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Oh my god, did Charity really do what I think she did in the house?! 

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What a disgusting bitch she is!



Even though it would be great to see them again, I think that Kim should stay away. Her run was iconic and she had a perfect ending. Any return would only diminish her and I prefer to remember her the way she was.

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I am a firm believer that soaps should preserve and nurture their original core families; the families who usually made the shows popular to begin with. It was shockingly short-sighted and stupid for Emmerdale to kill off so many Sugdens over the years.


The Dingles might have been tolerable, IN LOW NUMBERS, had they not seemed to take over and infect the entire town. I liken their effect on Emmerdale to the vile Shaynes on The Guiding Light, who invaded Springfield in the 1980s, seemed to breed like rabbits, and infested the entire series. Unfortunately, at this point I don't think TPTB have the desire or even the ability to replenish the Sugdens, with so many of them dead.

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Very true.


But a small portion of me wants Kim just to pop up even for a short arc and turn this village on its head. 



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 at you comparing the Dingles to the Shayne/Lewis clans. The comparison is somewhat true. I just find the Dingles to be more unbearable.




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The Dingles are so disparate that I don't have the revulsion toward them that many do. I do when they all gang up on people, and act entitled, but otherwise I tend to see them as being different groups. 


I do dislike when Cain, Chas and Aaron go around harassing people. Of course they barely interact now...

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Meaning me!  

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For me the mere fact that they exist is enough. I've always disliked them intensely. Sometimes a few of them have been tolerable, but as a whole I feel they have almost ruined this show, and I deeply resent the fact that they get to multiply and have new family members pop up on a regular basis while longstanding families like the Sugdens, the Bates family, the Windsors etc have been more or less wiped out.

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No one, I repeat: NO ONE, has ever been more abrasive to me than that screeching MEva Shayme, her drooling half-wit father, her off-key mama Minnie Pearl, her gay porn-star-esque brother  cRusty, and her loudmouthed sister Crassie. I only give Roxie a break because she had the good graces to leave town and stay gone.


Between the Dingles and the Shaynes, it's a toss-up as to who is more irritating.

Edited by vetsoapfan
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I may be biased because TGL was *my* show. I had had a decades-long relationship with the citizens of Springfield before the Shaynes descended upon the town and took over, overshadowing all that could have been good in the 1980s.


However, for Emmerdale purists, I can see the Dingles being the same sort of overwhelming irritant.



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Well I can't call myself of purist when it comes to ED or GL, but I love both the same and find the Dingles to be far more grating. But I guess b/c I liked the Shaynes, they don't annoy me as they do you; however, if I had the long history with GL like you had, I'd've been livid too when they popped up in the 80s and consumed the show from the Bauers. 


When it comes to do the Dingles, I was watching as the Sugdens started decrease and the Dingles increased. 

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I've never watched Guiding Light, and I'm not even sure it has aired here in Sweden, but if these Shaynes you talk about were only half as annoying as the Dingles then I pity long-time viewers who had to put up with that.

My history with Emmerdale stretches back to the late 1970s, and I have such a strong emotional attachment to this show that I can't let it go completely even though my viewing has been a bit off-and-on on occasion. But the presence, and prominence, of the Dingles has been a nuisance more or less constantly ever since they first turned up in 1994. I took an immediate dislike to them and that dislike has over the years turned into full-blown hate. For all I care TPTB could write them all out tomorrow and never even bother to explain where they've gone. They have no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

I guess they must be popular with the audience though, since they have been kept on the show while other characters have been written out left and right. But for me they are all a waste of space.

The fact that two of them, Chas and Charity, have taken ownership of The Woolpack is enough to almost make me weep with frustration. To think that the legacy of Amos and Mr. Wilks is defiled by those two is infuriating.

Joseph Tate's return has given me a glimmer of hope that someone will finally be able to really inflict some pain to this horrible family, but knowing how TPTB seem to love the Dingles I fear that it's only a matter of time before they have him panting after Debbie. I pray to every deity that has ever existed that that day will never come.....

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@I Am A Swede, you already know that Joseph (much like my beloved Ross) will eventually fall at the altar of St. Debbie Dingle in due time. 

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While they'll be true to character and have him be a sap to women like his father and grandpa, they'll eventually erase the venomous Tate instinct from him to prop Debbie. Seeing as the Whites are about to be out, I can assume that Joseph will resume control of Home Farm, and Debbie (much like her mother and aunt) will eventually have her turn at being lady of manor.  This is why I want all the Tates to return, so they can help Joesph take a whack at the Dingles.


But we all know they'll (the Dingle clan) emerge victorious as they always do. The villagers will rally behind them too to make it even worse. 

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That's the thing: I had never seen Emmerdale Farm until after the Dingles arrived, so emotionally, they were part of the canvas, like a wart of the backside of life, LOL. If I had had to witness and endure the Sugdens being slaughtered first-hand, I'm sure the growth of the Dingles would have infuriated me more. 


On TGL, I watched in horror during the 1980s as we lost Bert Bauer (through no fault of TPTB, but still...), Bill Bauer, Mike Bauer, Hope Bauer, Hilary Bauer, and even the "real" Ed Bauer when the role was recast with what I considered to be a jarring and miscast actor. When the Shaynes arrived and took a lion's share of the focus, I regarded them as an infection invading the host. It was dreadful.

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The main difference between the Dingles and the Shaynes is that the Shaynes were brought in around the time that GL began slaughtering Bauers, whereas by the time the Dingles became prominent, the damage was already done with the Sugdens. They didn't come in until Joe Sugden was leaving and by that point most of the family was already dead, from daughters to stepchildren to babies...on and on. Joe even used to go on about a "Sugden curse." 


I think what hurt the Sugdens most was the show no longer wanting to be seen as a farming/rural soap.

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But the Sugdens did have some prominence on the show still at that point with Jack, Andy, Robert, Sarah, Victoria, and later Diane (who married Jack). 


I feel like once Jack died and Robert was written off, they became background characters with the exception of Andy, who was used as a vessel to breed with Debbie every blue moon when he wasn't pining over Katie. 


I'm still pissed that the show didn't allow Victoria to get knocked up by Adam before he departed. We could've had a future set of Sugdens set in stone. Now all we have are Debbie's 2 brats bearing the Sugden name but they'll be more Dingle than Sugden.

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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The Sugdens were kneecapped as a family as soon as they had to just rely on Jack. I imagine the Dingles becoming popular played a role in not building up the family (although I'd say it was also down to the Tates and the decline of the farming aspect) but they did bring in Andy, then Diane, and Andy's brother Daz. 


I think Clive Hornby's death, Luke Tittensor being let go, and the wife-beating story for Andy all happening at the same time closed off so many avenues. Rather than work with what was still there, Gavin Blyth backburnered Victoria and introduced various other girls to have stories that could have been hers. Diane mostly just became a grandmother or Val's sister. 


There is always heavy focus on Debbie and Aaron when they're around, and Cain, but in other cases it's mostly just some of the Dingles stay around and around, even if they don't have big stories that often (like Marlon or Sam or Zak and Lisa). 


The Sugdens don't really have anyone around, and no producer builds them up. The Dingles haven't had that many new people brought in in recent years, just a few here and there, but there are so many around it means more of a presence. 


The Sugdens have none of that. The show doesn't remember or care. Look at Robert, who was obviously brought in by Oates as a generic psycho who would cause problems for her pets.A legacy character permanently tainted as a murderer and sociopath. Sad to say if not for a Dingle, he would likely be long gone. 


There is still time to bring in more Sugdens or Merricks, but I'm not holding my breath.

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