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AMC: New script out

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Antoinette is filing papers in an office with Adam confronts her. Antoinette puts down her folders and asks Adam what he needs. Adam asks why Antoinette has been ignoring his phone calls. Antoinette pauses, saying she didn't realize the two were were on good terms so she didn't understand why Adam expects her to remain in contact. Adam is visibly hurt by Antoinette's words, and exclaims that after what happened between them years ago, he expected the two of them to have - "a closer bond" Antoinette awkwardly informs Adam that she has a daughter.

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I didn't care for Carrie Genzel's Skye, and I was glad Robin came back last go round... NO MORE SKYE RECASTS! I'd love to see RC's Skye crush Greenlee, and maybe Ryan just for kicks. And can we re-retcon and make Skye Rae and Adam's already!

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Although Im soo happy about this, but if it is Skye, how in the world does Adam not know she has a daughter.

Skye has always been a high society member, so wouldn't at least one Pine Valley newspaper run an article on how she had a child, she was once the daughter of Adam Chandler and is legally Alan Quartermaines daughter. Not to mention wouldn't Myrtle at least mention it?

It just seems weird that he wouldn't know.

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This looks like a breakdown a headwriter would give to his/her dialogue writers. I checked out an online source, and there are no audition scripts posted for an "Antoinette"/"Skye", but you never know. It does seem odd that there is no casting news at this point... down to the wire negotiations?

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