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LOL, OMG Paulina and notVicky facing off in a bridal shop.

notVicky: See, I really thought Grant had taste... but you know, with some guys, they see trash and it turns them on.

Paulina: You'd better go home, Vicky. You're obviously frustrated because you can't find a wedding dress that'll work miracles and make you look virginal.

notVicky: Now listen here, you little slut. I don't know why Jake married you or why Grant puts up with you. All I know is that you can't stand me because I stand for everything you're never gonna have.

Deck her, Paulina!

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Must be my mistake, sheilaforever. I guess I still have that Jossip rumor involving RPG and Rick Hearst stuck in my sub-conscious!

CarlD, AW must have known what a gem they had in Heche and the critical and fan acclaim for her, hence the big send-off. I continue to marvel at this woman's talent (even in crap movies, she's stands out). What I find most impressive is how she, a victim of atrocious sexual and physical abuse by her father, managed to portray a woman like Vicky who luxuriates and glows with desire for Ryan. Her performance was so visceral and complete, and she really conveyed those emotional, romantic, swept-away moments. Come to think about it, portraying repressed Marley, especially after the rape, must have hit close to home. I guess taking on another person's skin must have been her therapy. Whatever it was, she really impresses me.

Edited by Cat
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LOL! Although the roomates thing is probably just that - roomies (CLB seems to prefer small, shifty-eyed younger dudes!). I think what threw me off is RPG's preference for eyeliner during his Dean Frame days.

I think I know what it is about Frankie that bothers me -- or perhaps the writing for Frankie. Or perhaps even the actress, Alice Barett. I think it's because she is not nearly as funny as she seems to think she is. Most of her stuff is played for kooky laughs but I don't think I have laughed once at any of her shtick. It's all a little heavy-handed. It is a real contrast with Cass and Felicia's urbane wit, Iris's fabulously bitchy asides and Donna's feather-light delusions/self-deprecation.

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That was what was so great about the show in it's heyday! There was enough variety to go around! So if you didn't like Frankie's brand of humor.. you always had Rachel, Felicia, Cass, Donna, Ada, Iris and even Rachel sometimes(especially with her deadpan way of delivering lines).

Nowadays, character's seem to be interchangeable and that's one of the downfall's of soaps (lack of variety).

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That's true about the variety of humor AW had back then. The characters are generally surprisingly complex.

Anne Heche's last episode. That last scene is very moving, as it becomes more and more clear that the show is saying goodbye to Anne, not to Vicky. No wonder she's so choked up. I also love that they let her Vicky and Marley both leave on a happy note. That was a nice tribute to her.

Seeing what they did to Kathleen and Cass is so depressing.

This episode also has some very bizarre scenes with Iris in black workout gear, vamping for Amanda's hot piece of a$$ boyfriend. I had forgotten that this role was initially played by Bill Shanks. He went from Casey Peretti to a brief recurring role on AW? Kind of a step down. Anyway, I think they did these scenes just so they could get this hunk barely-dressed...


Edited by CarlD2
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I love Carmen Duncan, even in that random work-out gear. Her voice, her entire demeanour is exquisite!

So, is this the last day we can watch AW episodes in full? :( I am so sad. And SO addicted. I love the variety on this show and how the friendships and rivalries are as important as the romances. Sure, I could stand to see a little less of John and Frankie. But that is a small complaint on a canvas as rich and full as 1991 Another World.

Currently in December 91. Jake just did THE most abominable thing. And Vicky threw Marley a baby shower. How funny that I like Jensen Buchanan in scenes with herself as Vicky/Marley or with Anna Stuart and groups of other women. But when she's with Mark Pinter or Paul Michael Valley, it just does not chime as well for me.

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Is it? I thought they ended on October 21, but I'm not sure.

I'm still back in July. I think I'm going to try to move forward by skipping a lot of the town hand-wringing over Frankie and the stupid stuff about Taylor. I don't know who came up with the scenes of John and Sharlene breaking into her place in their black thief clothes, but...really odd.

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I admit, I skipped over a lot of July and August because the Taylor stuf draaaaagged. I jumped right into early September and really do not regret it. SLs seemed to renew and pick up steam.

Awesome, awesome episode, including a great scene between Jake and Marley. This character Jake... one minute I hate him, the next I feel sorry for him. It's been a while since I have gotten so invested in a show.


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Can anyone tell me who the older woman is in this episode, talking to John and Sharlene? I know I've seen her before, I just can't think of where.


This new Sam looks like he's always going to cry.

Cass and Frankie both come across horribly in this storyline with Kathleen. Cass berates Felicia solely because she dares to criticize Frankie's precious nephew, and Frankie, who is supposed to be empathetic and so in touch with everyone and on and on, is very bitter and callous, dismissing Kathleen's struggles and putting countless lives at risk because she needs her husband back. She doesn't even know that her beloved nephew was almost killed because of any of this.

All the scenes with Jake/Olivia have so much chemistry.

Alla Korot as Jenna manages to give some life to the usual mixed-up ingenue. She seems more real. For all the years Josie was on the show it was hard for me to see her beyond plastic princess.

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Hulu.com says October 21st. Someone at another board posted and said they were going to be removed at the end of September and I am not shocked in the least they were wrong. I am trying to get as many as possible downloaded using Firefox Download helper.

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