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Anyone blaming the Dems is either carrying water for the Republicans and expecting them to always bail them out for their own bad behavior (which is generally an implicit attitude among the Beltway media, who prefer the pre-Trump GOP to Dems anyday) or the dead-end wing of the left who just despise Dems period.

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That woman still exists?! I had totally forgotten about her! I guess that is a huge benefit to no longer checking for Twitter. Also, since I haven’t subscribed to cable in over a decade, I don’t get whatever it is that CNN and cable news is trying to put out into the ether.

I have also promptly forgotten about Yang as well. There is an upside to this horrible year after all, I guess.

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Well, Hamas certainly dropped the mask. Although to be fair they were always clear about wanting to slaughter every Jew from the river to the sea. This is the kind of deliberate atrocity that makes me horrified to be human. I mean, these humans decided to look baby humans in the eyes and decapitate them and/or burn them to death.

Somehow it seems worse to acknowledge that they are raping the small children (and everyone else) they kidnapped into Gaza. Of course, while western antisemites are trying to deny and obfuscate this reality, Hamas does us the dubious favor of videoing these acts and uploading them to various social media. The less tech savvy antisemitism among us are still out there yelling "picture or it didn't happen." Oh, and Hamas is using people's phones to call their loved ones who get to listen to them scream while they are tortured. 

I've always thought right leaning Jew haters were the more dangerous, but the left is certainly challenging them for the title this week. The number of people on the left who were "happy to see Hamas bloody the nose of their oppressors" disgusts me. I took some satisfaction in watching some of them back track when they realized it was different this time and people were no longer buying that bullshit. Why are people so damn stupid?

Then of course, we have a war going on in a place where the majority of the population are children. Where are the adults in this world? Not in our Congress that is for sure. Someone has got to open a humanitarian corridor immediately with an assurance that the people can come back after the war. If it isn't Egypt it has to be a path through Israel into Jordan. I feel Israel owes its enemies very little right now, but the rest of the world should be trying to help these poor innocent ones who still have a chance to live. Someone has got to open their door to the women and children before it is too late. I won't be holding my breath though. 

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Right? Any glee I feel at the GOP falling apart is tempered by my fear of who is going to pick up the pieces. Anytime I think things can't get worse in American politics, they do.

The only source of hope I feel is that maybe independents are being turned off by the insane chaos that is the GOP. I will not rest easy until Biden is reelected. Whatever charges Trump is facing he's like the villain in a horror film. Nothing seems to bring is reign of terror to an end. Thank God that judge put a gag order on him. At least he has to STFU for awhile. 

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As left leaning Jewish person, I've found most of the past two weeks to be incredibly demoralising, especially the hospital debacle yesterday. I was always raised to support and pray for peace for both the Israelis and Palestinians. I support a two state solution. Some of the stuff I've seen from the extremes on both sides recently has just been difficult to see. I've just basically had to shut it off and look away.

I think there were a few other Jewish posters here. I'm not sure if there were any Palestinians. I hope everyone is staying safe and trying to do the best they can during all this. 

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Why on earth is MM giving George Santos a platform? He's a straight up criminal!


That was a major fail on the side of the press. At the same time, this is going to be a bloody war and civilians are going to die. I can't imagine things going back to the status quo after Hamas tortured and killed so many Israelis. The two state solution is not going to happen. Iran is not going to allow it.

Edited by Juliajms2
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The thing those in charge could have done is to move forward with that agreement with the Saudi's. Lord knows I think the Saudi's are as bad if not worse than other countries in the ME, but nothing would take the wind out of the sails than this. I realize that's probably not palatable for the Saudi's now.

 Now I will admit I have no idea what the US got out of that deal and if the Saudi's even carved out anything for Palestinians. This attack only proved how HAMAS funded by Iran who is funded by Russia wants no peace.  But then neither does Bibi Netanyahu.  He put his number one directive, protecting Israeli citizens, to the side for his own pursuit of power, escape from justice and ignored warnings from the IDF and an immediate warning from Egypt. I wonder if he even has any regret over what happened to his citizenry.  I hope so. And I think the comparisons to 9/11 are in many ways not the same, but rings of George W Bush and his decision making are making me very nervous.

HAMAS will not negotiate so I honestly don't see an alternative right now for Israel than to go into GAZA. Their citizens were butchered, they can't just stand by. But what happens when it's over. Is there a wider war in the region? It's all very scary and complex and no one really has a solution.

I hope this doesn't sound too dispassionate.  The butchering of the Israelis is horrific and nothing can make that right.  But the leadership of HAMAS is sitting comfortably in Qatar untouched. I don't have an answer other than grief for the Israeli people.

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