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"The show's family base is also being better emphasized. Besides the Corys and Ewings, the Matthews family is somewhat better represented now that Liz (Irene Dailey) has moved into the home of her deceased brother-in-law, Jim (Hugh Marlow, who died last year). Her devotion to her adoptive grand-niece Sally (Dawn Benz) and granddaughter Julia (Kyra Sedgwick) has become an essential part of both girls' "young love" stories. New characters, like brother and sister Peter and Donna Love (John Hutton and Anna Stuart) are carefully interwoven with established characters, i.e., Peter's romance with Sally. And bravo to whoever decided to remove Liz from her tired status as pain-in-the-neck-in-law. She's still written as an opinionated lady, but her days as a flighty busybody are over."

This was largely true until 1989 or so, around the time that the truth came out about Josie being Russ's daughter and she returned to "pain in the neck in law" status. Regardless of circumstance or other connections, Liz was always passionately devoted to anyone with Matthews blood . Her mistreatment of Josie, Frame heritage or not, was baffling, cartoonish, and pretty out of character. Fortunately, Liz was somewhat redeemed in her final months given her sensitivity toward Dennis in the wake of Olivia's departure. I love watching Dailey's 1987-1988 scenes. The character's loneliness was palpable and Dailey, consummate professional she was, had great chemistry with all she interacted with (Mac, Rachel, Ada, Amanda, Matthew, Cass, Nicole, even Sharlene and Loretta). Ironically, the "return" of the Matthews family (i.e. Russ and Olivia) in 1989 resulted in a sharp decline for the character.

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I liked her relationship with Olivia but felt like it was so rarely shown. I remember a scene where Olivia basically just wanted her out of the way, and Liz was very hurt and tried to cover, and Olivia realized. It was a nice moment between them. I wish the show had done more with Allison Hossack.

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Watching some of the St. Croix climax again, and what led up to it (what is available, anyway), I notice that Mitch was an active part of Janice's plan to kill Mitch, and even encouraged it, to a point, when she was initially unsure. Only at the end did he seem to want her to get help and to stop poisoning Mac. Did the show initially plan to write out both Mitch and Janice, but Espy's popularity caused them to redeem Mitch at the last minute?

How soon did they plan to turn Janice so crazy? The Janice of the 1979 material is scheming and mercurial but she's not evil.

Christine Jones is so luminous and chilling in her performances. Even at the end, when Janice is at her most destroyed, she just looks sensational and you are hooked on her. I really wonder why the show didn't consider keeping her around.

I always like the image of Rachel having to save the day, no one else being able. Good luck seeing that on a soap now.

That whole scene is so homoerotic, especially when Janice says she doesn't want Mac anymore, as she goes toward Rachel. I know she probably meant Mitch, but still...

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I recall that Bill Espy only signed on for a year? Can someone verify this?

Maybe the original plan was for him to be the villian,but when he agreed to continue,things were changed.

Didn't Mitch disappear for a few months (when his contract was up) after Rachel 'murdered' him?

This is when Mike Bauer came to Bay City.mike+bauer-bill+matthews.jpg

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Not that anyone gives a hoot or that it's any great chapter in Carole Shelley's career, but after not being too crazy about her work as temp Iris in most of the scenes I'd seen her in, there were a few, from before Iris was exposed as hiring Phillip to seduce Cecile (most of that seems unavailable, sadly), that really impressed me. Some flirtatious and romantic scenes with Brian, and a wonderful faceoff with Rachel which went from Iris trying for a truce to going for Rachel's throat (verbally). Carole brought a much more relaxed and genteel vibe to the scenes than Beverlee, who was pure ice waiting to be cracked. She also seemed to finally get Iris' accent, after spending a number of other scenes auditioning for Scarlett. It was quite a performance and while I love Carmen Duncan as Iris, I wish they'd considered asking Carole Shelley back at some point, perhaps after Carmen left. Then again, Michael Malone/NBC told us that viewers couldn't see Iris because she was too old, so who am I to disagree?

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AWHP says winter/spring 1980. I thought she was there when Kirk took Iris hostage, but I guess that was Beverlee, as she was in some of the shots. But some of them also look like Carole. Odd. From the clips I've seen she was there when they found out for the aftermath of Janice poisoning Mac/Rachel killing Janice, and she was there when everyone found out about Iris' plans against Cecile.

I was going to ask what was going on with Joey Perrini's love life. He was very in love with Eileen for much of 1979, and married her before she died. Yet, by early 1980, there is a brief scene of Sally Frame saying that she is his fiancee? From what I'd read, he blamed her for Eileen's suffering (I'm not sure why). How did that become engagement? And then, by what is, I assume, summer 1980, he's married to Kit? What was the rush with all this?

Also, what did you think of Angie, and what was her exit? Joey seemed to linger on the canvas a while after she and Rose were gone.

Edited by CarlD2
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Carl, are you talking about when Jeff Stone took Iris and Vivian hostage in December 1979? Jeff was the killer of Kirk Lafferty. Beverlee McKinsey played all of those scenes.

Carole Shelley appeared as Iris in February and March 1980. She taped 18 episodes for Beverlee McKinsey, who had fallen and broken her collarbone. In the story, Iris eventually left Bay City on a trip to Europe, since Carole Shelley had a contract to do a play. When the character returned to set up the Texas series, Iris was played by McKinsey again.

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Yes, I meant Jeff. Thanks. For some reason I thought it looked like Carole in some of the shots. I am glad to know otherwise.

Well it seems like Carole got to play some very meaty material. I think she was better at the quieter moments than the hysteria. I'm sorry she didn't get another role on AW later on.

How long was Beverlee's last stint to the time she went to Texas?

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I had a few other questions.

Did they have any real plans for Frank Lansing, plans that were scuppered when they managed to hire William Gray Espy, or was he just there to fill time? It seemed to me that the story about his memories of Vietnam and the child he left behind (I don't know if she was his or just someone he knew) could have fit into the regular story. In the clips he just seemed to vanish after Rachel didn't want a serious relationship - I think she said he'd moved out. While I didn't exactly care for him with Rachel, he was at least different to most of the other men on the show at the time.

Why did they kill off Charlie Hobson? He and Ada work so well together and I like the idea of Clarice having a father on the canvas. Was this some ageism issue or did the actor want out?

What did you think of Cecile becoming a bitch? Did this happen quickly or was it gradual?

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I remember when Carol temporary played the role of Iris. She defenietly had the voice exactly as Bev's but I thought she was too old for the role. In fact, she is not that far in age behind Doug Watson (mack cory). Actually, Bev Mckinsey was also pretty close in age to Watson as well.

If you recall, Bev used to use a pencil to make a phone call to push the buttons so it would not ruin her nails. Carol Shelly did the same while playing the role. She acted quite much like Bev but she def was much older I think and did not see believable as Macks daughter. Almost more like a sister.

When they hired Carmen to take over as Iris, they bought back a much younger actress. Think about it, in 1989, if Carol or even Bev for that matter came back to play Iris, they would have aged so much by then. Iris was always supposed to be around Rachels age. Carmen was in real life and Iris too. Dont get me wrong! If Bev came back as Iris, it would have been amazing but the storyline def would have been much different as Bev was a socialite and Carmen was a business woman

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