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Tea party hero Paul LePage, governor of Maine, is calling for a floor fight at the convention, and a new nominee. That a governor of a state is now calling for this shows just how disliked these candidates are.


Edited by CarlD2
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More liberal media s#it about a brokered convenion:


Beginning in March of 2008 (when Obama became the front-runner), Obama faced humilating losses in big state primaries such as OH, TX, PA, and IN (not to mention a handful of smaller states) yet I can't seem to recall the term "brokered convention" being used on a daily basis. (To clarify, Obama won the TX caucuses, but Hillary won the much more delegate-rich TX primary.) But, now that Romney may lose MI, every news agency seems to speculate that a brokered convention is a foregone conclusion.

I believe that the liberal media's dream is not only to see a brokered convention, but also to see either Palin or Cheney (the two Republicans they hate the most) wind up as the nominee after all the dust settles.

Edited by Max
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Meanwhile, Republicans are encouraging Romney to brag about his wealth, flaunt it even, to be like Trump. Is this really what is seen as the ideal today?? Remember when only out of touch San Francisco liberals or Massachusetts liberals were supposed to want to talk about money?


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For some reason, I thought that you were earlier hinting or suggesting that LePage was a media darling. (You never explictly said that, I just assumed that you thought it.) I am so sorry if I offended you in any way.

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George Will may be a personality challenged wet blanket, but sometimes he gets off a good line

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It's so rare to hear a conservative on TV make sense.

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I am not trying to attacks republicans, but honestly who the [!@#$%^&*] is running on their side that anyone can logically vote for? They all seem so vile and hateful. I say this as someone who honestly is in the middle on a lot of issues and could vote either way. There just appears to be no option, for me anyways. So i am genuinely curious.

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