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ATWT: April discussion

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As someone pointed out...it's a new month...new thread (a couple of days late).

Strong eppy for a Monday. Yes, the Paul/Meg story still sucks.

But I felt some progress in the Carly story. First, it's clear Carly's not comfortable dating Craig. She lied and tried to make it all about Sage, but Craig saw through it. Second, Jack is clearly concerned about her sudden change in behavior, and it's not sitting well with Janet (who clearly doesn't want to dwell on Carly or Jack's concern for her---she even blithely suggests and intervention---for him). Third, Craig is completely oblivious to Carly's drinking. She used to choke down shots of vodka with him, now she's chugging back tumblers of the stuff and making sure he remembers to bring the bottle with him when he comes to her bed. And in some ways, his drinking is as disturbing as hers.

I think TIIC are doing a fairly decent job of showing us Carly's slide down the road to "perdition".

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I never really hated Paul until very recently, and today solidified that hatred for me. I can't believe that he managed to get the baby away from Meg, and fool the social worker so well and so quickly.

Janet and Jack scenes tend to bore me, but once Carly and Craig showed up things got a little more interesting. Just a little.

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The Lucy/Dusty/Paul/Meg scenes were awful, but I'm liking Craig and Carly. Not that I usually don't, but I think the way they're handling their storyline is much better than the Lusty/Peg/whatever crap. And they're on FOUR days this week. ENOUGH already!

Oh, and Jack and Carly have a daughter named Sage. Nice of TPTB to remember.

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Shows like today's highlight why I dislike both Luke and Paul.

Luke throws a hissy-fit worthy of a 12 year old girl when he finds his mom in a room with a shirtless man. Yeah...I get that Damian is the Evil Borg King, supposedly. But instead of handling it like a young adult, Luke gets this whiny, pissy 'tude, accuses his mother of being under Damian's thumb, and storms off. (At least when Parker pulls this crap, he's only four years older than the proverbial 12 yr old girl.)

UGH...what to say about Paul. He's a vile, disgusting human being. I hate the convenient ducks being lined up in a row (a babysitter who's skipped town, a feeble Social Worker who buys this entire spiel without bothering to do any fact checking whatsoever) to give Paul the upper hand in a custody battle. I hate the fact Meg's only solution is to strip off her dress and offer to hump her ex. The only good thing (if you can call it that) is that I feel like I'm watching the genesis of the next James and Barbara. Although it's not nearly as compelling. If TIIC EVER try to reunite Paul and Meg after that---they're out of their friggin' minds.

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If I felt for a second there was a long term plan involved, then I think this is a fantastic idea! Unfortunately, I don't think it's a "genesis" for anything. I think it's all just completely written on the fly, with no planned beginning, middle, or end. Hell, there isn't even a direction!

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Oh, I never feel like stories have a direction either. But I've always thought that once Paul had a child, his insecurities should push him to be more like James.

I think they stumbled into it...but this Paul/Meg/Dusty story seems very James/Barbara/Gunnar-ish. All we need is Paul to give Meg hallucinogens and have her locked away...

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I pretty much agree with you. Luke is getting on my nerves. But i do wonder if it is Van's awful delivery. His actins is so bad. He is so over the top. I wish Luke would just go away.

Paul is pure satan.

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Yeah, "You're a bad monster." *sticks out tongue* ...I'm sorry, WTF was that? :huh:

I have to say the Zac/Noah kiss had me laughing my ass off. This has to be written as a joke, because the writers can't really believe we take this seriously... or do they?

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ICAM but I don't think either one of them (Luke/Van) will improve as long as the fan base continues to accept the storyline and the actor as they are now.

Paul is becoming his father's son, and Meg is getting exactly what she deserves because she was warned.

I don't think the twins are twins or even related. If they are related, then, they sure have that incest vibe going on. I think they are pretending to be twins for some nefarious reason which would make for a really good storyline if handled right. But alas, I don't think the writers have it in them to do a story arc that makes sense and that last longer than a few weeks.

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