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Home and Away: Discussion Thread


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Marilyn's friendship with Irene was pretty much forgotten when she was introduced back into the series in 20120 which was pretty offensive considering how close they were in the 90s. She came back solely to see Alf which I guess kind of makes sense as they were very close obviously having both worked together in Alf's store for a while. Recently there has been more interaction between Irene and Marilyn though it's mainly as they're both working at the Diner which is a shame. The YouTube channel is called 'CBBCOnChoice' and the most recent episode is here:


I think in regard to John and Gina that I just don't see the connection or chemistry they're supposed to have with Jett. There have been some touching moments in Jett's story but Gina doesn't really come across as a maternal kind of character. As much as I sort of hate to admit it, the Braxtons have become fantastic characters. They are a big reason why 2011 failed but 2012 has seen some much needed character development for all of them and like I said killing Charlie off was the best thing for them. I agree with you about Natalie, does being a psychologist make you an expert on everything? She seems to think so laugh.png Thanks for your advice on Days Will and Ben, I may give it a go. What do you mean by the days of Sami Brady being over? Last I watched she was still there or has she changed a lot or something? That Will is HOT! His acting sucks but we all need a resident hottie smile.png

Ben - I do think they're not using Marilyn properly at the moment. I guess you're not watching so don't know what's going on, but her and Roo both work in the Diner now with Irene and Leah, they tend to just chat in the background about the kids or whatever, I think they need to give Marilyn a love interest with some spark. I don't get why neither Roo nor Marilyn worked with Sid because I really like him as a stand alone character and as the patriarch of the Walker clan who are my favourite family, but for some reason his relationships haven't worked. I don't get how characters can work on their own but not in a relationship? Anyway, I wish they'd get rid of John/Gina/Jett to make way for Sophie Simpson to return. Rebekah Elmaloglou has basically said she's interested in returning so I don't get why they haven't snapped her up, especially when they've just lost one of their 'stalwarts' in Colleen. Plus they need someone from the original Fletcher family (well close enough) to be back in Summer Bay House. It doesn't sit quite right with me having Alf, Roo and Marilyn in there.

Edited by Edward Skylover
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I guess I assumed the last time you may have watched was when the show was on Channel 5, and from that point in time, the show is not the same. Sami is not quite the same. This year, Sami has been written the most in character she has been for years. But the show has a very different feel and look now, to 2000; the underscore music sucks, really, it's awful, the worst music I've heard in a show. Th show has a minuscule budget, so everything looks cheap. I don't want to put you off, just warn you that it may not be how you once remembered it.

Anyway, Marilyn seems to be treated the way Irene is always treated. Isn't Marilyn getting it on with Papa Braxton? I saw a photo of them, and they look like an odd couple, and not in the Marilyn/Fisher kinda way. Characters can easily work well on their own, but suck with love interests, and that's usually down to the actors not having chemistry. RM who plays Sid, seems to be the kind of actor who is difficult to pair up, he's not someone you can throw into a romance easily, as he doesn't romantically bounce off love interests well. They need to cast someone who can bring that out of RM and gel with him on every level. Maybe they need a character who is similar to Sid, instead of someone who is the opposite, which Marilyn and Roo have been?

I loved Sophie Simpson. Love seeing her on these reruns on 5*. If she returned, I'd watch again for sure. John & Gina have never worked for me - just get rid of them, they have zero family now. This show could be so interesting again, but TPTB are just plain useless at mining the shows history. I've never understood how Irene's biological children have been over looked for so many years, and she never mentions them by name, ever.

Your comment about psychologists is quite a common trait, but not to the extent she does it though. I think I've seen a couple of episodes with her in, and I thought no psychologist in real life would meddle and pressure someone like that - so unprofessional.

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Apart from perhaps bringing back onw of Irene's children, what would you do to improve the show, Ben? Do you think the Braxtons have a place in the show? What else do you think could be done to mine the show's history? And what do you think in regard to Summer Bay House? I'm intwo minds about that one - in a way it seems like there's a problem with the structure of the show having Alf, Roo and Marilyn there. If you look back, it was always a 'family' house and at the centre of the entire show, and the set-up seemed faily uncomplicated. Now it's difficult to see any long-term plan for the household - will Marilyn be living there for the forseeable future as a lone character or will she get a love interest? Are they setting up Roo and Harvey as the main residents of the house once Ray Meagher decides to leave? In one way I like that Alf is there as he deserves to be being such an iconic character but it seems like a predictable thing to do. For me getting Summer Bay House right is the most important thing for the show as, like I said, it is the centre of the show really. The heart and soul of it lies with SBH because that's where the taking in of waifs and strays began which is what the show is all about. I seem to recall someone saying (don't know if it was you, Ben) that Leah should have moved in there (with Miles presumably) and they could begin fostering. Obviously Miles is now gone but I don't think Leah is a strong enough character to run that household neither does she seem to have any maternal characteristics. If they did decide to bring back Sophie to run the house and presumably take in a load of foster kids, or Carly and Ben (recast) for that matter, where does that leave Alf, Roo and Marilyn?

