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I saw this on Youtube tonight. I don't think it's been around before - not 100%. I think it may be from the week of April 2-6 but I'm not sure. Just a very short clip.

(I do not like the Blaine recast at all)

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Edited by DRW50
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Really too bad that the AWHP does not (yet?) have daily synopses for this period for more precise dating. You're very likely correct but it could be the week before where it mentions Blaine angry about Jamie being in charge or the week after depending on how many days elapse before Cecile goes to New York.

Maybe my expectations were low but I didn't mind Judy Dewey here as angry Blaine. I will admit I did try to picture Laura Malone and she was better.

Thanks. Always hoping for more from this period.

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You're right; AWHP mentioned to me it may be the week before too. 

I just miss that vulnerability in Blaine alongside the fire - there's not much here beyond generic business bickering.

I hadn't looked on Youtube for any 'new' AW this week so was pleasantly surprised something showed up. Finding those treats is the best part of being a soap fan.

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I was disappointed that the conversation didn't get into what Blaine's beef with Cecile was -- I assume it was personal rather than professional -- and maybe also more subtext regarding whether Jamie reveled in the power position or if he was more doing it because it was his duty in Mac's absence.

This was really not long after Mac was lost in the Canadian wilderness. I had not remembered that he had also had a stroke.

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By 85 Blaine was one of the longest running characters on the show, which could be attributed to Laura Malone's portrayal. Marrying her off to Sandy wasn't the best choice storywise and once she was recast, the character was over.

Maybe kill off Sandy, leaving a hole in Mac's life, and keep Blaine on (played by Laura)?

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I've always said Carmen Duncan never got the attention she deserved. She was fantastic as Iris and should have won the Emmy for the chief reveal/Mac's death. It's a shame later on that execs and writer didn't give her the material she richly deserved.

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Caught a bit of All the President's Men on TCM just now and thought that a man Dustin Hoffman was talking to on a park bench looked very familiar. I imagined him with glasses and recognized him as George Pentecost who played Tony the Tuna. When I was looking up the cast list to confirm it was him I noticed a few other AW-related actors: Nicolas Coster, Sloane Shelton, Dominic Chianese. 


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Thanks! I liked Alla as Jenna and I think it was a good decision to have someone in the position of daughter to feel displaced when they found biological daughter Lorna. I don't know whether they intended to give Felicia a bio-daughter storyline as early as when Lisa was on the canvas, or whether Lisa would have turned out to be Felicia’s daughter instead of her niece, but I think the timing worked out well and it was good to have multiple angles for the conflict to play out.

I wasn't crazy about Dean at the time but watching scenes with them now I find them appealing together.

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