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Days: Week Of July 28th

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LOL, make that two. Just can't get into Mr. Three Whiskers.

Trent/Marlena, Nicole/EJ, Philip/Morgan, on the other hand? LOVE. It was so funny seeing Deidre Hall towering over Roscoe Born.

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OK. I know it's only a soap but if Y&R gets called out about this, Days should, too. What is it with the Sony soaps and horrendous French accents? At least Raya Meddine on Y&R and the bartender in FauxMarseille spoke it well, but evREE buhDEE else, o mon dieu! Eeet was -- how you say? -- sacre bleu!, eet was teh-rib-le!

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I'm glad Paul isn't dead. Linden Ashby is a great actor! His scenes with John and Ava today were really good. Finally this storyline is moving along.

Kristen Renton in the montage - beautiful! :wub:

I still think Philip/Morgan is rushed and under develop. She's already saying she's in love with him? Okay. :huh:

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What was the first thing again? LOL

Yeah I know, but I just wish they would slowly develop them IF they're the rooting/long term couple. Philip better not wake up and be all "I love you too!" <_< Did they even go on a first date yet? Did they even do romantic things yet? Slow down, play all the beats, build a young love story.

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In the Nelson/Dena Quits thread.

Blame Corday. lol.

I agree. However i think once they seen who clicked and where they wanted to go (in terms of chloe/lucas; philip/morgan; trent/nicole/ej/sami) they just went there for whatever reason.

Morgan & Philip have a great foundation. They have been involved for months now. The bickering, the leaning on eachother, the moments they spent together. I dont know if they have been ona real date yet, but they would often run into eachother and it would pretty much turn into a date.

I buy Morgan saying shes in love with Philip because over the past few months he has been in her life, she has been crushing, and then when all this crap with her father wnet down Philip gave her a sholder to lean on. And to be honest i could buy Philip saying he is FALLING in love with morgan, but not already there. if anyone understands that.

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Okay so a few things...

wow. Nicole & Trent are married?! Thats so awesome. Thats why she is doing whatver he wants. thats what he has over her? All that money she got from Victor - it would all be taken away i think because the marriage would be invalid!

This kate/daniel/chelsea things is stoopid.. and im a chelsea/daniel fan!

Joawn & Ava :wub:

Marlena the bitch? LOVES IT!

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Mondays and Tuesdays shows were letdowns..But Wednesday was really good..Loved Morgan's fantasy, both Kristen and Jay looked wonderful...Kathryn Foster did a good job directing that..Also I enjoyed Chloe being more civil to Morgan, and i could really get on board with a Chloe and Nicole friendship..I think Nadia really steps it up when she's in scenes with Ari..And Nicole will need a friend when Ava leaves...

Paul's return was a nice surprise...Glad that John has him stashed away..And Linden and Drake did a great job...I like how all this ties in with Bo tampering with evidence, as the tape should have surfaced by now...I'm also happy that Hope seems to be using her brain, she's very close to figuring out what Bo did..

And JP i think Lauren Koslow is helping the Dan and Chelsea story..in my opinion Dan and Chelsea are one of the worst couples i've seen on Days in years, no chemistry what so ever, mismatched and just plain boring...But when Daniel shares scenes with Kate, i see lots of potential..I hope Kate steals her grand-daughters man, hopefully before those two do the deed..

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Woah, is that Melanie? Not bad. :D So far in that first scene, she looks like she's fun, sexy, a party girl and possibly a troublemaker. Also, kudos again to Marnie Saitta/Ed Scott, it seems like they hired a good actress (judging from that one scene).

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Cheap, apparently Brady got addicted to drugs and Victor hid him away from everyone while he recovering - that's why he "disappeared".

Philip/Chloe were "friends with benefits" - they never really got back together.

Pretty lame stuff. ;)

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