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Emmerdale: Discussion Thread


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At least they didn't write him out for good, as they have in some other circumstances (I think they might have let the actor who played Len Reynolds leave when he wanted to do theater). I hope he will have a good story when he returns. I'm kind of glad if this means they aren't going to rush anything with Doug and Diane.

The ratings for Emmerdale are still decent for summer but with this such a big week I'm disappointed they haven't done a bit better so far this week. I guess The One Show, which from what I've seen is a very generic, clunky show but which gets all kinds of attention (especially the endless obsession over Christine Bleakley -- so much so that the BBC even hired a lookalike to replace her when she left), is just very strong competition.

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I know what you mean. There don't seem to be any stories like that building up at the moment. Most of the stories building up now seem to be smaller in nature.

What have you thought of the last few episodes? I think they've been pretty great. I wish sometimes the show had more of a WOW factor, but then, if they did, I'd probably complain then too. I do like the tight knit feel of the community, how so much affects everyone. Tying together Shadrach's death and Mark's death was a brilliant writing choice, and brought out more humanity in some characters, like Cain, than I've seen in ages. The understated, yet shocked look on his face when he heard Shadrach was dead, and then finally seeing him go over to the Dingles (he barely says a word to most of the Dingles now), and then the quiet nausea which crept over him when Sam said they'd found Mark's body. The scene with Ryan and Cain at the end of Wednesday's episode was chilling and sad.

I do wish Faye was a bit less understated but she's always been like that. I don't dislike her but I laughed when Nathan threw her and annoying Katie out. :lol:

I wish they hadn't written the two detectives as making all those quips -- they didn't do that before, this reminded me too much of Eastenders.

Mark Charnock gets a lot of criticism for his acting but I thought he was very good in these last few episodes, his pain, and his fight with Zak, and his regret and quiet anger even after he was at the Woolpack with Rhona.

I like the way they're still using the con on top of all this too, to show us Andy starting to go back over the edge. I just hope Victoria gets some reaction to this!

David's cute little ass was the perfect comic relief, and Matthew W played that scene just right, he's such a great comedian.

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The show has been pretty good this week. Of course, and maybe this is because of the drivel I've watched on the US soaps, all the episodes since I've started to watch have pleased me in one way or another.

That Cain/Ryan scene was one of those things I didn't even think about as I was watching. That was a great way to tie the two stories together. It's so rare for Cain to have any sort of friend, so his relationship with Ryan is very intriguing to me.

And Katie ... man, that bitch just stayed and stayed AND STAYED! This may be weird, but I also found it odd that she still refers to herself as a Sugden. How long ago did they divorce?

If they squander more potential for Victoria to actually do something, I will be thoroughly pissed. Why does the show hate this character?

As for Charnock, he can get a bit annoying at times, but when it comes to bringing the drama, he delivers. I thought he was great when I watched Tricia's death and the fight with Zak brought some good heartache into the episode.

With all the hot men, why the hell doesn't this show do a calender? Hell, at least write in some sort of bachelor auction thingy.

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Emmerdale is consistently good. I can't remember the last time I watched an episode and thought it stunk. The show does not have big thrilling moments, but they manage to churn out surprisingly good stuff six episodes a week.

Cain and Ryan could have a very interesting relationship. I hope that this will happen. I would like to see Cain slowly take Ryan over to a darker side. They have some strange things in common. The man Cain knew as his father for much of his life died the same day as the man Ryan had barely ever known as his father.

I really liked the scenes where Betty was so worried about Seth's body being dug up. The show is criticized for not using their older cast members but this was a good way to bring Betty and Alan into the story while still honoring Betty's history.

I know. I don't care for a lot of calendars anyway, at least those with the "Let's have the men drenched in water and wax everything in sight", but they'd make a lot of money on beefcake shots of these guys...there's always a Full Monty story or something :blush:

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Finally watched yesterday's episodes. Great stuff! I don't think there was one poor scene, although I don't care about Eve's money problems or Doug's job.

The best part was the interrogation between Nathan and the hot detective. As always Nathan has a lot of chemistry with other men in antagonistic situations. Beyond the shallow, the scene where Nathan realizes that there was no way Natasha could have accidentally killed Mark was FANTASTIC. Great work from Lyndon.

You also have all those fault lines building up in the family, as Maisie and Will are both increasingly convinced Nathan is the killer.

I wish Maisie and Ryan didn't have so much chemistry...loved their scenes in Thursday's first episode. And Viv trying to be nice, even if it wasn't appreciated.

I wonder if that scene where Natasha basically blasted Ashley for being a lousy vicar was a shoutout to those fans who regularly go on about how bad he is. One even has a "Vicar Watch."

Gennie's dress was very short wasn't it? I remember when she used to go around dressed like a kooky aunt from the Brady Bunch.

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I liked Holly and Isaac. They're pretty cute together. But man, Holly girl, grow a pair, eh? LoL Also, it kind of pissed me off to hear Victoria but not SEE Victoria. Fail.

I'm not sure if I'll like this Rhona triangle story. It will be very unpleasant. :(

That David/Faye scene was random.

I thought it was funny that Charity was in her first outfit for about 5 seconds. God, Debbie needs to return already.

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