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Neighbours: Discussion Thread


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Hope you don't mind me answering your question since it was directed at Ben but with Ken Barlow it's a case of Coronation Street having a huge cast (bigger than EastEnders actually) that he can become a supporting character for long periods of time (like what you describe with EE) plus I think marrying him off to Deirdre (who was a decade younger and had a young daughter) back in 1981 and then having her have an affair with Mike Baldwin was an inspired move as it provided years of conflict.

As for Neighbours, I think Karl and Susan should consider fostering as it's kinda obvious that they are going to continue taking in waifs and strays (although this would unfortunately mean more teens). Perhaps their foster child could be a really bad troublemaker (i'm talking arson,drunk driving etc etc, most kids on Neighbours are far too nice, even Andrew settled down a bit too quickly, and there needs to be someone to provide a total contrast), whatever the case it should be something that would provide lots of conflict for the Kennedy's.

Lyn should be alright as she's got Summer and eventually will have Oscar and Charlie when they grow up. I hated it when they had her have an affair with Paul in 2006, but now I'm glad they did as her feud with Paul is quite interesting.

Edited by Dion
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What Dion says is right: Ken's success is measured by his several years of being a supporting character, and a few when he was on the back burner. Ken's last story was with Stephanie Beacham's character, and it showed that he still had life left in him. Interestingly, Ken isn't really a problem, but I find Deirdre to be at a lose end story wise. She could do with being written out.

But, back to Karl & Susan, and I think there's plenty of life left in them, but I don't see them as an official adopting couple, b/c that doesn't really suit their characters; they take in people who are simply at a lose end, and that's fine, but that's not all they're about. Plus, the waif and strays don't all have to be troubled teens, they could be angsty adults.

There's still story to be told with Karl's career. He could apply for a promotion, but face competition from Doug, which would allow for development of their rivalry that randomly disappeared - I like Doug, so more screen time for him is a good thing. Would Karl get the promotion? What happens if he does or doesn't? They could also use it as a platform to be a little political, and have Karl conflicted over management style decisions and patient care (there's always some RSR who ends up in hospital, so plenty of scope to merge the two stories).

I don't think it's plausible for Karl to cheat again, but I think there's room for Susan to fall for another guy. Like an emotional affair or intellectual affair, where she doesn't realize how the friendship/her feelings are developing, but when she does it's a big shock. She'd never cheat on Karl, but she could be slightly tempted. How would the Kennedys deal with this? What would it mean for their marriage? The other guy could be a journalist, or someone who's a story for her and is troubled, or someone whose connected to another RSR.

The thing is though, Neighbours wouldn't do stories like this now, b/c this isn't the kind of the show it is any more, and they no longer view K&S as characters that drive their own stories. They see them as supporting players who are there to prop the teens, or someone else, but never to have their own story. At best, they may get to be a part of a big story, like the surrogacy that usually involves other characters and isn't really about them. If they weren't so popular, or holding the show together, I really think under Susan Bower, these two would be gone, simply b/c she doesn't seem to view them as viable leading characters, unlike Paul and Lyn, who constantly get their own major storylines.

I do think this is actually a problem, as it means K&S will stop being developed, and they'll slowly become like Lou. It simply isn't enough to have them support the latest troubled teen, b/c it's a waste, and that translates on screen, and makes it seem like they're spare parts and kinda boring. But, Bower treats them as filler characters, and that's the way it will continue. If we're very lucky, one or the other may get thrown a story that will be rushed and last 2 weeks - e.g. Susan's cyber stalker.

Lyn will be fine, as story is always generated for her, even if her character has lost all dignity these last few years. When you look at where Lyn was before she left, and where she is now, it's quite sad to see how far she's fallen. Lyn also has Summer, Charlie, Oscar, and her connection to Paul.

Libby has a raft of material that has yet to be tapped, but they really need to develop her character, and not let her go stale. Toadie is still fresh, b/c they've give him stories that have developed his and explored areas that haven't been touched before.

As long as Tom Oliver stays on that ridiculous recurring contract, Lou will never get anything substantial to do.

ETA: I preferred the show when they had a bigger cast, as it meant more storylines. But, I read that the writers prefer a smaller cast, which is why that's what we've got now. IMO, it's too small. And the writings no better with a small cast than with a larger cast, even though you'd think they'd have more time to plot the stories more carefully seeing as they only have about 4 storylines going on, compared to when they had double that one point.

