was near her own due date. That was a late 90's soap trend I hated, they did this on OLTL and on another soap I believe. Maura was very good.

I was surprised when she got together with Scott, but they do make a good looking and happy couple, and you're right, they usually never made a production to the press. It was all much more low key than some of the blowback a few years later with Lesli Kay and Keith Colouris, probably because Lesli and Keith played lovers on ATWT and it wasn't too difficult to see that they weren't exactly acting.

I still miss Andy. I'm not even sure if he would come back if they bothered to ask, but I hope he can at least return for a holiday show before ATWT ends.

Maura could teach classes on how to play out grueling stories while pregnant. I can't remember if she has not ever had any. I guess the least grueling was when she just vanished because her ex-husband from Hong Kong kidnapped her. That was around the time I had really started to enjoy Jack and Carly again (the lie bet), and thought they were going to move Julia on, finally. So much for that.

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Y'know, I don't know what TIIC are thinking, having Henry be so cruel to Vienna as "Geneva". Hello---would you ever forgive someone who did that to you? And talk about mixed signals...I guess it's supposed to be funny that V had a "wardrobe malfunction"....meanwhile, Katie's malfunctions are practically spilling out of her top, and Janet never met a top she wasn't nearly out of in her year plus on the show.

Craig is an idiot. How could he not know Carly was lit the minute she opened the door? And just when I could almost credit him with having a deep and abiding concern for Carly---he goes and sticks it to Jack, making sure to inform him that while "overnighters" aren't possible due to his unseen, recent cage-match trophy son, that Carly's more than adept at finding "time" for them to get together. OBNOXIOUS PIG.

I feel for Carly. I feel for Parker. But I wish Carly had run Craig down. :P

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So when did Henry and Katie patch things up? Have Henry and Vienna forgotten they lost a child? Man they made a quick recovery. Everything is smiles and laughs now that Henry and Vienna lost the baby. This show blows s h i t.

Jack harping about Craig again. I thought Jack was over that. Janet and her awful hair color. Janet is so not needed on the show. She and Jack are a boring couple to watch. Yet, it seems Janet is getting more family added....please no.

This show is a big mess and no one seems to want to fix it.

I wish Kim(Kathryn Hays) would give Goutman one of her kiddo/pal speeches because he needs it.

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Henry and Katie made up practically within an hour of finding out Katie was pregnant. IA, it blows. But God forbid lil' Katieums be stressed during her miracle pregnancy. :puke:

I don't blame Jack for harping about Craig; he was certain Carly would cut Craig out when Ro returned. And even before that, she had told Jack and Craig they were over. I don't blame him for thinking Craig's using Carly....it's Craig and I think Jack can sense Carly's not really happy.

ICAM about Janet. Useless, useless, useless. LOL people who saw her at the fan lunch says that hair looks better in person...I'm not sure I believe them. ;)

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I did. I wish Goutman could get it through his thick head this segmented daily eppy form does not work. It doesn't help that B&B is tanking and GL is a lame duck, but there is almost no reason to tune in from one day to the next. I shudder to think what'll happen when Carly isn't even on.

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