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ATWT: Week of July 14th

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I don't mean to play devil's advocate but hasn't Lily been the one pushing for them to get back together for the last year or so? I mean she's been doing that under the assumption (wrongful one of course) that nothing had changed between them when it's clear that something has changed.

Sorry but I feel like Holden was sorta stuck inbetween a rock and a hard place. I'm not excusing his actions. However I do think that Lily and others have basically put pressure on him to stay with her since they're supposed to be the "perfect" couple that can work thru anything...

Anyways I do agree that all his lying last yer was bad and that he should be grilled over it.

But I can't help but feel bad for all involved. I guess that's just me.

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Sure, Lily has been desperately holding on to her marriage. It's been kind of sad and pathetic to watch, but I think that's how it is when a 20 year marriage is slipping through your fingers. I don't feel sorry for Holden in the least. He jumps on Lily's every lie, even the little white ones. If she doesn't tell him what brand cereal she had for breakfast he starts screaming that he's hiding stuff from him. Then he has the sheer audacity to have an affair with her best friend and hide it!! :angry: He's even crawled into her bed after having sex with Carly. Meanwhile, maybe he just should have told her the truth from the start, just like she's lectured Lily on over the last two years, day after mind numbing day.

All I can hope is that Lily walks away from this Jackass and never looks back.

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What tickles me is this: based on the previews they show...It's quite alright for Jack to do Janet after only knowing her for a week (what does he really know about her except for the fact that she was Brad's girl, that she has a kid w/Brad and that she still in fact WANTS Brad----don't tell me different, because if Brad came up to that girl and said "Spread em'" she'd be like "See ya Jack" in a heartbeat.....but the minute Jack found out that Carly was going to go to Paris with Neal (in an effort to get away from Holden and what was happening) he read her the riot act; always throwing the kids in her face "I guess you don't mind Parker thinking you're walking out on them again." (Jack uses those kids as a crutch and threat way too much.... he should think about that the next time Parker voices his dislike for him sniffing up on Janet)....It's perfectly FINE for the Snyder men to do anything that stands on two legs but the minute the women waver and stray they are on them like nobody's business. Jack flaunts Janet like Holden flaunted Julia Larabee----- but will be the first Yahoo to sudden want to tell someone else how to live their lives-----

Trust me when I say this...Jack will turn this all on Carly; he will most definitely accuse Carly of stalking Holden till she had her way with him; purposely setting out to ruin a marriage....Jack will be mad at Holden but he'll basically accuse Carly as the instigator...

I have been a Holden/Lily fan and CarJack fan for years and I will be the first to say that they need to break these four up for a good long time... Also the more I think about it, I'm surprised that they didn't do some pairing of Jack and Lily rather than Jack and Jump Your Bones Janet. :lol:

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I'm surprised too. It's always shocking when these writers get something right. Jack needs someone with energy. Someone who isn't as much of a Goody Two Shoes as he is. Jack and NB's Lily would be a huge ZZZZZZZZfest, worse than Colden and possibly even worse than Bratie. I like Janet. She's not perfect (I wish she were a little stronger), but she at least keeps me interested in her scenes. I think ultimately she would be better with Henry or Mike, but Jack is a decent lay over for now.

I cannot wait for Luke and Lucinda's reaction to this reveal.

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Well, great show for me today. However, in the back of mind, I know Byrne would have made the entire house shake. I mean, I really wanted Beck to make entire house shake! But, hey do what ya can I guess. In any case, UGH I hate Holden. He truly is an A-hole. Did anyone get a load of the attitude he was giving Lily during the reveal? Like, he's doing her some sort of favor for just being honest, so...that makes it better...??? I am officially no longer a Holden/Lily fan because she deserves better. Lily needs to just draw up them papers and put this marriage out of its misery. It annoys me even more that he judges Lily on this, that, and tuther yet is all-of-a-sudden so understanding of Carly who is *clearly* no do-gooder and has never been. It's like a double-standard and if I was Lily, that would register to me that he doesn't appreciate my *ss. Come to think of it, this is like the third time Holden has drifted into somebody else's bed during *hard times* and after this(with Lily's "best friend" no less), it just downgraded my already low opinion of him.

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OH, I thank GOD that the normally creativelyUNdead Hacks In Charge didn't go the Jack/Lily route.

I think this is just going to blow Jack away. And I think the more he protests, the more it'll become clear that he's overreacting because he's still in love with Carly.

And I think at some point, Holden's going to make it clear to Jack that he was the one pursuing Carly; not the other way around. Because even though it shouldn't matter to Jack, it will.

As for the Snyders, they've always been semi-hypocritical...it just seems to be at an all time high now. They could sweep the Olympics in that particular sport.

As for Lily, I will say this....girlfriend has her own set of double standards. Holden's taken her crap for years. Other than the fact that Holden didn't kick her to the curb before shackin' up with Carly, this is remarkably similar to the last Dusty/Lily go-round.

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