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All: The Best Storyline Ever

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Well personally for me the best storyline that I've witnessed in all my soap watching years would be the AIDS storyline on Y&R from 1995-96. It was so well written, and beautifully acted. I really felt that everyone involved in that storyline brought their A-game. Tonya Lee Williams deserved an Emmy for her work in that storyline. The way Olivia confronted Keesha will stand out in my mind forever, because the character of Olivia usually didn't get to be so ballsy, but it was very appropriate for what the character was going through at the time. Just a great storyline all around for me!

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Best long term storyline: John/Marlena/Roman triangle and the consequences that followed - this story lasted over a year. Best written JER storyline ever!


Best short term storyline: Carly Buried Alive only lasted two months but it sure was entertaining.


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Daytime? Has to be the Jenny Wolek/Katrina Karr baby switch on OLTL. A simple action (Marco and Karen switch Jenny's baby, which had died in the nursery, with Katrina's) ends up affecting practically everyone in Llanview.

And primetime? When Val's babies were kidnapped, on KNOTS LANDING. Again, one action (in this case, a misunderstanding), which ended up with almost the entire cast having something at stake.

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Daytime: Days Of Our Lives. The Three Prisms.

That was the best story I've seen, and that show hasn't come close to that story since.

Nighttime: Dallas. The Battle For Ewing Oil.

One season of complete hell for the Ewing family and everyone connected with them.

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I think the best story I ever saw on AMC was the Fall of the House of Cortlandt. Palmer was married to Natalie, his son Ross liked her, he got drunk and raped her, Palmer saw and assumed it was the run of the mill tryst, threw her out. Ross's daughter Julie also saw and ran away from home. Julie's mother ran after her and promptly fell down the staircase, and in one episode the entire clan got blown to bits dramatically.

Also, Adam Chandler trying to buy Channel 5, only what he didn't know was evil Palmer had secretly financed him to bankrupt him and then at the elaborate costume party Palmer unmasked himself as the owner of not only Channel 5, but of basically Adam, and then at the same party Tad broke Dixie out of the asylum and they returned to the party just as Brooke discovered who the father of Dixie's baby really was. Adam went on to have a stroke and who should happen to find his still body in the floor, but meanie Palmer, who instead of calling for help proceed to stand over Adam and gloat and laugh in his face.

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Marlena's possession (1994-95)

Carly buried alive (1993)

Carrie/Austin/Sami triangle (1993-97)

Hope/Gina (1994-95)

Kristen/Susan (1996-97)

The Killing Pool (1998)

Philip/Chloe Romance (1999-2001)

Princes Gina (1998-2000)

Salem Stalker (2003-04)


Ethan/Theresa Romance (1999-present)

Eve's past (1999-2004)

Sheridan and Luis' Romance (1999-present)

Charity and Miguel Romance (1999-2004)

Fox and Kay Romance (2005-2006)

Fancy and Noah Romance (2005-2006)

Sheridan's Nightmares (1999-2005)

Prom Boat Disaster (2000)

Hecuba (2000-2001)

Hidden Passions (2000-2001)

Hell in a Closet (2001)

The Pit (2003)

Vendetta (2006)

The Blackmailer (2007)

Rehearsal Dinner Massacre (2008)

(I'm sure I'm forgetting some..sigh)


Marty's rape


Sheila/Lauren: Babyswitch

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