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Y&R: Week of May 18, 2009

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This couple does intimacy...emotional and physical...beautifully.

Flip flopping would QUICKLY break me of my affection. Nick needs to COMMIT. If today did not signal a genuine commitment, and Nick doesn't TRY to do the honest, right think from this point forward, then I'll want both women free of him.

Yes, I could buy this. If Phyllis gives him his three chances or whatever, and then she realizes he will always be like this and she deserves better...THEN I am fine with the breakup. For now, though, I like that both members of the dyad seem to be trying.

Good d*mn thing! This is a business. The Bells may be minority owners at this point, but the recent past showed that the Bells need to have managerial control and rule with an iron fist. MAB is fine -- by dint of her last name -- to play this role.

Oh, balderdash. Unless there is a LICK of evidence of this from ANY source, this kind of speculation makes no sense. Why would ANYONE put themselves through the effort of penning a show if she didn't want to be there. Especially MAB. She doesn't need the money, acclaim, nothing.

And it is equally balderdash that she'd do this as a "good wife" to Bill Jr. As a 'good wife', she'll do his Christmas cards. Not run the family freakin' mothership.

Someone at Usenet says Houghton is done with daytime. It is alleged that he's decided to "retire" from daytime in order to pursue other creative outlets.

I was surprised how briefly Houghton lasted at B&B.

MAB's doing fine, the show is creatively strong now. There is plenty of evidence (critical support, general fan satisfaction on many message boards, ratings momentum in the gain direction).

The first part is valid...it's a biased negative opinion, but we're all allowed to have our biases. I happily claim mine.

I do find the idea of sending in another poster with the explicit goal of attacking another to be ... mind-boggling.

In concur with alphanguy74 that Y&R has gone through previous periods much weaker than this. Moroever, even that construction honors the biased opinion that Y&R is presently "weak"---which it is not.

(I know...discount me as some starry-eyed fanboi. But again, I can show you predominantly positive EVIDENCE from message board opinion, critical opinion and ratings success. So, even if you discount me, you cannot discount the data. But you will :lol: )

Yawn re: psychos.

With regard to the violent suggestion above (and no I can't laugh at it--any more than I could laugh at the proposal for clitorectomys or breast removals or cutting noses off)...I have a feeling some of the anti-Nick&Phyllis brigade also would have hated Thirtysomething. That, like Phick, was an exploration of coupledom that was often talky or about mood. It was about how couples related together, often without a huge plot.

That's why I like this couple. They are a flawed pair, trying to do the best, often making mistakes...but still drawn together magnetically in powerful ways that they communicate to the audience.

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and the


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Happy now, Alvin? :D

Not your post, Sylph.

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Did Curlee ever manage to pen a #1 soap? Did she positively influence the ranking of her soap during her tenure? I'm not being provocative here. I'm genuinely interested. Did she improve the commercial success of her soap during her tenure? I'm asking beyond her apparent writing excellence.

To persist in the face of unrealistic expections...I don't know...do you feel that is the healthiest course?

We have NO IDEA who she is paying attention to, or what the internal pitch process is.

Of course, I do blame the chipmunk entirely on Sheffer :). That seems to sync with his slightly warped sense of humor :). It was fine for a day, but it should not have come to represent Kevin's inner demons.

I think they're INSISTING on being color blind here.

Brad Bell said he would never address his interracial pairing (from a color/culture perspective). I think there is some attempt to make a social statement here.

Amen :lol: .



It doesn't take much.

For some, he's already Richard "Holy Ghost" Backus.

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