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I always blended the hospital plug-pullings in with Fax Newman so I was surprised to realize (looking back) that Andrew (who was Courtney's ex boyfriend) was the killer instead of Fax. Maybe he doesn't fit the profile of a serial killer because his motive seems to have been to frame Morgan more than anything. He seems to have killed two people in January 1996 and then Bridget in February before he died, so only 3 victims in total.


Fax Newman killed Courtney Evans. Andrew Miller raped her and harassed her and Morgan. Andrew was trying to kill Courtney when he fell to his death. 

I think maybe Fax Newman also killed three people -- Blair, Courtney, and Frankie? And may have attempted Josie and Lorna? They all seem like very different types and it's hard to think of what his deal was. But I didn't find the Sin Stalker's pathology very coherent either. 


Edited by Xanthe
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I thought MDP originated both killers. 

It is about this time that I think about Jill & start laughing. At one point, on the Locher Room she decided to finally acknowledge that she'd been wrong to have killed Maureen Bauer on GL .But, she stated that Frankie Frame was not on her. She said there was a name she could say but she wasn't going to name names. 

I felt sure she meant MDP but I tucked it away in my brain that Jill had a tiny bit of nobility in her. 3 weeks goes by & I hear her on the computer, the Locher Room again, and I clearly hear her say, "It was the Writer! It wasn't me!" She said this quite loudly & emphatically & repeated it 3 times. 

I had to grab onto something FAST because I was laughing so hard.  So much for not naming anyone else's name. 

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That's an interesting perspective.  But I honestly believe serial killer plots (if written well) are very well suited to daytime drama.   The problem, in my opinion, is that they are seldom written well, and often terribly written. The compelling thing about a serial killer is the truth of it all -- the simplicity. All serial killers murder for one reason -- a psycho-sexual compulsion.  Nothing more, nothing less.  They don't murder for revenge, for money, for love or hate, or because somebody is trailing them.  Also, there is a fairly narrow profile of likely serial killers. But soap operas almost always go well beyond that profile, when the killer is finally revealed.   If soap opera writers would do even one-hour of research before beginning a serial killer plot, the result could be Emmy worthy.   Sadly, that doesn't seem to have happened yet.   

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I would argue that there have been so many types of serial murder stories on soaps that it is impossible to lump them into a single category. 

For example, the Sin Stalker was told as a device to solidify Lisa and Jamie as a couple, and explore her backstory.  The Loving Murders was more about the pathology of killers.  Then, we had stories like The Clown Puppet murders on EON, which was before Ted Bundy and all we learned about serial killers, and was more about solving an interconnection between crimes. 

Because we are a specific niche of fan, we often view serial killer stories as a means to cull a large cast.  But, the average casual viewer may be attracted to a plot just based on what they see on screen and the melodrama it imparts.  So, for many of us, it is inextricable to read Fax Newman and not associate it with production and the firing of actresses.  However, I still think there is a way of separating the entertainment value of the plot from the assumptive (and often reductive) ideas about backstage events. 

Edited by j swift
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Well, I think what you're talking about is in fact something that soap fans do all the time. They seem to be at ease with discussing soap events in more than one way. One way obviously includes the BTS perspective. The other way is all about the fictional characters & things that happen in their fictional days. 

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The writing for Courteney Evans was just so appalling. Someone at NBC loved the rape and/or murder storylines with the female characters. I also confused the initial serial killer (pulling the plug) with Fax's murders. I think I blocked it out as I hated both. JFP loves taking credit for stuff, but then passes the buck when it comes to the disasters. Killing off Bridget?? Is she going to use her "I was already out the door" excuse on that one? I have no doubt that Alice Barrett was written off for financial reasons, but if JFP had not wasted so much money on that idiotic ER knockoff set, it might not have happened--something Linda Dano mentioned in an article at the time.

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And, that million dollar block set comprised of a downtown area with 4 things & only 4 things - the hospital, the cop shop, Carlino's restaurant & the newspaper. So, from that moment on most stories had to take place at one of those spots. How appalling for the sets to dictate story content! 

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I'm sure you recall the stunt AW pulled with Brittney's trial. Audience members were the jury. They only heard testimony, no exhibits. Last year in my forum I came up with a video that clearly showed it was in self defense that Britnney shot Peter. I hollered at "Raven" or Brittney, Sharon Rose Gabet & she always comes to my forum the instant I tag her. She was ELATED. Said it proved what she had claimed all along! 

On Facebook she is very active in EON fandom. My group is all purpose, all soaps, so she doesn't live with us, just visits us. 

A slightly different take. Keith was fine but for my money Nancy Frangione was the end all & be all of Cecile. Sorry. Vive la difference!

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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Which is b.s. we all know that JFP ran (or attempted to) the writers rooms on her shows. That is why she was so glad to get rid of Nancy Curlee ("Now we can do things MY way.") who would put up a fight. Even Curlee couldnt fight back on Maureen, that was ALL JFP.

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Totally true. Curlee's vision of what she wished she could have done with Mo is heartbreaking. Imagine: we see the wrecked car & the camera pans up till we see Roger holding Maureen  up. He drives her to a motel. Will come back later with a plan. The whole time she us crying and shaking, saying got to get away.


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