I agree about getting rid of John and Gina. I actually really like John but I don't think he works with Gina as they lack chemistry and I don't think it's worth keeping him on if Gina leaves as he'd just be another older character floating round like the rest. John and Gina just seem SO separate from the community though, watching them it's like they live in a totally different place, they seem to have no friends or connections in the Bay, it would be quite easy to get rid of them. I love Jett though, don't know if you've seen much of him but he seems like a promising young actor and seems to have that star quality, you know you can't quite put your finger on it but he's got it! Part of me thinks it would be a good idea to kill of John and Gina in some accident so that Jett could be taken in by another family, maybe Roo and Harvey, but is that too mordbig for a child whose father doesn't want him and mother died of a drug overdose?

If you don't mind me asking Ben, how are you watching the 5* repeats if you live in the USA? blink.png I'm loving the reruns, just watched the 1993 selection today (Lynne McGranger's first ep as Irene, Dale's cot death and Bobby's funeral). It was interesting seeing Morag return for the funeral after 4 years away and it seemed like everything had changed in just that short space of time. I'm watching the 1991 season from the 7Two rerun and the new Pippa's been there for over 100 episodes now and I'm STILL struggling to accept her as Pippa. It seems other viewers have embraced her but she certainly doesn't feel like Pippa to me by early 1991 - she does in the 92/93 episodes I've seen so I guess it just took time for her to get into the role. I think the whole Michael thing makes it harder to accept: if Vanessa was still playing the role I don't think the writers could have married Pippa off so quickly, there certainly would have been a backlash. What's your opinion on the two Pippas?

I want them to recast Duncan and get him together with Marilyn. I know he'd only be about 24 but would be interesting; we know that Marilyn isn't against age gap relationships and she seems to be lonely and vulnerable at the moment (hence her involvement with Danny Braxton) but to be fair they're not really having a romance, they haven't even kissed, they just seem to be spending a bit of time together and I hope it isn't any more than that by the time he leaves.

I love Indigo Walker. She's about to embark on a romance with Liam it seems and they have great chemistry (just been revealed the actors are dating off-screen). Indi is the best character in the show currently.

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Granted that I'm new so I have no background, but she just seems so damn daft & bobbleheaded. She walks around slump shouldered and the best answer she can give to any question is "I don't know." "Indi, do you love Romeo?" "I don't know." "Do you want to get back together with him?" "I don't know." "Do you have the hots for Liam?" "I don't know." She makes me want to slam my head against a wall. Of course, I have similar feelings about Ruby who I want to shake violently while screaming "It's not all about you, BITCH!"

That said, I freaking adore Dax, I've quickly become a big Heath/Bianca shipper, and I'd probably screw Sid seven ways to Sunday.

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Lol, I really wasn't expecting that. I agree though, Sid is hot for an older guy. I've been watching the older episodes from the reruns in the UK and Australia, and I'm startled by the sheer number of male characters I'm attracted to. I know that Home and Away has a habit of hiring actors based on their looks but I think loads of them are gorgeous (maybe just a high libido? lol) There's Blake, Haydn, Ben, Simon, Nick, Shane, Geoff, Ric, Nick (a different one) and my favourites after today's re-run Jack and Curtis. I'm new to a lot of these characters as I was a child when these episodes went to air but wow. Jack is like a young, dark prince and Curtis a blonde haired, brown eyed angel. I wish I could find some good pictures to show you. Perhaps I should take some screencaps. Ironically I don't find many of the current cast that appealing except Casey and on the odd occasion Brax. I think it's because the younger cast weren't so sexualised back in the day so they seem more alluring whereas now the guys are constantly sexualised and parade around shirtless.

Right, I've got that off my chest so I'll move on...I think Indi has just had to put up with a lot of sh*t from Romeo so it's no wonder she's a bit apprehensive about starting things up with him again. I'm pretty sure her and Liam would make a great couple as he seems quite straightforward. I don't really ship Heath/Bianca that much as Bianca is a shadow of the character she used to be for me. I don't dislike her though, I just don't have a huge fondness for these characters. Casey's one of the best characters (maybe I'm just biased again because I think he's hot lol) but I'd like to see him in an actual lasting relationship. He and Sasha don't have chemistry though so I hope they're not paired up.

