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Y&R: Week of January 19, 2009

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Not another one, I want a body. Next we'll find out that no one on Y&R is really dead, they're all off on the Genoa City like island.

Does Phyllis know that Brad is nothing more than an identity thieving fraud? I would love it if she turned him into the feds.

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I enjoyed Friday's US show. Kevin, Jana, Daniel, and Amber are hilarious together and provide that friendship aspect that's missing from soaps these days.

Melody was great in those scenes with Katherine. She really knows how to turn on those tears.

Is that cabin set a new set? I doubt it's the one Jill and Jack had sex in all those years ago. It's a really beautiful set though. I liked the flashbacks Sharon had.

LOL at all those people making Gloria offers. So nice to see her suffering, but I don't put it past Victor to get her off the hook so he can stick it to Jack. If that does happen though, it looks like Victor will own that 5% Jabot stock, which isn't going to make Ashley happy at all. I wonder how she'll feel when she realizes that he's not only screwing over Jack, but her too.

LOVED Phyllis getting caught. I'm glad Brad set her up.

Mike Denney's direction is, as always, a great thing too. Good episode overall.

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You have your opinion, I have mine.

I think she does. She said in an interview last April that she keeps asking the writers to give her something to do.

She used to look at the boards, but stopped after a while. Her exact words were "some of the things people say are so mean it takes me a week to get over them".

She's not rethinking her acting career. She knows she can act and has awards to show for it. She also doesn't plan on leaving Y&R any time soon. In fact in her most recent interview she says viewers are finally accepting her as Colleen (which goes to show that message board posts aren't indicative of how the overall audience feels).

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Oh she does, but it's the Botox that has given her the noticeable result in the smoothness of her skin and the serene nature of her face. The filler, which I think she uses sparingly around her nose to mouth lines, keeps things symmetrical. Symmetry is beauty and whoever is working on Eileen is doing it right.

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Eileen is beautiful, and I'm glad she's back.

BUT, I am hating Ashley with the full passion of my being. What a selfish user. Years ago, she let Brad be Abby's father. NOT Victor.

Now, Victor is horning in, and Ashley encourages it. Brad is ABSOLUTELY being pushed to the side, and Ashley is unapologetic. That is simply wrong. I realize this board is filled with Brad haters, but the basic meanness of how Brad is being handled is really quite upsetting to me. Why would such a good father (and he HAS been?) be so rudely cast aside? Just because Ashley is finally with her "true love".

This makes Ashley seem so much like Brooke Logan I want to spit. This is NOT a good development, IMO, for the long-term health of the Ashley character.

, they should write Ashley as very supportive of him. That way,

she will come off as sympathetic and having done the right thing. THEN it makes sense that Victor gently moves into the father role...and everyone would accept it.

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She only knows bits and pieces of it that she found out about from Nick. But I think she'd be hesitant to use any of that since Nick and Sharon were caught in the thick of that whole reliquary mess. Turning Brad in might bring out the parts the others Newmans and Sharon had, which could add an additional bond between Nick and Sharon. That's assuming Phyllis is thinking, of course.

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What they could be heading for is

Victor and Ashley can't be deliriously happy forever, since that's not good soap, so

, along with the potential fallout of Victor's plan to screw Jack screwing her as well, could bring the tension on between Vic and Ash en masse.

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Thank you Brad! LMAO at Phylis getting caught red handed. I love how he set her up and Im glad Nick heard everything.

Loved the Sharon flashbacks if only to remind me how great her hair can look with a little bit of effort. Its a shame for someone so beautiful and with such lovely hair to walk around with it looking so stiff, lifeless and unappealing. That tacky hat did her no favors and only made her head look like even more of a mess.

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