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The Vampire Diaries: Discussion Thread

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I ended up never watching season 2, but I'm committed to jumping back in now. I have this bad habit of never sticking with shows even when I enjoy them...ugh. Hopefully that changes this season.

I wasn't feeling Damon last night either, and I usually love him. I just get tired of being hit over the head with all the "poor Damon, look at how lonely he is!" stuff. I thought they'd have been through with that after two seasons, but I guess not.

My mind was stuck more on poor Alaric...he's not leaving town, is he? The show needs him, IMO.

GOD YES. Totally agreed on all counts. I did watch some here and there stuff last season, and I wasn't TOO sold on Tyler/Caroline but jeez, they went and did the damn thing last night! Caroline is probably my favorite character when she just lets it all go and doesn't give a sh!t. That vampire/werewolf sex was HOT.

I really really wanted highMatt to make a move on him in the "stoner den" and then drunkMatt to make a move on him in the car. Steven R gets better every season, lookswise as well as acting.

So yeah, looks like I'm back for the time being. Can't wait to see what happens this season, but I have so many questions about season 2 happenings.

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AMS, I know you don't need me to say this but you really missed SOOO much last season--and it was a terrific season of TV besides that. Lots of the details of the convulated storyline you probably don't need to know anymore as they were resolved in the season--though I do think it helps with getting Damon's current state a bit more (or at least finding it a bit more appealing).

And yeah at this point I think Steve McQueen is starting to out-look his grandpa I think...

Alarc is set to be a major player this year so he'll be around--that said I think it was premature for him to already leave their house after just saying he'd stay there at the finale...

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Okay, here are some questions I have:

Who exactly is Klaus and what's his role? I did see some of the stuff from his introduction and how he's supposed to be like this big bad vampire who controls other vampires, but now he and Stefan are just hanging out somewhere in the middle of nowhere? And how exactly did that happen? Basically, how did we get to the point where Stefan is this evil character?

What's the deal with Jeremy/Bonnie? Is Bonnie still on the show, and are she and Jeremy still together?

Who killed Jenna? Or did she drown in liquor...

I'm sure I have more, but those are the ones that come to me now.

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Claus is a Vampire/Werewolf hybrid. He killed Jenna. He turned her into a vampire and sacrificed her, then he sacrificed a werewolf and killed Elena. Elena came back to life because her father (John) did some hocus pocus (Bonnie) and bound her life to his, so she would come back. John dies, Elena came back to life. The sacrifice is what allowed Claus to become a hybrid.

Damon was bit by Tyler, so he was dying. Stephen saved by offering himself to Claus. Claus gave Katherine his blood which saved Damon and now Stephen is a ripper helping Claus to create a race of vamp/wold hybrids.

Jeremy died. Bonnie brought him back using the power of the 100 witches. Now Jeremy sees dead people including Vikki. Bonnie and Jeremy are together.

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Julia pretty much answered, but ill add some...

Klaud took over Alarics body and is a big bad, He wanted to become a hybrid vamp/werewolf and to do so had to perform a sacrifice. it involved a vampire, a witch, and a wolf or something long those lines, he turned Jenna into a vampire to kill her for it. Elena came back because as Julia said she was bound to John. He is no aware that elena isnt dead because it didnt quite work correctly. Also, as julia said, tyler bit damon and klaus saved him in exchange for stefans services, and stefan has reverted to his bad self, the ripper. Some of this might be a little wrong, but thats the basics pretty much

jeremy was killed - again - and bonnie brought him back. this caused him to see his two dead exes, and so far nobody else. Bonnie and he are still dating, but shes out of town and he is keeping this from her.

I miss jenna, and her drinking.

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Bad Stefan. :lol: He's actually kind of ok at it!

Damon & Elena: sweet jesus they are so hot together. Not all couples getting it on offscreen translate the chemistry onscreen, but these two do.

Nice to see toothy Vicky again. She is actually a really tragic figure. I hope she returns again.

Steven McQueen and Zach Roerig are so beautiful but I really feel they are an afterthought with the show.

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Though they are my favourites, McQueen, then Reorig, in the attractive department, ALL the main men are fine as hell. Tyler, Damon, Stefan, Klaus and Ric. And if they would have kept on Sean Faris and Stephen Amell, holy hell, I don't know how I could physically deal. LoL

As for the show, it still has yet to disappoint.

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