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I read that this means the next negotiation will be in two months, which upsets a lot of Democrats in the Senate.

How much did Democrats cave and how much have Republicans won?

The more the media likes the deal the more it will hurt us.

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A behind the scenes look at this mess. Just reading the start I'm reminded of how classless and powerless our speaker is. With media darling Eric Cantor puffing and posturing over the vote, I think Boehner's days as speaker are very numbered. If the role wasn't so poisoned he'd likely be long gone.


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What a bizarre article. I do think Hillary has misled in the past and at times it seriously ticked me off (mostly in 2008), but somehow spinning this into saying it was perfectly understandable for people to claim she invented a head injury is kind of disgusting. The Washington Post has some bottom of the barrel hack journalists; quite a few, actually.


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Is there anyone shocked that Speaker Boehner refused to allow a vote to send money to NY and NJ?  The republican playbook and their hateful ways are a predictable as ever.  If it was a southern state filled with republicans the House would have voted that money.  NY and NJ votes to send the other states money but when it came time to help the victims of Sandy Republicans showed--once again--what a horrible disgusting group they are.   If you told me Boehner and his crew said "!@#$%^&*] NY, they're democrats" I would believe it.


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I can only laugh at Christie and King's fake outrage. They know that their fellow Republicans only like giving our hard earned tax money to the wealthy 1%. They are only raving because this is impacting their political fortunes. I hope the people of New Jersey are paying attention and not getting sucked in by Christie's act.

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Another failure from the House Republicans, namely Eric Cantor. They let the Violence Against Women Act expire after previously being reauthorized with little to no dissent. The Senate passed an inclusive bill, but the House Republican version excluded protections for Native American women, Lesbian and undocumented women. I guess the "War on Women" continues.


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Many in the GOP hate the VAWA and see it as an assault against men. The story with this act is that men are unfairly persecuted and women just use it as a weapon. I doubt we will ever see this law again.

I believe Peter King's outrage over Sandy, as he's always been a loose cannon. Christie's feels fake, as everything about him does. Most likely they will pass the relief bill in a month or two, and the media, along with most of the GOP, will blame Obama. And the people suffering and dying in the meanntime - who cares, they aren't in red states anyway.

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