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Y&R: Billy Miller / Liz Hendrickson

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And I could live without any of the four. There have been moments I have enjoyed each of them but overall I'm not impressed with any of them. The characters they play are one dimensional to me with no gray area, no reason for me to root for them or against them for that matter. They're there, I see them because I watch the show every day, but I've simply not seen anything that impresses me from any of them.

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I always loved the concept of Cane and Lily far more than the actual relationship. I loved the flirting, the sexual chemistry and there was a touch of innocence. When they finally put them together I wondered what all the hype was about because they quickly fizzled. Maybe it's the writing, maybe it's the limitations they each have as actors... dunno.

I use to hate Chloe on sight. Now I tolerate her, I even kinda sympathize with the character which is something I never thought I would do. I'm not getting all the hype about BM. He's a good actor and I do find myself sympathizing with Billy so I guess he's bringing depth to the character. I'm still not at the point where I'm rooting for him, but the funny thing is that I'm not rooting for Cane either and I sure as hell ain't rooting for Cane and Lily, nor am I rooting for Billy and Chloe. The scenes on Friday fell flat. They should have been emotionally charged and all I felt was boredom.

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I felt the same way as I was watching recently... the powers-that-be have finally gotten a younger set that really clicks well together. I agree that Billy Miller is a great addition as the rascal Abbott; he has great sibling chemistry with older brother Jack, and he's devilishly charming with the ladies. Chloe is an interesting character but she needs more heart and dimension... she was brought on as way too shallow and cold towards Esther.

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Billy Miller is fantastic.

Best Y&R recast ever next to Jess Walton (Sorry Peter Bergman!) - he's holding his own in every scene he's in and he's thrown into the heavy hitters battles: Jill, Jack, Victor and along side not so convincing younger actors (Goddard and Khalil) and makes them step it up. Billy Miller has added all lawyers to the character which itself would have have been much flatter like when David Tom played it...

Kudos and hopefully an Emmy to/for him! He's definitely a newcomer I ALWAYS look forward to seeing in each episode!

As for Hendrickson: Playing bad ass is always easier than being the bland one if you got some spunk of course to pull it off. The quality of an actor then is that he can show the depths of his characters (like Billy Miller these days) and that you are convincing and compelling when you get wallflower material. For instance Christel Khalil can do great (and if it weren't for more the more diva-nesque presence of the in-between Lily Davetta Sherwood I would rate her higher) in meaty scenes but just seems bland when she's not fully in demand and fails to ignite fire in actors who would need a strong opposite like Daniel Goddard. Going back to Li Hendrickson: I really love her in the role and think she has the guts for great things but so far the jury is still out and she's got to prove herself way more.

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I really was more of a Daveeta Sherwood fan in my interpretation she was the Lily I invisioned.

I just am such a fan of this story for some odd reason and CK Lily has "improved" for me.

I don't get the constant flaming or bashing of this actress when I see so many other mediocres

on soaps. I like her in this and I like this quad for some odd reason

I'm not a fan of quads and tri's because they are so overused. But I am liking

this story and I find "all four" actors bringing it in "for me"

I have liked CK's Lily more in this story with Cane/Billy/Chloe.

She's easing up on the valley girl verbiage/tone

and its working for me....As for Billy/Cane

I'm crazy about the both of them...I like them acting

off each other... I enjoyed Bllly / Sharon (and I've never been a huge Sharon fan)

scenes too.

this is one story that I tune in to see and wait to see again. This whole dynamic

of Jack/Nik/Sharon/Billy/Cane/Lilly its just all the stories are merging in great

stories being told.They all just blend in for me every story on the canvas pretty much

I am really digging Y/R right now...

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You make some interesting points. Let us also not forget that CK is growing up. She is recently married. Personally, I saw some of the same thing go on with Lauralee Bell (equally reviled, for similar reasons). As Lauralee grew up, her personal strength started to imbue the character with strength.

I think eventually CK will herself be a woman...and then Lily will become one too. As an audience, I think it is fine for us to sit back and watch that journey, knowing that maturation and the embracing of adulthood takes longer in some people than in others.