ETA: Add Tug and Damian to that list. tongue.png And to reiterate I meant Jack Wilson (from my avatar) and not the hideous Jack character from the 00s era Jack Holden who ended up with that monstrosity Martha Stewart. Lol.

Edited by Edward Skylover
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Haha it's not so much the fact of talking about boys or girls, but just the amount I talk about them lol I'm worried people are going to judge me as I'm always gushing about guys on the forums. They aired the 1995 episodes today, there was a shot of Jack and Curtis (never seen it before lol) Couldn't get a better screencap than this:


They are like my dream threesome. Haha biggrin.png

Your passion for Home and Away really has drained, hasn't it Ben sad.png

ETA: Here's a better photo of Curtis.


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I'm not American, ED - I'm English.

The reruns have been fad, but I see we've reached the horrible 2001 period, which I wasn't really a fan of. These episodes feel like they've lost something that the previous years had. I had never seen Pippa #1 before, so it was weird seeing her in that role, but I did grow to like a few episodes in. Pippa #2 is Pippa for me, as she's the only one I ever saw originally. Seeing these have reminded me how much I loved Alisa, and how much the show lost when she left - especially Alf. The sets are so much more interesting, too. What happened to the Stewart set? I remember it got destroyed in the mudslide, but I don't remember ever seeing the Stewarts move back in. I hated how they lived above the Diner. Also, what became of Fisher's house? I wish they had kept these sets, and simply moved new characters in, that way the history of the show would be retained. We still have the Beach house and Leah's place, the redecoration has sucked all the life and souls out of them and made them look bland and too similar.

The show needs to find its heart again, and be a lot warmer. I find the show can be too cold, and characters just lurch from angst to angst, to violence and murder. The 80s and 90s had a good mix of characters, and storylines were comical, dramatic, down-to-earth, and OTT, but there was variety and balance that brought it all together. Summer Bay House hasn't been the same since the real life house burnt down, and the set was changed and made smaller and the caravan park became a joke, with vans parked on random strips of grass and gravel. The house needs a family - a foster family, with two adults and rag-tag bunch of troubled kids that learn to tolerate and except each other and discover what family is all about. Roo & Harvey just don't cut it. Alf and Marilyn shouldn't be living there, well, not together. Actually, Marilyn should move in with Irene. Perfect.

The Braxtons are an odd bunch, b/c on one had they represent everything that is wrong with the show, but on the other, I really like Heath, who has a lot of potential, and Casey does, too, even though I think they've veered off track with him (I saw an episode where he punched his teacher, and I don't think they handled that violent outburst well); Brax is the problem, IMO. I'd kill him off, and see how the other two deal with it. I wouldn't expand this family like the show is doing, otherwise they'll eat it up, if they aren't already. I don't like that they split Liam & Bianca up, with them falling out of love so randomly. There was a lot of story scope for Liam/Bianca/Heath without destroying the relationship. Liam & Indi?! I can't get behind this, b/c it'll probably be another flash in the pan romance that won't go anywhere. Romeo & Indi are end game, or at least they should be.

Marilyn and Duncan?! I don't even remember how he left the show. I guess it would cause problems with Alf who would naturally disagree with the relationship. But, I don't think she'd go there with Alf's son, unless Duncan game on to her, but even then it would be a stretch. Marilyn with a younger man sounds good, but not with Duncan.

I don't think it would be a good idea to kill off John & Gina due to Jett. And I don't see Roo being the sort of character who would take in random troubled kids.

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I agree. Have never liked Heath much. He seems to feel he's entitled to commit crimes and get away with it, and Brax enables that.

He has that attitude towards doctors that I hate in soap characters. The attitude where he harasses the doctor, blames him for the illness and feels entitled to an immediate cure regardless of the state of medical science.

I think we're supposed to believe he will be redeemed by love for Bianca. It's obvious he has no particular love for his brothers, who go all out and lose a lot because of him.

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Wow. I must be the only one who really likes Heath (even though I'm more than willing to admit that he can be kind of a douche). Also, I can so totally see the parallels between the Braxton brothers of 'Home & Away' and the McCleary brothers of 'Search for Tomorrow' in the 1980s (as in, a totally new family of brothers that pops up and suddenly take over the whole show).

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