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Neighbours: Discussion Thread


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Sorry Ben, I feel like my POV re Chris has pissed you off. I don't mean to lay so much hate on Chris but I guess I just don't like him. I suppose it's one of those weird things in soap land where sometimes you just can't put your finger on why you do/don't like a character. I'm aware my opinion is in the minority. Personally though, I don't feel like Kate has done any more than Chris to be hated <controversial opinion> maybe I just don't concentrate on the show enough or have a weird view on what's right/wrong cos I do find myself saying/typing things that others disagree with. I think there is stuff with Chris earlier on in his story that made me dislike him a bit although I can't remember the exact details. Something to do with when that homophobic customer was at the garage. I seem to remember he made homophobic comments and Lucas ignored it and Chris got angry. Some people pointed out to me at the time that it may be Chris' naivete that drove his behaviour but I totally sided with Lucas on the situation as surely business comes first? It's not like Lucas was agreeing with the customer but just chose to forget his ignorance for the sake of the business. It felt like Chris took it far too seriously and I'm pretty sure there are other times when his attitude towards his sexuality has pissed me off. My point didn't come across well in regard to saying it's strange I don't identify with him because he's gay but I think it's different to straight viewers identifiying with straight characters. There is no denying that being gay is a huge thing you have to cope with your whole life and as such the gay characters in soaps tend to go through similar experiences to me so therefore I think it's natual I would identify with them a lot of the time. I don't have a lot of love for Sean in Corrie and not too bothered about Marcus (although, actually I barely watch Corrie) but I do love Syed and to an extent Christian. What sets Chris apart from these characters for me is his age so his experiences more closely reflect the stage in my life in comparison to the other characters you mentioned. I don't watch HO all that much either but from what I've seen I love Ste, Doug and Brendan. I take your point that people seem to like Chris for reasons other than his sexuality but maybe my personal feelings clouded my judgement on that one. I think his relationship with Aidan was make or break for me and has a lot to do with why I don't rate the character. I don't see how the writers were sending out a decent social message to the public by portraying the gay relationship as different to the hetero relationships. Andrew and Summer got a hell of a lot of screentime and Chris and Aidan didn't - it was like the writers didn't want to to focus on them too much because they're gay characters and didn't want to 'force' them on the public. The way they did it it wouldn't have satisfied anyone. There's no doubt in my mind the people most interested in the story would be the gay community and by sidelining the relationship it wouldn't have appealed to them so the whole story seemed pointless. Having said all that though, Richard Jasek has announced that Aidan's returning so maybe they realised viewers weren't satisfied and have brought Aidan back to milk the story some more.

In regard to the stunt, I'm sure it will be good it's just the fact that Bridget died in 09 and Ringo in 2010 from car accidents so three teen car accidents in a number of years. Home and Away is apparently having a car accident on the same night too. laugh.png

How are you feeling about other areas of the show? I like the Kapoors and although Priya came off quite unliekable in most of the plots she had to begin with, Rani has been great from the start and we're now getting to see Aus pace that Priya's earlier behaviour is part of a larger story arc for her and we've seen the family is quite developed. I'm still annoyed by the ridiculously gentle entrance of certain characters, the Kapoors and Sheila to name a few. Have you heard about Toadie's cousin 'Georgia Brookes' joining? Must be one of Angie's siblings children. That will be hell for continuity purposes! laugh.png

ETA: Oh and wanted to say, yes, I can identify with Ben from EE. My fave all time soap character after Sally Fletcher. Please don't judge me Ben, I know I'm an unconventional viewer. :(

:lol: I will apologise for liking Kate though!

Edited by Edward Skylover
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You didn't piss me off, even though my opening line may sound like I'm on the attack. laugh.png That's just me. It would kinda boring if we all thought the same. I could list an entire rap sheet of all the things Kate has done wrong - and that's just from this year!