Edited by Ben
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Is it wrong that I think Karl is one of the hotter guys on the show. :unsure:

I agree with you about Deirdre. Honestly the character was never the same without Ray Langton but she at least had some integrity and consistency. The decision in the last few years to turn her into a sputtering idiot was a huge mistake.

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Interesting points from you all, Dion, Ben and Carl. :)

I enjoy reading your posts, as they come across constructive and well-informed. I can definitely see potential in them delving into Karl's profession. Very interesting, too, that Susan could perhaps fall for another guy. I agree that it would be out of character to act on those feelings, but I can definitely see it as a possiblity. One thing that came to mind was Susan's family. She has 2 sisters and a nephew in Darcy who always managed to cause some conflict in her life. I wouldn't be against Darcy returning, either full-time or in a guest role. I've recently been watching 2002, and a story strand early in the year was Susan's sister Liz dumping her daughter Elly on Susan, while she fell pregnant to a Norweigan(?) guy named Lars. I wouldn't be against Liz returning needing help, saying that her marriage to Lars has failed and he's thrown her out. Susan could help her sister out of a sense of obligation, while Karl is against Liz and her family coming to stay, recalling how wreckless she has been in the past and has failed to learn from her mistakes. The girl who played Elly was a shocking actress, but I don't see why they couldn't re-cast her.

I wouldn't be happy if Karl and Susan took in more teens, mainly because that has already been done many times, but also because I think it fails to draw on their history and is simply bringing new teens into no.28 because there are no other houses available. Having said that, when Susan invited Sindi and Stingray to stay in 2004, that was my favourite household to date, but I think that's partly because it gave Susan room to develop as a character without having Karl by her side.

What do you think of my idea? Is it about time Darcy returned to Ramsay Street? Could Liz provide some conflict between K&S?

I find it interesting that you think Lyn and Paul have received more stories than Karl and Susan. Although I do find the Lyn/Paul relationship interesting, I think aa lot of stuff between the has been overdone now, i.e Paul blackmailing her, even though the fire at the Scully's wasn't her fault. I wouldn't be against Lyn falling in love with a widowed father of two (or more) and for them to get married and move into no.26. The more I think about it, the more I wonder why the Williams family were ever brought into the show. I expect that once Rebecca's gone, Michael may be set up with Libby, which I really hope doesn't happen, bcause I find that they lack chemistry and Libby doesn't need to be shoved with someone she doesn't suit again, after how disastrous her marriage/relationship to Dan was, and how awful/unenjoyable it was to watch.

I think that too.

I don't know what it is, the more I watch, the more I think that. He just oozes charisma.

Edited by Skylover
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I'd forgotten about Darcy and Susan's other family. I loved Darcy, but I'm not sure what they could do with him that would be different to what he's done in the past. He has a lot of similarities with Lucas, too. Both have gotten into trouble with gambling, and both are quite adventurous personalities, who get bored easily, and like a bit of drama - both also had some commitment issues as well.

I remember the days of Liz and Elly, and the drama with Elly's paternity, thinking that Karl was her father. :lol: If Liz returned separated from Lars, and feeling depressed, I could see her making a drunken pass at Karl, which could cause conflict between K&S. Maybe he doesn't tell Susan, and maybe Liz tries to take advantage of that. That whole situation could be made worse by having Karl and Liz personality clash. Liz could also ingratiate herself into Susan's friendship's, but Susan wouldn't want to rock the boat, so wouldn't say anything. There's scope for some comedy in there. Trouble is, the cast is so small, that there isn't enough dynamics for Liz to interact with.

This has reminded me about Karl's family, and I'd love for Tom to return, as that whole story with Tom's dementia ended quite abruptly, and I loved the tragic comedy he brought to the show. Has Karl ever met his bio dad? Has he ever appeared in the show? Maybe there's some story scope there?

