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JFP's attempts to distance herself from the Fax Newman storyline make no sense to me because she loved storylines where women are brutalised and humiliated. She did these stories on every one of her soap tenures. At her tenure on YR (her last one I believe), she again told a rape story, but this time the character was going to lie about it. The outrage was so immense that it was quickly rewritten. I can't think of a more misogynist producer, but I suppose there must be as the soap world is full of misogyny. Rauch probably is up there especially with his bts behaviour.

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She was always very good at passing the buck, helped by a soap press who adored her. Unlike future soap personnel who benefited from this treatment, she at least had talent, but that was gone by the time she joined AW.

I'm honestly not sure she did one good thing at AW

I did like Chris Madison. That may be it.

Edited by DRW50
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It's good to remind ourselves in these discussions, which are totally on point, that before this time NBC itself as a network not only promoted violence against women as a worthy goal but insisted on its inclusion. Specific AW example, probably the single most egregious, is that NBC insisted that Donna Swajeski rewrite the confrontation between Marley saying she wanted a divorce from Jake & his insisting that she loved him. In the original, Jake did not rape Marley & Swajeski was of the opinion that it's not something Jake would have done, ever. I'm sure they had a helluva an argument & that he pushed, possibly even tried to get her to have sex with him, but did not rape her. NBC insisted that she change it & have Jake rape Marley. They fought over it. She said they forced her. She also said she resolved at that moment that as soon as her contract came up she was quitting - and she did. 

ABC, there are some who insist that the head of ABC Daytime mandated that Luke rape Laura. 

Okay, her chronology, I believe was GH/Music, Santa Barbara/? promoted to EP, GL, AW, OLTL, Hollywood Heights?, GH, Y&R ... did I miss one? At any rate, my question is this. If in fact she had some natural talent, and you suggest it was gone that early in her trajectory, what happened to it? Why did she lose it? 

I loved Rita Madison. Chris was such a good friend to Jake.

I've pointed many times to the example of Christine Tucci & Paul Michael Valley. On one of her first work days at AW she fired 3 people. Tucci was one of them. At that time she & PMV were a romantic couple IRL. He was furious. He claimed he wanted to quit. She said fine & not only that but she'd kill off his character. I have always said a good EP would have waited 3-5 days during which time he'd have cooled off some & no longer have wanted to quit. A good EP would have facilitated that. Jill instead make it worse & killed off Vicky's best romantic fictional coupling. And, Carl's only child. 

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Speaking of Carl's children, as far as I know Perry was never discussed in the Ryan era and Carl never blamed Victoria for Perry's death even though she was arguing with him when he fell. 

I was recently watching a scene where Victoria and Ryan argue about her attraction to Grant and he breaks up with her because (I guess?) she won't promise never to impulsively sleep with Grant without intending to be unfaithful to Ryan. This was of course Jensen ... did Vicky start working for Grant when Anne Heche played her or was it all Jensen?

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This is something I always wonder about- Vicky was arguing with Perry when he fell from the hayloft.  This never was addressed after the fact.  After Ryan died, they could have had Carl indirectly blame Vicky for the deaths of both Perry and Ryan.  If they had not done that Bobby Reno/Shane Roberts story with the character receiving Ryan's corneas, they could have done a story where Ryan's death was faked, and he was placed in a witness protection program.  Clearly, Paul Michael Valley was open to returning to the show in the ghost story.

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Yes, Anne Heche was playing Vicky when she first went to work for Grant (then Dack Rambo). Cali Timmins was also playing Paulina at the time she started her affair with Grant. All three were recast mid-story. 

I would have loved to see Anne and Cali square off in a rivalry. I bet they'd be great!

Edited by Melroser
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Thanks! I had gone back to read AWHP synopses for 1991 and the earliest mention of Victoria working for Grant makes it sound like it was a new thing in October, by which time all of the recasts had happened. Of course the synopses, especially the weekly ones, can't possibly mention everything.

I'll have to hunt to see if I can find any scenes with Anne Heche and Dack Rambo. 

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I took a look at the 1990 synopses (the AWHP includes daily which gives more detail) and what that shows is that Victoria was working for Cory Publishing as a journalist and interviewed him to try to find out about the mystery woman (Sharly) he was dating. And early on after Vicky met Ryan, before she knew he was Grant's brother, Ryan stormed over to her house to chew her out for publishing vile gossip about Grant. (I did find that episode online and it was very strange, for some reason although Vicky did write and submit her story, the newspaper article that got Ryan riled up was another column that cited Vicky as the source of the information.) 

Later in the year Vicky meets with Grant to try to get him to use his political influence to drop the charges in Jake's shooting against Marley.

I didn't manage to find any scenes between Anne Heche and Dack Rambo online. You're probably right and although they did interact, maybe it wasn't until after all the recasts that Vicky went to work for Grant's campaign. I don't know if age was a factor but the gap between Heche and Rambo was certainly greater than the one between Buchanan and Pinter.

I liked Dack Rambo as Grant very much. His was a softer portrayal. In my memories of Pinter he is always tense and controlling. 

I had forgotten that Grant was originally engaged to someone else when he started seeing Sharly.  

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Came across these scenes between Sally (Mary Page Keller) and Julia (Faith Ford). The second scene must be from early July 1983 because Sally just came home from a date chez Peter that was interrupted by the first appearance of Nicole (Kim Morgan Greene). Julia and Gil had been to Chicago to see Leo Mars perform. The first scene must actually be later, probably early-ish in 1984 since Sally is apparently engaged to David and trying to figure out how to protect Kevin. I do like the fact that Sally is not really deluding herself about being in love with David -- she knows that her motivation is Kevin.

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Dack Rambo and Anna Holbrook had so much chemistry. The Sharly/Sharlene storyline was one of my faves, and I especially when Taylor was involved.  It's a shame what Rambo went through and how he died within a few years of leaving the show. Such a talented actor, and so good as Grant. 

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I liked Anna Holbrook as Sharlene with everyone. She grounded so much that could have been unconvincing. I liked her with Rambo (although I wanted Sharlene to stay with John) but I also liked his Grant with Cali Timmins' Paulina. In a way I am glad that Paulina was recast before her story with Jake became a love match. I enjoyed Cali Timmins when she still hated Jake and did her best to push back against him and I am not so sure I would have enjoyed the transition from hate to love. 

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