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Y&R: Week of May 25, 2009

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An excuse that would work for me if Shick had slept together once (which is what I wish MAB had done). Somewhere along the way it did become intentional. If you cheat on your spouse once, you should stay away from the person you cheated with at all costs. At the very least Nick should never be alone with Sharon, but he went to her hotel room time after time. To top it off he didn't have the balls to end it with Phyllis either.

My main issue with how this story is written is all the back and forth. With Y&R I don't ship any couple very strongly. I have slight preferences (Chloe/ Billy), but there is no one couple I need to have together. So while I had a slight preference for Phick, I always expected (and even wanted) Sharon and Nick to get back together someday. More because the way they ended the first time made me feel like they were cheated. This is not how I wanted the reunion to happen. I feel like it's tainted by all the cheating and Sharon's illness. I really hope this baby is Billy's because if this is the baby Cassie said Shick would have, I'm very disappointed.

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Peter Bergman is amazing. Regarding Jack...amen. But Nick sleeping with Sharon TWICE and STILL SNIFFING AROUND HER...he deserves to be shark-food right there next to Jack, IMO.

I'm hopping on the anti-Nick bandwagon. I HATE how he has been with both women lately. I wanna slug him.

Then Nick should get f*cking therapy. I'm sick of him perpetuating this sickness. He's a big boy, and guilt should not be his motivator.

Yes to the first, not to the second. :)

I know -- I know -- Nick and Sharon are the end game. I can live with that -- enjoy it -- if their wedding occurs on the show's final episode. But I cannot believe that he is just "throwing away" that luminous, sexy, emotionally available redhead.

Jack and Sharon have "companionate love". Friendship, some intimacy, but no real passion. And no, him bawling his eyes out at her constantly is not passion. It is tree-sap.

So, if I didn't MEAN to run someone over with my car, I'm not guilty, right?

Uh uh. Nick did not allow his brain to control his d*ck. Moreover, he did not allow his COMMITMENT to cause him --via enormous acts of will -- to shut off the option of having sex with Sharon. Nick is no better than Zapato (if Zapato still has his b*lls)...a creature of impulse.

Amen. I get accused of it, but I don't either.

This is an absolutely outstanding post on this issue!

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Nick's actions aren't malicious though. He can't help but hover because he thinks he can help Sharon. It's not the right thing to do but I don't think he's an a-- because of this.

I honestly don't think it was a bad thing for Nick to stay with Phyllis this whole time because they do have a daughter together.

I'm only comparing Nick and Jack. They're both bottom-rung, but Jack is much worse.

And I like Sharon and Nick in the end too but I'm not a fangurl. :lol:

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Yes, if you ran over someone by accident, you aren't guilty IMO.

Don't get me wrong, Nick is a lousy husband when it comes to being faithful. But he hasn't gone to Phyllis and swore to God that he didn't sleep with Sharon night after night for months. It sucks but at least he's been completely honest with her up to this point.

I swear, if Jack never got caught, he would've never told Sharon anything about his actions.

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I'll grant you that. Indeed, that is what I loved about the post-Cassie Nick. He was relentlessly honest. (This is part of why I hope he didn't switch Summer's test).

But his honestly is buying him very few "good guy" points with me right now...and I think it all relates to Phyllis' hurt. She'll get over it, but for now, I just hate what he is doing to her.

I'm a sucker for that. I remember when Jeffrey divorced Gloria and left her penniless. And she broke down into these wracking sobs and cried out "What did he have to be so mean?". It really was affecting to me. No matter what she deserved, I hate human beings inflicting that level of pain on one another. Even now, I can delight in what Adam is doing. But if Ashley and Victor have to experience the pain of losing their baby (no matter how stupid and implausible the baby idea is), I don't know if I'm gonna be able to forgive Adam as a character.

Years and years ago, one of the first times Victor and Nikki broke out, she had one of those wailing breakdowns in the Newman living room. I don't remember the context, but it was one of the first times I remembered her wailing like that. Up to that point, I hadn't really actually liked the story. It made no sense to me why Victor had suddenly gravitated toward Ashley. (Sure, I watched each piece of the plot and I understood she was more his "equal"....I saw him rescue her, yada yada). But when Nikki put that raw pain on display, she owned me. And she has ever since.

Even on B&B, the moment that my love for Brooke crystallized was at Ridge's wedding to Caroline, when Stephanie cornered her in the greenhouse at Capistrano and gloated that she would never have Ridge. Brooke was breaking down, and Stephanie kept pushing and pushing to twist the knife. Brooke won me forever that day.

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You are if you are negligent, which Nick definitely has been. He knew that being around Sharon and repeatedly *ucking her and kissing her was killing Phyllis and he wouldn't stop. He knew he should stay away from her and he chose not to. He also knows that Sharon is completely screwed up, but he keeps screwing with her already fragile emotions. Personally, I'd take Jack over Nick if I were in Sharon's position. I guess it doesn't really matter to me which is worse. I just know that I'm done with Nick for awhile. Nothing he says means anything because of all his wishy washy behavior. That's why this Shick reunion (if it is indeed happening right now) rings so hollow to me.

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Can we stop saying "Shick"? Really? Cause I'm getting nauseous.

I wish there were some other couple on Y&R capturing my attention right now. But there isn't...not a one. Raul-Mac have potential, I guess. But he's just short stay recurring, I assume.

Engen-Bloom had potential...but that's over.

I'm starting to feel Alvin's complaint about a lack of romance. With Nick-Phyllis gone, I'm seriously not very interested in any other pairing. I thought I'd be into Nikki-Paul...and maybe if they got airtime I would be more...but right now, I don't care.

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I'd take Jack also, but what Sharon really needs is a good therapist. LOL! Nick is the worse. I have felt this way since he abandoned Sharon and had the affair with Phyllis. Nick never loses, he just moves on. He'll do the same to Phyllis as he did to Sharon.

Trying to discern Jack's motivation for wanting Sharon is a useless task. Jack wanting Sharon back and her staying with him despite wanting Nick who is leaving Phyllis is a plot contrivance to keep the story going. I recognize the technique from GH. It is the same thing with Billy staying with Chloe although he wants Mac. There is no motivation for Billy to staying married. He is dismissive of not only Chloe, but of the effort needed to care for Delia. Another delaying tactic to drag out the story.

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