When you think about it, Paul and Lyn have had there own stories, while K&S have simply be involved in other people's stories. The last storyline Karl had was with Nicola (I wish they would bring her back), followed by his grief at losing Zeke. Susan had her role in the surrogacy and the rushed stalker story, which had so much potential, but was just completely messed with. Nothing else since then. Throughout 2010 Paul and Lyn had a lot to do: there was the Rebecca/Paul/Lyn feud/triangle, Paul's financial woes, Paul/Declan feud, Diana Marshall, Who Pushed Paul?, Paul blackmailing Rebecca to stay married, Paul/Rebecca/Michael triangle, Paul blackmailing Lyn; Lyn was dealing with her unrequited love for Paul, the Lyn/Rebecca feud, Lyn's internet dating/Terry, Lyn struggling w/ Steph's secret, Lyn lodging an appeal for Steph, the fire, Paul's blackmail.

ITA about Paul blackmailing Lyn - that has been played out. I do think that until Lyn finds another man, she will always gravitate towards Paul's orbit. I think the show needs a bigger family, as the majority of the houses are practically empty. The Williams are a strange duo, b/c they've cut off all potential of expansion, much like the Ramsays. They play on the Williams enigma of having no-one but themselves; the wife is dead, and there's no other family. Kate & Sophie Ramsay just have each other (and their weak connection to Paul), since both parents are dead. I don't want to see Michael and Libby together, as that's predictable and uncreative. The show needs more long-term characters, and I think Mark would've been a better fit for Libby, although maybe a little to bland for her. I'm curious about what they would've done with Libby, had KV not had to take time out.

Edward and Carl: You guys will love the calendar shoot, featuring Karl, as AF definitely hit the gym before filming those scenes - he's seriously toned, now.

Edited by Ben
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Having watched Neighbours on and off since 1986, I feel that the show is returning to form after a few rocky patches.

An interesting storyline for Karl and Susan would be if Karl was pursued by a female nurse at Erinsborough Hospital. Karl befriends her as she is not very popular at the hospital due to her strong right-wing politics. A friendship builds but this is ended when the nurse makes a drunken pass at Karl during a conference in Canberra. Susan and Libby are not aware of his friendship with the nurse.

Karl tells the nurse to leave him alone and she agrees to do this, however the nurse has no intention of doing this and seeks to hurt Karl when she goes to see Susan at home while Karl is working. The nurse tells Susan and Libby that Karl slept with her in Canberra. The nurse only stopped their affair when she discovered that Karl was married.

The nurse tells a furious Susan and Libby that Karl led her to believe that he was a widower and that he was estranged from his prostitute daughter, Izzy.

Susan slaps the nurse (in a homage to the famous slap she gave Karl in 1998) and throws her out of Number 28. Libby phones Karl and tells him to return home straightaway. The nurse is seen smiling as she leaves Ramsay Street and Karl has no idea of the trouble he is in as he walks up Ramsay Street.....

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Heads up to everyone that voted in that poll on the main site: You can vote as many times as you like!

It explains why the teens are the runaway hit.

The 20s are still in second place, so if everyone keeps on voting multiple times, hopefully it'll topple, or at least damage the teen vote.


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Ratings haven't really fallen that much though, it's just not getting the highs that it was in February. The real test will come the week of April 4 as Daylight Savings ends on April 3 (except in Western Australia, Queensland and the Northern Territories which don't have it) and hopefully storylines set to take place that week such as

will do something for the ratings.

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You bet it will.

I think, if they were bringing in new characters to fill some of the void left by all the departing ones, it wouldn't be so bad. But, when you have Zeke, Rebecca, Declan all recently leaving, and will soon be joined by Lyn, Mark and now Libby, and the only new permanent characters are Jade, Kyle and Chris, the show starts to feel like a ghost town.

These 3-4 bedroom houses should not be occupied by just 2 characters, and neither should the majority be turned into share houses - this is not what the show is about.

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Libby's currently still away visiting Ben on UK screens and has no story (it pretty much got neatly wrapped up after Steph went to jail). She's just returned to Oz screens last week, with a new spiritual outlook on life. Where she'll be story wise in 3 months is anyone's guess (that's the amount of time she'll have on screen before she leaves again).

I thought the temp recast of Michaela Banas in 2008 worked well, but she's busy on another show, Winners & Losers. And that article says that they're writing Libby out with an final exit story, so they're not recasting.

Harold is returning for a brief guest stint, but I think they should bring someone else back for a longer stay, like, Lucy Robinson, or Gail or Christina, or even Mal Kennedy and his wife Catherine. I've given up hoping for any of Lou's family to make a return, as they're not invested in Lou or his history.

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