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I doubt Romneys tax returns are going to show anything illegal. What I suspect it's going to show is that he paid very little for a few years due to tax advantages the mega rich have, giving the American Public a real glimpse of just how unbalanced the income tax system can be and genuine visibility into loopholes that may lead to some of the tax advantages things like the Bush tax cuts provided the very rich.

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We're on different planes concerning this topic.

My point is Timothy Geithner failing to pay his taxes on time is a more relatable issue than being so wealthy that you get to hide your money overseas so that you can avoid paying taxes on it.

Politicians seem to be generally hypocritical so I'm not at all moved by that. If we start opening the doors on all the politicians in D.C., we will find plenty of questionable financial practices so finger pointing beyond the two primary candidates could become quite messy.

You can call me hypocritical for seeing a difference in a man who is not running for President, failing to pay his taxes on time and a man running for President, who proclaims love for his country and who probably sees himself as a "real American," hiding his money in Swiss bank accounts to avoid the great American tax system. At least the IRS can make one man pay. The other has hidden his treasure from them altogether (and I am no fan of taxes but I would never hide my money to avoid them nor do I desire to have more money than I could ever spend). My issue with the government has nothing to do with paying taxes to help fellow citizens, it's the inefficiency of certain governmental agencies and frivolous waste that could have been used to help citizens in need instead of fueling some greedy official's personal vehicle, et al.

What's hypocritical to me is the fact that certain politicians will label themselves as Christians to appeal to "lost soul" voters but money is really their God. The Bible clearly states that you cannot serve two masters.

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I suspect this as well, which is why I think that Romney is doing himself even more damage by refusing to release his tax returns (and fueling speculation that he did something illegal) as opposed to releasing them and doing damage control. (And as I said earlier, those who will be extremely upset over Romney finding legal means to pay little in taxes most likely have already made up their minds to vote for Obama.)

I understand your point. The only reason I brought up Geithner is because he was appointed (and still remains employed) by Obama in spite of his tax problems, while Obama surrogates are attacking Romney over tax issues. (Thus, bringing up Geithner is meant to show Obama's own hypocrisy on these tax attacks. On the other hand, if I brought up Charlie Rangel as a counterpoint against attacks on Romney, it would be irrelevant, since Obama did not give him his job.)

This is a very valid point. The only thing I can say in Romney's defense is that he is not one of the many Republicans who wears his religion on his sleeve (though he is very religious).

Edited by Max
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Politics is a very nasty business and since I've grown up, it no longer fascinates me. The ideal start out fresh and ready to change the world and then they end up like Barack Obama. I can't stand his pandering but he seems to be able to pull off with a whole lot more style than Mitt Romney who simply appears to be a major flake blowing whichever way the wind is at the moment. I will begrudgingly give Barack Obama and his surrogates credit for being able to play at the same level the Republicans do. He seemingly tried to compromise with them on many levels only to be kicked in the face and for Mitch McConnell and John Boehner to show how "tough" they are. I am sure they decided he'd be a complete pushover.

The way I see it, since Mitt Romney knows that the people he needs to embrace him are no fans of his religion, he's forced to not remind them. Apparently he's a hard pill for the so called "religious right" to swallow. The fact that Christians proudly segregate themselves is another thing altogether. I'm waiting for the label of the "true American Christian" to surface.

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Can you believe this crap? Mitt Romney misquotes a close ally of the US just to bash Obama. How cheap can you get? And how eager can you get to tell everyone that America is in decline? Remember when the right demonized Jimmy Carter for years for saying we were in a "malaise"? Isn't Obama supposed to be the new Jimmy Carter??


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After reading this:


I really wish Mitt Romney would stand somewhere in the middle of the West End (London) and make a speech about restoring "Anglo-Saxon" relations. In fact he should share this with the American public as well.

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Kind of hilarious, considering the "Anglo-Saxon" bond Romney and Cameron were supposed to have. I remember all the fury from some when Obama gave Queen Elizabeth II a DVD. People who were apologizing to the UK for Obama, etc. Will those people have the same reaction to this?


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Mitt Romney, his wife, and his staff/advisors are some of the most arrogant, self entitled people I've ever seen. That comment is just flat out racist.

The "American Arrogance" and the ideas that "America is the best" and "everyone wants to be American!" are such huge problems, and I doubt it will get any better if Romney gets elected. Just look at the situation, my family is in now. My little sister was born in the US and is despite being born to two non-US citizens is a citizen. We're trying to get that citizenship denounced and have her declared an Australian citizen and the US is making it extremely difficult. First it was that she should be honoured to be American, that it was a privilege that "many around the world" would like to have, and that they couldn't imagine anyone giving it up and it was denied. They now want us to take her to the embassy and have her testify (alone) in front of a bunch of people to see if this is she what she really wants or if its her family trying to "coerce her into it". Just such arrogance.

Edited by AdelaideCate007
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Let me see. The Dixie Chicks get blasted, almost had their careers ruined and received death threats from the right-wing crazies in this country for telling the truth about Bush. Yet now, the ultra-right look the other way (As they always do) when it comes to this clown bashing this POTUS.

Ok. I got it now.

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