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So I don't know much about Canada's politics, but this caught my eye. Apparently their Liberal party will be having a leadership election and Justin Trudeau is going to run, if successful he could end up Prime Minister someday. I don't know much about the issues, but I looked him up. If that happened, Canada would have the hottest Prime Minister in the western world. laugh.pngwub.png

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They made me want to pretend it was my birthday so I could hear the restaurant hosts get animated with that song.

I am not sure I want to watch debates because I really am tired of all of them. I listened to Barack Obama briefly. So there he is telling an audience he never said change was going to take one term. I don't remember the change slogan saying change you can believe in in two terms. It may sound logical but I am sure I never heard him say before that it would take eight years. Mitt Romney panders excessively but Barack Obama has this annoying need to try to comment on so much nonsense and things on which he does not have all the facts when he should say nothing. Mitt Romney's head should be spinning around trying to keep up with his multiple positions within hours of each and that laugh.

But I think I find Paul Ryan the worst because he seems to be ultra phony. His speaking style is totally unappealing like a dishonest nerdy car salesman trying to unload a lemon by pointing out what's wrong with the other guy's car.

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Puff piece on how Mitt just can't sell to people that he's a wonderful man and any flubs he makes are based on his being a businessman, not a politician. They claim that the Olympic flub is based on his being a businessman. Most businessmen would not have said that in public if they ever wanted to do any business with UK officials.


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I can't imagine Mitt not getting annihilated in the debates. He has campaigned on generalities -- all Obama has to do is force him into specifics and then he will make a buffoon of himself, no matter what.

I expect Obama to have to play SOME defense in the debates, but it's nothing he can't handle. His defense can be "Mitt would make it worse" on literally every subject. Don't like the deficit? Mitt enacting even more tax cuts will make it worse. Don't like my broken Dream Act promise? Mitt would make that worse as well. Don't like Obamacare? Mitt invented Obamacare.

I expect Obama to Q.E.D. in the debates. If Mitt were allowed to be himself, and nobody knows what that is but I think it's a moderate, he'd have a shot. But he is like the Viki Buchanan of American politics and is forced to have a million personalities and just cannot maintain that whatsoever. Ronald Reagan could.

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Well I not going to say a thing until afterwards. To me it doesn't just depend on who does better, but also how the CNM & the MSM spin that first debate. They may give it to Romney even if we all know he stunk up the joint, just to continue to keep it close so their corporate superiors continue to get revenue from this.

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Always a good sign to see President Obama with some fantastic endorsements... the one from President Francois Hollande of the French Socialist party is fantastic, but to receive an endorsement from the likes of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is a real coup.

Makes one wonder what all these leaders might have in common...

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