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Y&R: Shocking Role Recast

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One of the things that is very interesting, at both this link and at Sara Bibel's site today, is that there are HUNDREDS of comments praising Engen for walking away and honoring his principles.

For Bibel, who seldom gets more than 4-5 comments to her blog posts, this is an unusual number. Several commenters in the Bibel thread (those who agree with her) suggest that some organized group is now targeting Bibel (i.e., groups similar to those who stood in support of Miss California recently).

It is amazing how much interest this little story has generated, and that it has bubbled up outside of the "soap world". This really must be a hot button issue these days.

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Why do you guys care so much about PerezHiltons opinions and how many people commented it? He just a loser.

And Chris Engen is homophobic and a total douchebag.

I dont wan't to see Michael Muhney on this shitty show. What the hell is he doing on soapopera?lol

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MarkH, this is the divide I was talking about before, which I believe was truly made evident in the American Idol vote. There are lot of people in "middle America" (and small California towns like the one Engen's from) that either see homosexuality as a sin or less than ideal. Gay rights have come a long way but as Prop 8 shows, there's still an uphill battle. The problem is when Perez Hilton and his ilk cast Miss California and Chris Engen with the same label. There are people out there who support gay marriage (and maybe CE does, who knows) but just feel homosexuality is against their personal beliefs. Sort of like being pro-choice but personally pro-life. When Hilton calls CE a homophobe because of his own personal demons, which may include an inability to play a gay part, he is going to offend a lot of otherwise gay-friendly people. The danger of what Hilton is doing is that he could turn Engen into a right-wing martyr and that isn't good for anyone.

One of my friends is Jewish from the Conservative tradition and very devout. She is very kind and friendly to all the gay people in our circle. She votes Democrat 100% of the time. At the same time, she objects to something I consider minor -- her brother dating a woman who is half-Jewish (and not on her mother's side). She has two sons and fully expects them to marry Jewish women. End of discussion. She is not forcing her religion on me or lecturing our gay friends or any of that. But within her family, she expects everyone to follow traditional Judaism. She doesn't watch soaps but I know that she would fully support CE's decision. Does that make her a homophobe? Does alienating otherwise liberal people like her help gay rights? The point of the gay movement is not to make folks like my friend change their religious beliefs or to do what something they consider against their God. It's to get people like her to separate her beliefs from her politics so that we can get marriage equality, etc.

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Proof again why I love you as a poster. Yes...absolutely...I see that. I think Engen's martyrdom is already established.

I guess it goes without saying that this is all unsubstantiated right now. They're ruining a career AND creating a martyr on unproven allegations.

Of course, in large measure, fault for this lies with Engen and his unprofessional (apparently) breaking of his contract.


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Exactly, and we may never find out the whole story which is usual in these controversial instances. Plus, the only one that has reported on this is Nelson and we know he has an agenda. For all we know, his sources may have even been told what to leak to him therefore making Nelson the fallout guy and CE left to look like an ass. Instead, Nelson is looking like the hero for reporting this story and it has definitely brought some attention to the show and this particular storyline. They could have already planned for this recast; I do find the timing strangely odd that Nelson broke the story the same day the recasted actor announced on his Twitter page of his new gig, very reminiscent of what an actress that shall remain nameless did weeks before her predecessor was fired.

Another excellent post!!

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I'm just stunned at Engen's stupidity. He must be completely bereft of any common sense to leave himself open to litigation, ridicule, and blacklisting. Having "personal beliefs" deosn't preclude you from doing your JOB. It's common knowledge that Jaime Lyn Bauer is a VERY devoutly religious person. But throughout her career, she has done her job in a professional way (Granted she whined about things sometimes) and when she chose to leave the show, she did so when her CONTRACT HAD EXPIRED. But her religion didn't keep her from being one of the meanest, most selfish bitches daytime has ever seen. An actor needs to take pride in their work.... Engen obviously doesn't.

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Darn I liked CE's version of Adam but IF slobbing down another man is the reason CE bolted then that sucks. And IF CE was soo unhappy/opposed to his character's story then its best he did leave. But damn that's effing stupid career wise to bolt now, hell suck it up until your contract is up. However, NP's version of what happened could be way off. Whose to say CE did walk out really? They got the recast in there real damn fast. Smells fishy to me for several reasons. Good juicy backstage drama though. :D

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