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Good, I'm glad! 

Trump administration is rushing out a bunch of executive orders steeped in goobledy-gook and causing chaos. Part of me thinks this is to try to quickly check-off a list of items just so they can claim to be active and also claim to fulfill their campaign promises.

The other part of me thinks they are performing some type of  sleight of hand while his blossoming kleptocracy springs into action robbing public coffers (e.g. severely weakening Dodd-Frank).


In the meantime, hopefully, Trump and his cabal will be tasting bitter defeat after bitter defeat.

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If CNN wants to focus on sparring with Kellyanne Conway and the rest, so be it.  They're just giving them time to spread lies so that they can play their little fact checking games.  Unfortunately, gullible viewers believe some of these liars. 


They're also setting their own people up to get too emotional and end up like Chris Cuomo comparing journalists accused of fake news to using the N-word.





Plus Trumpkins are all over the internet claiming how hard he is working because they think having a bunch of meetings is the same as accomplishing something.  He's going to take another golf trip this weekend so the Secret Service can make some more money for his Mar-a-Lago resort.  His people claim he's going to pay for the Japanese Prime Minister's portion of the bill.  If he does, he will find a way to reimburse himself on the taxpayers.

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CNN just talked about how states nationwide have filed lawsuits against the Trump Admin. he's gotten himself in so much garbage when is going to get to the task of bringing back jobs? and I have NO sympathy for anyone who believed his lies and slander and voted for him anyway or didn't vote. 

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There's often this idea that anyone who supports Trump is a hatemonger who will never support anything but the worst (self-congratulatory liberals who post at bubbles like AV Club or Daily Kos are especially adept at this view), but there truly were a lot of people who just felt they had no choice, and voted for him with some reluctance. I don't get it, I never will, but I do hope that, if we are even allowed to vote in 4 years, that the Democrats find someone who can find the right way to communicate, and more importantly, not just run as the anti-Trump. 


I kept wondering if they were going to interview Kimberlin Brown 

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Earlier I read about all David Duke and his ilk tweeting a bunch of congratulations to Jeff Sessions.  One of the tweets included a photoshopped picture of Sessions as a confederate soldier with the flag in split screen.  Duke labeled Loretta Lynch and Eric Holder black Marxists and bragged about how Sessions would take care of the "terrorist BLM group." So I'm now guessing that they had advanced knowledge of this:




I expect more lawsuits over this

Maybe they were thinking that since Mexico won't pay for the wall that it would not be an issues. 


I feel sorry for the workers but not those selfish farmers.  They want to exploit cheap labor.  After a while they may figure out that their votes didn't get him elected anyway since CA went to Clinton.  But this is a prime example of how trickle down does nothing for American workers.  Those farmers want to benefit from tax cuts and deregulation which should put more money in their pockets and they have no intention of hiring American workers at higher wages than they can pay their illegal immigrant workers. 


I live in California and undocumented workers help a whole lot of craven employers save money.  They pick up day laborers at Home Depot parking lots and the like and drop them off.  The Labor Board does not have enough manpower to keep up and some of them are subjected to unsafe conditions which Trump aims to make more unsafe.

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Even after the last few weeks we are still getting Beltway hacks pleading about why can't we all be friends, and weeping over the glory that is media darling Marco. It's astonishing. Actually it's not - this is what they do to make themselves feel like they aren't complete failures - but it's pretty damn sad. 



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