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OLTL: Erika Slezak

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Call me crazy, but I really don't see how many of you think that Viki's been phased out over the last few years. If anything, I always marvel at the fact that she continues to remain so front and center. That Bonjour stuff ate up some serious air time, and as David and others have said, she is the show's center and practically by default attached to the stories of several characters... being One Life Todd Lives' brother is one of the best things that ever happened to Viki if you just wanna talk visibility. But I don't think she's any less represented than Erica is on AMC. Sure, they will have more and more shares of their children's storylines, that's the very nature of soaps and LIFE for that matter, but I do not see Viki becoming a Lee Meriwether ANY time soon. If they would even DARE to try to make her recurring, well, we might as well call it a day. Pay cuts are one thing, as long as these decisions are made intelligently and with respect, I'm sure the actors can deal with it. But when you start tossing actors around like dirty rags, that's when you've lost them, the fans, and ultimately the genre.

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Look what they did to Julia Barr. I'm not saying she had the same impact on AMC as Slezak has had on OLTL, but with the way she was dismissed, TPTB at ABC obviously are not all that sensitive to their long-term actors who've helped define the shows. Damon and Zeman were bumped to recurring and are hardly seen. Leslie Charleson will probably be the next to go. They refuse to take back Genie Francis on a long-term basis, and she's arguably had more influence on daytime that Slezak. Lucci, Knight and MacDonnell all took major pay cuts with what seems to have been little room for negotiation. Who knows what kind of cuts Geary has had to endure? It's just a different climate nowadays than it was even 10 years ago. The execs are no longer looking to make moves that would influence the future or respect of the histories of these shows. They know they'll be toast within the next 5-10 years (and that's being generous), so their mission is to make these shows as economically feasible as possible for now, bedamned history and beloved actors/characters. Nobody is safe. Nobody is indespensible.

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To echo LoyaltoAMC's point, Recurring Status at ABC (with the exception of Opal who might as well be back on contract) is the equivalent of being fired. Jackie Zeman appeared in under 20 episodes last year on GH and her on screen daughter is one of the main people on that show. Zeman's only 55...that's not old. Jennifer Bassey got 1 episode on AMC...ONE! Once you hit recurring under Brian Frons, you might as well look for another job.

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To add more fuel to the fire, Erika has just posted a new newsletter that is very interesting to read. Essentially this is all on Brian Frons. I really respect that Erika is laying this all on him. However, there is no mention of her leaving, but that cuts are in effect. But all the story for all the shows on ABC have to be approved by Frons. Was that always the case?

I too would like to add that Viki is the center of OLTL, she has always been since day 1 (even though I didn't start watching until Clint and Viki in the late 80s. My opinion is that you cannot take Viki out of the show at this point, she is too intertwined with everyone and everything going on in Llanview. Without Viki the show would be an empty black hole.

Here is her newsletter from today=


click on February newsletter for the file to come up.

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That's an interesting newsletter.

I said this with the Cady McClain interview, I really like when actors are honest and don't just parrot the "Peace, Love and Understanding" talking points. I think it's especially good when actresses get real. I liken it to to the old studio system of MGM musicals. I honestly believe that the only hope for the genre is to break it down and rebuild it.

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oh, and ES: "you all start worrying, if they can let her go they can let anyone go". So, yeah .... exactly what myself and others were saying in here all along, now from Slesak's own mouth. Guess we weren't all so crazy afterall, or she's as nuts as the rest of us ....

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Erika has a record six emmys to back her up, she shouldn't have to take a pay cut, she delivers the goods every time, makes bad writing and stories manageable EVERY time and never phones it in. She could have chemistry with a rock and Viki could shoot a baby in the face and we'd still love her and ES. Erika Slezak is a class act. She IS OLTL, and OLTL is Viki's story. It started about the Lords in Llanview and those they came across and everyone else on the show is just people who've come into Viki's life and their extended family. If Viki were to be written out, the show should end because it will have come full circle.

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