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Beyond the fact that this is the most elaborate post from dee in a while. (Luv ya')

I must ask you to elaborate more. Why do you like what Pratt's doing with her? I know everyone is a bunch of KWAK and Babe haters, but I've always thought BE undersung in this role.

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Cady McClain returns as Dixie with a long-term conract and the reveal Dixie's death was faked by David Hayward.

Kendall comes out of her coma!

Annie and Aidan finally get written off!

Rebecca Budig ends up staying as Greenlee

AMC brings back Julia Barr(Brooke), and Robin Christopher(Skye) and Karen Lyn Gorney(Tara) on long-term contracts.

Catherine Hickland is hired as Liza Colby, or Marcy Walker returns.


DAYS quits shooting itself in the foot.

Deidre Hall and Drake Hogestyn are brought back as Marlena and John.

The Hortons are brought to more prominence with Maggie getting more part, and Kevin Dobson(Mickey) put on contract and some "forgotten" Hortons brought back including Mike, Sarah & Melissa, and maybe David and Scott Banning.

Womanizer Daniel is written off.

Kate dies of cancer.

Tanya Boyd (Celeste) returns.

LeAnn Hunley(Anna) is put on contract and Anna and Tony get a real storyline.

Martha Madison is re-hired as Belle along with Alina Foley(Claire) and a new good actor as Shawn.


Robert Guza is fired.

GH updates their opening finally.

The Mob crap is dropped----Jason gets shot in the head with the result him being Jason Quartermaine again, Anthony & Trevor killed off, Sonny, Jason etc. would leave the mob, Claudia is redeemed.

It's revealed that Jake is Lucky's and not Jason's son and that Maxie changed the paternity test.

Sam & Jason and Lucky & Elizabeth reunite.

Jerry Jacks is killed off once and for all, or revealed not really to be Jerry.

Genie Francis(Laura), Kin Shriner(Scotty), Finola Hughes(Anna), Tristan Rogers(Robert) are all signed to long-term contracts, a long with Denise Alexander(Lesley) and Stuart Damon(Alan).

Alan, Emily & Georgie are all revealed to be alive with Helena Cassadine being the one behind their fake deaths, Alan's

'ghost" and the Em look-a-like Rebecca turns out to be a brain-washed Em.

Lynn Herring(Lucy), Antonio Sabato, Jr.(Jagger) return along with Billy Warlock or Sean Kanan as A.J., Carly Schroeder(Serena) & Cari Shayne or Marie Wilson as Karen, who's also not dead.


Dan Gauthier(Kevin), Laura Bonarrigo-Koffman(Cassie), Ellen Bethea(Rachel), Chris McKenna(Joey) and Andrea Evans or Karen Witter as Tina return permanently.

Marty Saybrooke gets her memory back and is paired with Kevin pissing Todd off (pairing with Ray might work too)!

A hot re-cast as Sarah Roberts, maybe Crystal Hunt will turn out to be Sarah instead of Stacy Sahid.

Roxy, Renee, Carlotta and Matthew are added to the opening.

Vanessa & Lola and Tess/Bess are written off for good!

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Fire Frons

Get rid of Sonny, Jason, and anyone else connected to the mob.

Get a writer that doesn't hate women to come in and write a romantic story for once.


My only wish is that Todd die. A very painful and torturous death.


Nick and Sharon to reunite

Phyllis to fall off the earth

Jack to pay for his crimes

The Baldwin/Fisher/Bardwell band to be on no more than 2 times a week

Cane to get his head out of Chloe's ass and realize he's been an idiot.

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The Young and the Restless

- Sharon spontaneously combusts.

- SW's Diane returns and makes a play for Nick. Phyllis and Diane's feud reignites.

- Victor and Nikki marry Ashley and Paul, respectively.

- Billy/Lily, Cane/Chloe and Rafe/Colleen become the next "it" couples.

- Murphy moves into the Chancellor Estate and begins to develop feelings for... Esther!

- Phyllis eventually kicks Niclueless to the curb and gets it on with a newly recast Malcolm.

- Tyra leaves town.

- Colleen appears in more than 57 episodes for the whole year. <_<

- A giant gold statue of Maria Arena Bell is constructed outside CBS Television City and people come from far and wide to worship.

The Bold and the Beautiful

See the B&B wish list thread.


- Brad Bell retreats to the EP position at B&B; Maria Arena Bell pulls double duty as HW of both shows.

He already has two. He just doesn't give them enough power.

Or better yet - send her back to B&B to help Jackie run Spectra!

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Todd and Marty crap would end a very quick death

We finally find out Rex's father

Antonio stays but his boring ass brother leaves


Carly gets a clue and shuts up for once - about everything

Michael wakes up out of that coma

Sonny only has two women wanting him instead of half the show

Sonny and Claudia find something real with each other


Phyllis kicks Nick out and he comes a'begging back to her then they work it out

Sharon Case finally relents and allows herself to step into the next phase of her career by embracing a new screen partner.

The show actually finds a new screen partner for her

I want Dru back and Tyra gone!

Olivia gets a new weave

Kay gets Murphy forever

Chloe gets Billy and their toxic pairing starts

Felicia comes over from B&B for Jack to play with

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Just get rid of Frons. Replace him with someone who doesn't openly loathe women, minorities and soap viewers as a whole, perhaps even respects them.

I'd also like to see a new web soap like Imagnary Bitches but a drama. The networks no longer have the will or ability to experiment with a new show but I'd like to see someone give it a shot.

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~ At least one network gives me a primetime soap that is truly a primetime soap, and not a comedy-drama, two parts drama and one part comedy, half and half, or whatever. Give me something that is truly cut from the "Dallas"/"Dynasty" cloth, and not something that claims to be but fails miserably.

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I would love to see GL make a miraculous recovery- unlike anything ever seen before. If that means ditching the "new" model, so be it.

I would love to see ATWT take some chances, and really show the industry that they're made of more than the "same old" same old. I want to see them really pull it together and show some love for all their viewers.

stocking stuffers:

I want Scott Bryce to land something meaty on any soap

I too would like to see Brian Frons faxing his resume.

I would like BBell to be haunted by the ghost of his father and emerge ready to work for B&B and not the other way around.

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TPTB realize Beth Ehlers, although very talented, is not clicking with Ricky Paull Goldin or the audience; and they write Taylor out of Pine Valley. (I'm not as worried about Rebecca, since I don't see her as a long-term, permanent character.)


Noah and Luke attempt to reconcile, but realize too much water has passed under the proverbial bridge. Noah leaves town to continue his education, while Luke goes overseas (Italy, maybe?) on Grimaldi- or Worldwide-related business.


Brad Bell phases out the Logans and Marones gradually, and introduces a family who are worthy opponents to the Forresters.


Dr. Daniel Jonas is either given more definition (and I'm not talking muscle definition, people!) or written out (preferably, in a delicious whodunit w/ Chloe, Lucas and Kate as suspects).


Why bother?


See GH.


The idol worship of Todd Manning comes to an end. (And for God's sake, can we get ONE decent scriptwriter for this show?)


Maria Arena Bell continues to improve as HW and Co-EP, but gives us a good, old-fashioned, down-and-dirty storyline about lust and infidelity (think Jack and Jill and the blackmailing puzzle from years back) that would make Papa Bell proud.

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Frontburner story for Luke


A sole headwriter. I still love the show, but the four-headwriter rotation is leading to week-to-week inconsistencies in continuity.

Daytime in general

- Better ratings, better network promotion

- Richard Culliton to head write a soap again, maybe GL since he has so much experience with Philip

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