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DAYS cuts cast...

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"At least five other big name stars are rumored to be on their way out. Another star - Jay Kenneth Johnson (Philip Kiriakis) bolted from the show last week as contract talks fell apart" soap message board for NBC

who will the next five be they said Dee Hall and Drake plus 5 big name stars


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I mean to say that if Days has cut Bo/Hope to recurring and does not announce soon after the announcement that Steve/Kayla have been released they are going to have some really outraged fans out there.

Steve/Kayla's returns have been horrible and have done nothing for the show. And to cut the big 4 in favor of keeping them at this point will not bode well at all.

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Granted I'm no DOOL fan, but you have a point. Didn't the industry learn anything from the GL fiasco over the last 3 years? Isn't it better to have a soap die with some dignity instead of ripping it to shreds before the inevitable? I didn't realize DOOL was in such bad shape.

For the fan's sake. Take it from me....it's better to have your show end well than have it hang on for a couple more years as a shadow of it's former self.

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Ted & Betty Corday must just be crapping planets right now over how their idiot son has ruined their creation.

He has financially mis-managed this show so badly that I just don'ts ee it lasting until next year. And this "I don't care" attitude he seems to have.....it's just sickening.

But, there is always Smallville.

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Five more...hmm...I would put money on Nick going, Caroline and Maggie both at least dropping to recurring, Stefano is probably gone, Patch and Kayla...as boring as they are I dont think they'd write out ANOTHER supercouple, so maybe Melanie can be gone and probably Lucas as well.

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