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SOD - Y&R - Stafford/Morrow Interview

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Here is part of their talk with SOD

Y&R's JM and MS Tell us what they really think about their on screen pairing and off screen friendship

SOD: Its been over three years since Phick started their controversial affair. What are your feelings on their relationship now that you have won over so many fans?

JM: It's been a great ride. I don't know where the story is going, but I do it with a heavy heart-I'm going to miss working with The Stafford if Phick splits up.

MS: You keep saying that! But it's never going to be over with Phick. We'll always work together.

JM: Okay, that I look forward to.

MS: Yeah! I get irritated when you say that.

JM: I only say that because I am concerned.

MS: Why? Don't you like playing the triangle?

JM: I love it, but my fear is that Nick will all of a sudden be in the wedding chapel with Sharon.

MS: What's wrong with that?

JM: It has nothing to do with SC. I'm talking about the story. I don't want to move into another happy marriage..

MS: But it will always be the triangle.

JM: I hope so.

MS: I love playing the triangle. I prefer playing the triangle to baking pies, right?

JM: Totally.

MS: So what was the question? (laughs).

SOD: How do you feel about Phick now?

MS: I love the story when it first started because it was so wrong it didn't even matter to me if it was going to work out or not. I was just so nervous about having women on the street slap me!

JM: I would have really enjoyed that.

MS: I didn't ever see them together long-term. The dynamics of the characters to me were not a couple who hangs out at home watching TV. So I thought "This is going to be a trip to really make it work." Their connection was nasty, but hot and animalistic.

JM: Oh yeah.

SOD: Did you ever have a time when you were worried about baking pies?

MS: I remember this one scene where Phyllis comes out with a spoon and the line was, "Nick, taste this." I went, "Oh my God! Phyllis is Sharon!" That's not a bad thing, but SC is the only Sharon. All of a sudden, the dynamic in Phick's relationship completely changed. Do you remember the scene with the spoon?

JM: Yeah, I remember it clearly.

MS: I like the aspect of Phyllis that they brought back that she's losing and she's trying to win. It's been so much fun to work with Josh. Phyllis is flipping out because it's about their marriage and her daughter. It's not about her and I think that's visceral, especially to our viewers.

JM: I think it's a very cool way for the show to deal with this because it would be easy for Phyllis to tell Nick "Get the hell out of the house. I hate your ass." This is way more interesting-and painful.

MS: Josh has a hard job making both relationships real to Nick and to be confused about his feelings for two women.

SOD: Josh, are you worried about Nick coming off as a tool?

JM: I can't be concerned about that because most of the time, Nick is a tool. If you're having these heartfelt moments with one woman, but in the same show you're saying the same things to another woman, then you are a jerk. Michelle saved me from myself because I genuinely didn't know how to play this. She summed it up by saying "The dude is in love with two chicks." It suddenly made so much sense.

MS: Did I really help you?

JM: Oh, yeah.

MS: That's awesome. I'm good.

SOD: When Shick were having marital problems, SC admitted that she was jealous that someone else was going to play relationship scenes with Josh. Do you feel that way, Michelle, now that Nick is drifting back toward his ex wife?

MS: I don't feel jealous. For me, I don't connect myself to the character. I think if I didn't work with Josh and other people did, I would be envious because I just love working with him. I can understand SC's feelings too. She worked with somebody who's played her husband for 10 years.

SOD: You were both hand picked by Bill Bell. What do you miss about him?

JM: I miss his stamp on the show. Everything that we did, you could feel him. It was palpable. It was his singular voice. I equate it to the military. You need that one strong voice that you can look up to. I would always wonder, "What does Bill think?" He had this quiet strength about him. If he walked into a room, you wouldn't be the overly impressed by his presence. He wasn't an imposing figure. But man, when he started talking, you couldn't help but listen. You could feel how much the show meant to him. Every time I saw him, he would say, "You're doing such great work." And I would say, "Aw, thanks Mr.B" You just always wanted to do your best for him.

MS: I was only supposed to be on for a month. I wasn't working a lot before that and no one ever got me. I would come in and do something with the character and Bill got it. I was happy to have a job and he's really changed my life. But he's still within.

SOD: What do you think of his daughter-in-law MAB, how is head writer now?

MS: Maria really, really, cares about tehs how so much. Before we went to Paris, I had a conversation with her where she talked about watching 10 movies with a Paris backdrop and I just dig that somebody cares about the show that much. I love having Maria there.

JM: You can tell just by talking to her that she has that fire to make the show great again and she' done an awesome job. I'm really impressed with her. I honestly can't think of a time within the last 10 years when our show has been better.

SOD: Do you guys spend down time together?

MS: We hang out all the time.

JM: Stafford is the only one of a few people who I'll occasionally dine with. I went shopping with her once to help get her niece a birthday presents.

MS: But apparently, Josh thinks I'm a dude and, in fact, I have to continuously remind him I am not.

JM: Yeah, she's one of my home boys.