With that homophobia story, when is it the right time to stand up and say something or just let things go? If Chris hadn't of done anything, and that guy had returned and said the same things again, or other customers displayed homophobic ideals, when would the right time be for Chris to expect Lucas to stand up for him as an employee? Without Lucas voicing his opinion, it also looks like he was condoning it, much the same way he ignored a customer who was sexist towards Steph. Steph called Lucas out for being gutless, and she stood up for herself, and no-one said she was being naive, or that the business needs to come first, so what's the difference? Does Lucas want his business to be associated with this type of customer? How is that good for business if word got out that he excepts homophobic customers? I was very much on Chris' side when this went down, as it is the principle of the matter, and it is important for Chris to know his boss has his back. Chris shouldn't have been expected to just brush it under the carpet. If it had been racial slurs or anti-Semitism would you feel Chris was being naive and overacting and that business should always come first? I really feel people shouldn't have to take any kind of offensive crap, no matter what. Otherwise, the world will never learn. And I assume with your stance that you wouldn't have been offended by the homophobic comments?

I don't think my analogy was the best, but what I was trying to say is that I don't think you have to identify with every gay character just b/c they're gay. Granted, you may share similar experiences, but everyone reacts to / and deals with them differently, so I wouldn't expect everyone to relate to every gay story. That's like saying every black person should be able to relate to every black character, or all Muslims to identify with all Muslim characters, just b/c they share similar experiences. The colour of one's skin is very much identity affirming and a big part of life, and so is religion, and the same for sexuality; it doesn't mean you should be able to identify with every portrayal.

The writing for Chris/Aidan was a bust, and went against everything Bower said it would be (but I'm not surprised, after all, Bower was always spinning everything into a positive bubble that veered into delusion). Aidan didn't do that much for me; he worked well with Chris/Tash, but outside of that... nothing major. I'd say he's coming back b/c he was popular, and or his relationship with Chris was popular, which may have been more to do with the fact it was the shows first gay relationship which was popular. And there's nothing wrong with that, it just means there's room to build. But, Aidan had no chemistry with Chris - there was a spark in their last episode - and bringing in someone new would work better, someone who has chemistry with James Mason.

Again, this was a Bower thing, where she didn't want to upset racists, much like how she didn't want to upset homophobes, so has introduced the Kapoors slowly, b/c apparently, this will help white people adjust to seeing Asian characters on screen. rolleyes.gif Sheila's introduction has been like this b/c Collett Mann had already pre-booked a theatre gig, I think. Besides, there's nothing worse than new characters being rushed and thrown at us, and while this excruciating slow pace is not much better, I'd take it over the former any day, as at least we are ready for this characters to come to the forefront, instead of wishing they'd go away.

I like Rani, and Ajay's great, and I've liked Priya even during her "unlikeable" start. Not that fussed about Toadie getting another cousin. I would father have more airtime for Rhys and Elaine's relationship, or more Pappas scenes biggrin.png or bringing back an established relation of Toadie's, like Tad or Janae, or beef up the Robinsons. Giving my feelings on Kate, you probably can guess my feelings on the whole Kate/Kyle kiss; love Zoe and wish she was staying around; no too sure about the Lucas/Vanessa/Rhys triangle, and Vanessa is nice and all, but she's no Emilia... Vanessa's introduction was a bit of a mess, and didn't do the character any favours.

Wow, Ben is your second fave soap character of all time! I knew you loved him, but didn't realize quite how much. There are no words. laugh.png

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Just watched my first Neighbours episode ever, though I have seen Susan/Karl clips before. It was today's episode, at AUS pace, and one thing they need to IMMEDIATELY stop doing is having those random musical interlude disrupting scenes. It's so offputting. Oh yeah, and Kyle seems like a dick. LoL I did like his nosy grandmother though. She was fun putting her oar in.

I also enjoyed the pregnant woman, who ended up doing a dine and sash with her son, whose father, I'm assuming is out of the picture. And like the son said, that guy who wouldn't let them leave totally came off as a psycho. What an ass!