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^^ I agree with Cyberologist -- because I was not really a CK fan at all. And some of the Valleyisms still bug me. I don't think she will ever be a Y&R character that I can fully embrace. Mainly because of all the bad blood after Davetta Sherwood was fired.

But, credit's due where it is due, and Christel stepped up over the past week. Lily finally grew a pair! Billy Miller blew it away, though, and this his been "his" story to a large extent. I am most interested in his reaction to events, in what he is going to do. And those Billy/Sharon scenes were molten.

And while Daniel Goddard is not as comfortable as BM in his acting, I like him and I like Cane. I really think the writing for Cane has been lousy since his introduction (I still wait with baited breath to see what follows up from his "I'm in" phone call a few years ago). They need to pin down this character, ground him, give him realism, nuance, shading. They should ask Goddard to contribute his views on the character -- after all the guy is married IRL with a family and, apparently, a burgeoning photographer and homeless charity campaigner. Surely he has a few tenable ideas.

I do like that Cane's love for baby Cordelia may be turning into a single-minded obsession. I will be interested to see where this goes. For once, Cane has the upper hand on Billy in that regard. And of course, the Cane/Billy rivalry is one for the ages.

Hendricksen let me down a little this week. I don't know... I love Chloe. Any scene EH has with Kate Linder or Jess Walton, she shines. With Christel Khalil, she shines. With Michael Grazadei, she shines. With Daniel Goddard, there is major akwardness (as befitted the situation Cane and Chloe founnd themselves in) and with Billy Miller, there USED to be some sparky chemistry. But now I'm not seeing that so much any more. If Billy & Chloe are an end-game, they need to show them falling in love.

Also, last week was really the first time I saw how downright cruel Chloe's lie has been. She destroyed the lives of three people and didn't seem all that upset about it. While not a Cane and Lily fan, what Chloe did was wrong and there needs to be atonement on her part. Which is what Y&R does well -- gets characters to atone and then rebuilds them.

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Her chemistry with Billy was due more to the baby. I think in that regard Billy and Chloe have a lot of chemistry. As people bonding over the joy and wonder of a new life. I can see them being really close knit friends but sexually I just don't see it.

Billy and Lily on the other hand are like dynamite. Just oozing it every time they're together. Those scenes at the cabin before Chloe showed up were very well done and confirmed for me at least just how compatible the two of them are.

Cane on the other hand has no chemistry with anyone unfortunately.

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Hendrickson was wonderful with Eden on AMC. I enjoyed them alot but she is just not making the grade with Miller or Goddard, IMO. The "bonding over Delia" maybe it's there or just my blind hatred for Kate Valentine is making me discriminate against seeing the chemistry. I definitely agree with you that the sexual chemistry aint there between Billy and Kate.

Now, Billy and Lily my favorite flavor, they make me hit rewind more than once. I love the dynamic of the good girl/bad boy; it simply still works in Daytime. I love the fact that Billy still wants to be with Lily.

Cane and Amber worked. Cane and Heather, didn't. Maybe Cane and Tyra (even though I hate her too!).....

Interesting Cane confesses that Delia is his heart and Billy tells Lily that his heart is with her. Things that make you go hmmmm

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Billy is just scared out of his mind what being a real father would mean for him and his lifestyle. I mean he'd have to make major adjustments to make sure he was there for the baby and he realized that from the get go. So while he feels an attachment to the child he also recognizes that there will be a price for taking responsiblity.

So I do think the baby is in his heart but he just hasn't come to the terms with that fact yet. However him stepping up and claiming Delia is a great step in the right direction. And honestly I find his reaction to be the more realistic when compared to Cane. I'm not saying every guy would keep the truth hidden like he did but I'm sure most guys are scared to death when they find out that they're having a baby they didn't expect initially. Yet after a while they come to love the baby and do the things required of them.

I just remembered Cane and Amber...I sorta liked them together. However I like Amber even better with Daniel and if the writers go there I'm think she and Kevin will be SMOKING together.

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