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ATWT: June Discussion Thread

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Don't rush, IMO you could wait until the end of the month and will not miss a thing. About 20 minutes into Friday's(6/5) US show I had to turn the nonsense off because my teeth were hurting THAT bad. I've decided to take a break and not watch for awhile.

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I finally saw Wednesday's show. So Margo didn't want the family around to support her? In what WORLD? Just lazy and stupid writing by Pissy and Goutman. Yet, we had Nuke crashing the service. I sm so sick of Nuke that I ff most of their scenes. After seeing the previews for Thursday's show I decided to skip it.

Friday's show....oye....Paul calling all the shots and no prison time. Typical Jean Pissy and Goutman writing. At least we won't have to go through a lame trial.

Btw...I do like NuAdam :P or is it Riley. :P

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Well.... :mellow: ....it's a TFGIF kind of thing. Other than Barbara and Jack, it was the same characters rehashing the same tired dialogue they've had since the beginning of Paul's latest caper.

It still makes me mad apparently no one besides Margo/Tom/Casey can even whisper about Adam's "death".

Cady's fine....it's her being stuck for three FRIGGIN' weeks in "Nowheresville, WI" with Paul that grates my last nerve. I love locations shots. Location storylines, however, SUCK.

I don't what's up with the Adam story either. To my thinking, you could have had almost half the cast going to/from the memorial to make it look as though the memorial was well-attended. I don't get what TIIC are thinking. We spent an entire week with Ethan down in that friggin' well, and the ratings (as I remember it) weren't half bad. Whether or not Adam's actually dead, I think the audience deserved more than a return of Margo-PTSS oddness rearing it's ugly head. And I swear to God, no one even said Hal's name. <_<

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It was a delight to see Barbara.

Margo suddenly decides to invite happily gay couple of Oakdale to her house after she said she didnt want anyone mourning with her. What a crock!!

Rosanna was brought back to continue with more baby mess...Ugh.....Hope she returns to Carly's orbit before her maternity leave.

As for Adam he either lost his memory and thinks he is Riley now or he decided to change his name to Riley and foret his past. A nice family memorial serivce would have been nice. I was also waiting for Hal to be mentioned.

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I never thought we would get those Ro and Carly scenes. It is always great seeing Babs. I say Dusty and Paul should be put out the misery and shot!

And then previews...oye...Now it is Emily who wants a baby. When will Pissy stop her insane weekly Oakdale female wanting a baby storyline? They are so damn repetitive. This hack writer has no clue what to write for this show.

We didn't even get Emma today for Meg's return home with the baby. This show is a hot mess.

Cavenaugh's Adam came off too gay for me. I always thought he would seduce every man in Oakdale.

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Frannie and Sabrina :) I didn't start watching ATWT regularly until later on, when they looked nothing alike and Sabrina no longer had an accent or a personality, so I was happy to get to see Julianne's work on Youtube. Not long ago she was on the Ellen talk show and Ellen played a clip of F/S in conflict about Seth, and Julianne seemed to see it as something to be horrified by. That's too bad, as I thought she did a great job in what was a potentially very trite storyline.

Seth was my favorite Snyder brother. I guess they don't mention him now.

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Claire Beckham took over the role of Sabrina when Julianne left and Frannie was played Mary Ellen Stuart. It was jarring seeing a new Sabrina but I got use to Beckham in the role. I also enjoyed Stuart's scenes with Hays, Hastings and Rex Smith.

I didn't care for Seth. He hasn't been mentioned in a while.

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I liked MES a lot. I remember how I gasped when Darryl cornered her in the ski lift -- now that was a cliffhanger. It's a shame Frannie never made any other appearances after she left (I think she did return briefly for Andy's wedding to Courtney). Frannie had so much history.

My favorite Snyder siblings were Iva and Seth, then Ellie, then Caleb (the first Caleb). I know Holden was #1 for most people, I have odd taste.

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The ski lift scenes were nicely done. That was my favorite work from Stuart and Smith. I miss Frannie. I can't believe she isn't on the canvas right now. I would take her over Nuke right now.

My favorite Snyder was Iva followed by Holden then Meg. I actully prefered Graham Winton's version of Caleb. Although once Morrison past away the angst between Holden and Caleb ended which was a big part of the family history.

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