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A great example of how the media is spinning this (and likely had this written up in waiting for a while now...): I had to laugh at the part where they said she was summer's "sure-thing candidate" when it was only a month or so after the disastrous convention that the press wasn't going on about how the race was tight and Trump was kicking ass. They love the pro-Trump narrative and love finding ways of making it a reality, even to the point of using this wobble to say Trump is right about her health. I hate the spin that today made this a "real issue" for the race. It became a real issue when the media reported on it endlessly. It became a reality even if Clinton had spent the whole campaign running a marathon. I think she made a mistake with how she handled this, but it doesn't even matter. She's damned by a Trump-loving media no matter what.


Edited by DRW50
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That I agree with for the most part. How many people engage on social media compared to the voting population. I think myself included, most Americans don't sit and watch news channels all day and engage in social media slamming. I do agree that some read the paper and maybe a couple of news sites but they don't sift through the comments.


The things people seem to care about in the election cycle are the conventions, and the debates. That's pretty much it.

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Oh, Politico is just following Chris Cilizza's lead. Notice they have yet to acknowledge the "deplorables" comment has ended up working well for Hillary.


I think there'll be another day or two of breathless talk, but I suspect Hillary comes out ahead on this just as she did the deplorables. This gives the right-wing nonsense about her health a clear, concise answer - pneumonia because she's working so hard on the trail - and one most of the public will relate to. It will be pushed as a tribute to her dedication.

Edited by Vee
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I don't know in this case it's going to matter what the media says.  Clinton will win handily and I think people will see that.


I'm more concerned about this health issue and what that says. Personally I think Trump's camp will stay quiet. They are going to let the media, you know the liberal media, again talk about her lack of transparency and Trump may use this to court undecided or Clinton voters who might have been wavering, without having to attack this latest issue.


This is far worse that anything that's happened yet because it's the appearance of again a coverup. All the doubts people have resurface. The question becomes when asked Sunday, why didn't they disclose it right away. That would have been much better. They could have spun the narrative of her wanting to tough it out for the sake of the campaign and voters and how hard working she is. Now it just looks like another attempt to keep information  quiet.  Sure they did disclose it eventually but it was likely only at a point where they knew she was going to have to rest for a couple of days.


Honestly 2 more months of this is dreadful. I am on election fatigue. I realize most people don't pay as close attention to a lot of what's happening from day to day, but it's still exhausting.

Edited by JaneAusten
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I really don't see how this is being spun as a transparency issue. Since when do people expect to be updated every time an elected official has a cold or the stomach flu?


I hope that she says that she did what millions of Americans do every day: she went to work sick. There was work to be done and she pushed on. Then pivot to how at least she has access to a doctor who will come to her home when millions of Americans don't even get sick days. New parents have to go back to work mere weeks after the birth of a baby. She could take this episode and use it to discuss her plan for health care and paid family leave.

Edited by marceline
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Informing the public? Is that what they claim?


There is a tiny part of me(ok sick maybe) that hopes Trump wins .I would relish seeing him turn on the press and media even more. If anything he knows what sleeze they have become. If he does anything well it's manipulating them and they have fallen for it hook line and sinker. I read one writer from The Atlantic who has bashed the Clinton's for years talking about if Trump wins history will not look favorably on her. That's rich. The ones who history would not look favorably on is the press and media. You should have seen the blasts coming his way telling him who's really responsible.

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I'm not surprised that HRC has pneumonia or some other resistance sapping ailment. She had a bruising, long-winding Primary contest, whereas Trump barely had to do anything in the GOP contest.  

Many of us feel exhausted watching this whole election cycle unfold.


I refuse to jump to conclusions until the debates start happening. The media creates narratives for ratings. According to them Mitt Romney was supposed to have defeated Barack Obama so I'm not going to waste an ounce more emotion based on what narrative the media seems to be creating today.

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If her campaign is smart they will do that. But this is the Clinton's remember it doesn't matter. Listening literally to years of email BS that was NOTHING, we all know how the media will spin it. Remember the media doesn't cover real issues. Hell she released her plan on mental health and crickets, her fantastic speech in Nevada, very little. I guess we'll see how it settles.

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