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Y&R: Week of May 11, 2009

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On the gripes people have with Y&R: There are some things that are mediocre on the show, yes. Like Clementine Ford as Mackenzie, almost anything about the Winters clan save Nia Peeples acting, and the whole chipmunk thing where they could have had Tom Fisher back for a few eps but decided not to and the "oh hey, where's Kevin's residual psychological problems and are they gonna do something with Jana's headaches" feel after the conclusion of said storyline. But overall it's good, it's fun, it's entertaining. Even that stupid friggin' chipmunk thing provided us some laughs, even if it was more of a "laughing at" than "laughing with" type of thing. When people complain about this show, it just comes off a bit fickle.

I'm just glad I have a soap where I can sit back, relax and watch without having anything that's glaringly awful (save the chipmunk) screaming at me to change the channel.

People should be thankful that, in this day and age of soapdom, this show is as good as it's been. It could be much, much worse. It could be like Days Of Our Lives, where nothing ever really goes anywhere and things are the same from the beginning of build until right before where the payoff should be but there's no payoff because they have no ability to make anything mean anything and Salem's just a place where no one really means anything, nothing matters and the show is a vapid, black hole of irrelevance and suck that saps your soul out and because after watching days your soul ain't of the quality that satan would want.............. *breaaaaaaathes* ....... so he feeds it to Cerebus the three headed hound from hell who then proceeds to throw it up all over one of the soul torture pits because days poisoned our soul which in turn poisoned the dog's stomach which is odd considering his stomach consists of acid and bile and sin.

Er, yah. Anyways..

So, hopefully y'all get what I'm saying. :P

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