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Emmerdale: Discussion Thread


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Watching it was eerie as she even talks like Holly. I have a feeling she's going to just end up using Jai and maybe Moira but I hope not as I'd hate for Holly's memory to be exploited that way. 


It's hard to say with the cast because they've had a big cast for a while now and with ever-lowering budgets and ratings for soaps you wonder how long that can last. I just hope that none of my favorite supporting people who never have enough to do end up going. If anyone like Leyla or Bernice left I'd really have to question watching. They can have the Whites though...

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And so Ashley's Death Week commences....


The little boy who plays Arthur is breaking my heart but the old ham who plays Ashley's father is back to chewing the scenery. It's cringeworthy. Dude, you ain't playing King Lear.


Was Chas running off to Mauritius with Liv a sudden write-out? If she's not back for Aaron's return then I guess we'd have our answer.

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Thanks for the link, Carl. How wonderful is that?


I do think that, along with an Emmerdale sweep, that Alfie Clarke wins the BSA for Best Young Performer. The kid who plays Denny on EE is just a one-dimensional smirking robot.


ETA: what was with the cross-fade between pub scenes during tonight's episode? Has the show done this in recent memory?

Edited by TimWil
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Damn. I am bawling. I knew this was gonna happen, which is why I tried delaying watching this episode for the longest. 


I am sorry but I don't like this Jai plot. I get he is supposed to be getting over the loss of Holly, but I hate it. I hate that poor Jai is about to be used and abused yet again. 


Glad that the writers took this moment to get Adam and Victoria started on their baby making. Out of all the soap couples in the world, I want a little bundle of joy for these two. Someone has to carry the Sugden legacy! 


Ashley... The scene where he looked at all his family pictures before succumbing to death killed me. When Laurel found him, I became even more hysterical. Then they pulled the camera panning upwards to indicate Ashley had safely ascended into heaven and I died. It reminded of Jack's death on Corrie. Just beautifully done. What I found also beautiful was that Ashley was surrounded by the people he loved the most: Sandy, Bernice, Arthur, Laurel, and Gabby. I just hate that poor Gabby didn't say her goodbyes. I feel like that is gonna haunt her going forward, and I am interested to see how it affects her. 


Just a subtle, beautiful episode. 


God I am gonna miss John Middleton/Ashley. This show has lost a pillar. Excuse me while I go cry some more. 

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It was, of course, a very touching episode but I did find myself fast-forwarding through the scenes with "the whole gang" with Ashley-I just wanted it to be him and his family. And alright, having him "recognize" Laurel at the very end was probably unrealistic in the extreme but I think it was really the only way they could have ended their storyline together.

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