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hey, my kids would never get into a car with him either :lol:

That was a great article. I wish we would quit tiptoeing around this torture issue and take some action.

I have always loved Jesse "the body" Ventura from wrestling days. Loved that he got into politics as a mayor and then a governor. He definitely speaks his mind.

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Kind of dovetails with the above post regarding House ethics, etc., but what is your general feeling about Nancy Pelosi and her claim she didn't know about the waterboarding, yet it has not been revealed that she DID know about it. Memory lapse? Convenient forgetfulness? Dementia setting in?

Here is the story...


Report: Aide Told Pelosi of Waterboarding Use

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was told in February 2003 by her intelligence aide, Michael Sheehy, that waterboarding was used on CIA detainee Abu Zubaydah, according to a report.

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I'm hoping that very soon that soon that SOMETHING will be done about the state of health care. If the government could simply provide a non-profit "buy in" to medicare, that would help alot of people. I hear so many pundits talk about "rationed care"... blah blah blah... theyr'e acting like the governenment is going to FORCE people to partake in a national health care plan. It has been said time and time again that if you like things the way they are, nothing has to change for you. Theyr'e just afraid they mgiht have to pay extra taxes so the working poor can have basic health care. I've also heard conservative pundits say over and over, "Why do people think the government owes us free health care"... well my question is this: WHY does the government owe us a free education? Unless I'm very much mistaken, nobody has ever dropped dead from lack of an algebra lesson, so which do you think is more improtant? I've heard suggestions on extra taxes on products such as soda pop... and I have no problem with that.... extra taxes of food or drinks which have no nutritional value. I think it would help ALOT if the government simply funded the hospitals, or at the very LEAST required all hospitals to be non-profit. If you compare the costs that the "for profit" hospitals charge in comparison wiht what the non-profit catholic hospitals charge, in many cases... the facility charge is HALF.

Edited by alphanguy74
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Well, it looks like we're in for the first of what will likely be many ethical lapses on the part of Democrats, resulting in casualties amongst the leftist rank and file. First up, Nancy Pelosi.

This woman is a disgusting liar with little credibility to spare... Whatever reputation she made have had has been blown to bits with her antics over CIA briefings on waterboarding. This certainly isn't the sort of "change" we were to expect in the era of complete Democratic control in Washington.

What rationale... what excuses could possibly be offered in her defense? If any of my friends on the left here have something to offer here, I would love to hear it. If anyone here thinks this stupid twit should be thrown to the wolves, I would love to hear that, too. Do any of my left-leaning friends here feel comfortable trashing this extremely foolish hag?

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And this is exactly why I don't talk politics with you. After everything you have seen, you choose to look at one side and not both.

And my friend, it is that close mindedness that makes me not hear anything you have to say on the subject. Shame, really. If you were to actually see both sides, we could have meaningful discussions. But, once again, you choose not to do that.

A real pitty.

Edited by Roman
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Okay, Roman... you are so right about everything. I am the merchant of disinformation and never research anything. I bow down to you, the king of all that is good and right. I promise to go to another sandbox... and to never play in yours again. I feel so puny... Best wishes, my friend.

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