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Those of you who say GL couldn't be saved...

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I hope you're eating your words, because it's rockin' it out of the park lately. Everyone's concerned about how long this glimmer will last, but people are raving and everything is falling into place, it proves that, given the effort, this show still has what it takes. I wanna wave my hands over my head and say...


anyone wanna join me?

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I have more hope than I had a month or two ago...but part of me is still waiting to see how TIIC completely ruin it. While yesterday's (Tuesday's) show was completely heartbreaking, and a tour de force for Justin Deas, there's still a lot wrong with the show.

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Yup. While the "Phillip's going to save Guiding Light" show has been good recently, they don't at all have the track record to have me think they will sustain it. I'm also curious to see what they will do with the story after this arc plays out.

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To be fair to us, up until recently, they have given us little proof that the show could be saved.

I do agree that a few week's worth of storyline is not the basis on which to determine that the show has been saved. However, I do have more hope than I did before the last few weeks. The Phillip/Coopers, Coop/Beth/Alan, Shayne/Dinah, and Natalia/Olivia stories have all been fascinating, but the rest of the show is in a bit of a mess. I think they not only need to follow-through on the massive potential of the good storylines (which, as others have said, is NOT something they have shown much aptitude for), but to also clean up the parts of the show that aren't working. If that means cutting some of the cast, then so be it.

I will say that some of the recent casting murmurings DO have me rather hopeful. I've decided I'm not going to sit around thinking "Oh, so when is the shoe about to drop: and just enjoy it while it lasts.

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i just don't think people who are so negative are watching the show. it's not just the coop story arc that is so good. olivia/natalia have been good for MONTHS now...shayne/dinah show great promise. yes, some things need fixed, however, geez, show me oen show that has this much going for it. which show is greatly better? GH with it's "fake" snow, AMC with the plot driven crap, and the terrible production values used for reese/bianca wedding, and greenlee's accident (which how it was filmed made this "dramatic" moment make me laugh out loud for several minutes etc.

again, to me, this show has been getting better and better for a few months now....and more great changes are coming...with michelle bauer and mindy coming back. the parts that are not working will be corrected soon. as soap fanss who have suffered so much...gosh..look at the mess that is days of our lives....i would like to see much more support for the genre and what guiding light has done and is doing. however, to each their own i guess...

whoever is running this show for the past few months...congrats...hats off...and keep up the good work....your show is the best stuff on all of TV right now....

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It's probably one of the best soaps on air at the moment, but as a longtime viewer I'm still skeptical that GL will carry through on what's happening now.

Don't get me wrong though, I'm hoping that our new HW Jill Lorie Hurst joins the ranks among Taggart, Culliton, and Curlee as those who really understood the show and brought it back to being a well written show about emotions, which what I've seen for the past few weeks.

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dan...yah...i know many enjoy Y&R. i must admit that i only catch a few scenes here and there. it does appear to have a lot of veterans and good solid character writing. however, the sets and no location shots i find hard after seeing guiding light. that was my point about how silly ryan looked looking for greenlee "outside" during their big story. when soaps try to do outdoor stuff indoor now...after guiding light...it does not hold up. now that we have great writing, i find that the new production model enhances the story instead of being the story. they work together now...Y&R has great sets etc. but to me at least, i love the realism of guiding light and i love the way the show looks. it's fun to watch and with good writing (the writing is key), i've grown to prefer guiding light over all the other shows. i must state that i for some reason have always preferred proctor and gamble soaps and probably am very partial to them. at any rate....isn't nice to see so much enthusiasm for guiding light? i'm thrilled for all of them...the actors/writers/producers. they've given me a much better 3 months than our poor another world had during it's last 3 months. i'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping guiding light could be on to something....to help the genre save money and still be able to produce and write good, creative, character driven drama.

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I'm not really sure what you mean. No matter how good the show may be right now, it doesn't erase the fact that it was pretty bad for a long time, and I don't think it had to be that bad in order for it to be good now.

Shouldn't the writers/actors etc. always be making the same amount of effort, do their best to make the show watchable?

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we have had a new writing team for months now and it is rumored that jill lorie hurst is really calling the shots and it shows. the actors have always done a great job (veterans) on this show. a few of the young ones were less than stellar..however, imo as a whole, guiding light's actors are pretty top notch.

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I don't really think quality is going to save this show...... the ratings aren't inching up are they? I still think its an inevitable outcome that the show will not be on the air this time next year......... I hope I can be proven wrong for the sake of the show's fans and the storied history the show has.... no one wants to see a show cancelled.... its just why bother diluting ourselves?

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