Edited by Bright Eyes
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Yes, I do like it, though, out of the 8 soaps I'm watching I'd rank it around the middle of the pack. I do really like Paul and I really like that couple who just that Charlotte, the guy's boss, was hitting on him. I enjoy them the most so far. What do you think about Kyle and Jade? It seems obvious to me that the relationship is going to blow up in their face sooner or later.

Edited by Bright Eyes
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Which soaps do you watch then and what order would you place them in from fave to worst? I watch Home and Away, Neighbours and Eastenders. I like them in that order. Kyle and Jade are sort of like one of the show's supercouples, I do really like them together but I find them boring sometimes. Toadie and Sonya, who you mention, are great. The Kapoors are definitely my favourite thing about the show at the moment, because they're the only proper family in it. Priya is my favourite character at the moment. I'm starting to get bored of the Lucas/Vanessa/Rhys triangle which is bad because it's only just started. In case you're wondering, Vanessa's the half Italian pregnant one.

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Currently I am watching Shortland Street, EastEnders, Home and Away, Hollyoaks, Neighbours, Coronation Street, Emmerdale and Days of our Lives and am enjoying them in that order. Starting with Sharon's return on August 13, I have started watching all these 8 soaps again, with SS, HA and Neighbours the three soaps that I have never watched on a regular basis before. The only thing I have ever seen of Neighbours is Susan clips and some Kylie Minogue stuff, LoL. Days, being a US soap will probably always be ranked last, no matter what! LoL

As for the Vanessa triangle, I liked her and Rhys on Monday, but since I only started this week I can't really say I have a real opinion on them yet. Today's episode should give me something more to judge, I believe.

I like Paul more than Priya so far. To be honest, I kind of have a crush on him. It was nice though that Priya came clean to Paul about the guy whose name I can't remember (sorry). My heart had already broken for Paul. LoL

I figured Kyle and Jade had to at least be somewhat popular since they seem to get the most focus out of everyone so far. How long ago did Kyle and Kate kiss? And has either of them cheated on the other before?

Edited by Bright Eyes
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If you're watching at Oz pace, then I'd say it's probably 2 months ago - right Ed?

Neither character has cheated on each other before that kiss. It really isn't in Kyle's nature to cheat, and Jade wouldn't cheat on Kyle either, unless something were to happen that would propel her back into her shell and hit the self destruct button.

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Uh, yes, probably about 2 months ago I'd say. In fact, I'd say that it was out of character for Kyle to kiss Kate at all. Kyle was kind of forced into that situation to be honest. Jade wasn't letting him in and was just pushing him away as her abusive ex had come back and she hates that feeling of vulnerability. Kyle loves her but I think in that lost moment when he felt like he wasn't wanted Kate and him kissed. It was nothing really and I don't think it will happen again. Kyle's felt extremely guilty ever since.

ETA: Don't worry about having a crush on Paul, he is very charming! I don't like how he's scorned by most of the community so I'd kind of like it if he and Priya had a platonic friendship that shocked the community. I do feel like the constant sniping between him and most of the cast can get a bit tiring. I have a bit of a crush on Priya atm but nothin g sexual wink.png

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I meant I have a crush on Priya's husband and my heart broke for him because I thought Priya and Paul were haeading towards an affair. I hope it doesn't go that way, but Paul and Priya do have a very interesting relationship. Would it be in Paul's character just to screw with her head?

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Yeah but I think Paul does have an actual sort of respect for her, especially as they've got to know each other more. I get the impression he genuinely likes her, and I'm sure he wouldn't be against banging her. I don't think he's ever had an Asian woman so that might be a turn on for him, in fact I'm sure of it!! biggrin.png

ETA: Yeah, Ajay is sexy. I was kinda annoyed we didn't get a topless scene of him when he emerged from the doorway in the middle of the night in Thursday's episode. I must sound like such a maneater :lol:

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