MS: In Paris, I went to hug somebody over the table and Tobe let out this bloodcurdling scream. My hair caught fire from a candle, but Joshua is rolling on the floor in hysterics.

JM: It was one of the funniest things I ever seen. But we have a blast. She had to say, "You know, I'm not a dude. I'm a chick."

MS: And he said, "You're a hybrid." So I'm a hybrid.

SOD: So Michelle, what do you think of Tobe?

MS: She's awesome. You lucked out, man. You didn't screw up. I'm so proud of you.

JM: I got lucky.

MS: I am jealous. So many dudes have screwed it up for me. Good for you.

JM: And she loves Michelle. In Paris, they got to hang out.

SOD: So Tobe doesn't get jealous of your hot love scenes?


MS: He's just here watching his sports and eating his sandwiches.

JM: That's basically what I do every single day. It's kind of sad.

MS: He's a boy from Oklahoma, eating sandwiches

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Michelle and Josh are quite quirky people LOL, and I agree with Michelle's first instinct regarding "Phick" - there's just nothing longterm about them and they spent most of their initial years being that boring, poorly developed couple, that had no problems. Though they're getting that now, I still doubt think that they'll be together in the end.

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I took it to mean when the PHICK affair started, it was just suppose to be another in a LONG LINE of affairs that potholed the SHICK marriage, they were not suppose to be a long term thing, but after the fans took a shine to PHICK, TPTB are the ones that made the decision to continue the affair and go from there....

I also love her response about SC's jealousy of not being paired with JM when PHICK took off, very professional

I always enjoy any interview with MS and JM because they keep it real, their relationship offscreen is uncommon and from the sounds of it Tobe is right there in the mix with them!!!

here is an added part that came in the SOD insider email

Devin Owens (of SOD who did the above interview): My sit-down with Joshua Morrow and Michelle Stafford (Nick and Phyllis, Y&R) for their Q&A in this week's issue went swimmingly well because the interview practically conducted itself. It is obvious that these actors share a mutual respect and affection for each other. Here's a chunk of their conversation that didn't make it into their feature.

Joshua: You must have a favorite storyline list. Where would you place our storyline?

Michelle: Do you think this is what the;fans really want to know?

Joshua: Yes, they don't want to know my favorite color.

Michelle: At the top, but don't tell anybody else. I was really digging when Phyllis was seducing Dr. Tim because it was so wrong, but I really love the Nick/Phyllis affair.

Joshua: It's so off the wall that I never thought it would work but the fans really took to it.

Michelle: Let me ask you, when did you think that the Nick/Phyllis relationship works? Or have you?

Joshua: When I thought it was going to work was when you were at the computer in Victor's office and I was leaning over your shoulder. You turned around and looked at me, like Phyllis was digging Nick. I didn't see it then but when I saw that scene on air, I went, "Wow, There is something there

so Joshua knew about PHICK's electricity before PHICK had sex!!!!

he is just a boy from Oklahoma, eating sandwiches!

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Awesome interview...I loved it!!!! :) They have such similar personalities and you can see why they click so well onscreen together. I believe Michelle meant at the time they started and had the affair, she did not see them as a long term couple, well neither did Joshua. WOW, their minds sure have changed now that they have writers who actually know how to write for a sexy, fun, passionate couple who can do angst very well. Yep, Phick will be around for a while!!

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Och. They're having trouble now...but when Phick was strong, they were so sexy and funny. I wanted them every day (and LML gave them to us almost every day :) ).

I think Stafford has it write: This dude is in love with two chicks. I hope that is the tack the writers take.

Let me also say that the writers have done a remarkable job reawakening my interest in Jack-Phyllis. There is a no-BS dynamic there that is just a wonder to behold.

Truly, I think this is quadrangle that can go on forever. I'd send money to Y&R if Sharon turned up pregnant. Nick's? Jack's? Let the games begin!

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But then Sharon deserves that too because that is what she'd be getting if she got Nick back at this point. He is always going to have feelings for more than one woman, it's his way of making sure he is never alone.

Sharon can't be pregnant by Jack, she'd know by now for sure, hasn't it been months? And she's been shown drinking wine in the last week. What exciting drama it would be if Sharon and Billy's ONS became exposed to the world because she doesn't know if he or Nick is the father of her fetus.

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Leave Jack out of this mess. He deserves better than Phyllis. Jack needs to go on with his life and find a woman who is loves and is committed to him completely. Phyllis, Nick and Sharon and their competing hysterical fanbases are the ones who deserve each other.

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you can love two people or three or four...the thing is to not commit ADULTERY with them!!! I love my first love, and the one that got away and also I love my husband who is my ONLY LOVE and the ONLY LOVE of my life. Nick and Sharon have never learned how to be faithful even when the one they are married to is totally faithful and devoted...and that is sad on the writers part, they are no longer teenagers, they are almost 40 years old....it is time they grew up and stopped being selfish and self destructive.

no more then their bashers.....

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