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Hollyoaks: Discussion Thread


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God I Love The MCQueens.

Mercedes was drop dead stunning today.

I reckon Brenden is behind it all. He needs to establish himself as The Villian somehow.

God I Love The MCQueens.

Mercedes was drop dead stunning today.

I reckon Brenden is behind it all. He needs to establish himself as The Villian somehow.

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I know that the show isn't exactly at a high point now and they also may not have as many actors to cast from but I continue to be confused about some of their casting decisions.

- I keep hearing how "hot" Bart is, so I guess he's popular with some, but I can't get past how much bigger his head is than the rest of his body or that he looks like a Thunderbird, and worst of all, that LIFELESS voice. Every word he says just flatlines.

- And again with Mitzeee's mother, scenes which were interesting and should have been a real insight into Mitzeee's character, yet her mother had that same dead voice. Is Sasha Valentine casting the show now?

- While it's nice that this Veronica woman had a more lively voice, that doesn't do a lot to make up for her terrible acting. She was able to do the Patsy Kensit smug routine, but any attempts at anything else were, if those scenes with Malachy at the end of the episode were any indication, a misfire.

All the scenes with the McQueens drunk at the pub, while their house and Evissa were being looted, should have been funny, or exciting, but instead they were strangely lifeless, and somewhat unpleasant.

Apparently the only comic relief the show has at the moment is the repulsive Duncan, and then poor Dom running around like Barney Fife.

The only story which is interesting me is Jasmine's story, perhaps because her very, very low-energy vibe is a good fit for the show at the moment.

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Hmm, I actually didn't mind today's episode at all, except for the huge and obese obvious.

Malachy/Mercedes, Jasmine/Bart/Mitzeee kept me interested enough. Just to be clear, Mitzeee and her mother said Heidi stole Carl, yes and not some random bloke? It's kind of gross that Mitzeee would want to go anywhere near him, but I'm happy it's for selfish reasons and not because she's actually obsessed with him. Plus, this whole 'secret' or whatever gets revealed soon so I can stomach it.

I hope they don't kill Malachy at all. I really hope Marquess starts to make Merci a little more pleasant instead of just a shrew 24/7.

Rhys likes Star Wars? Ew, what a turn off.

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I think they said she stole Carl, although I wonder if he was ever theirs to steal, as the mother seems a bit crazy (she's sending me a 40th birthday card out of spite!).

I also hope they don't kill Malachy. I'd rather he just leave town. The writing for Mercedes is unpleasant but Jennifer Metcalfe isn't helping -- I kind of wonder if she's just sick of the role.

Rhys has never been a sci fi fan so I don't know why they are saying he is now.

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So was the woman who was friends with Kris and came to visit him the same character who was in the first Hollyoaks Later? I liked that woman and wondered why they didn't bring her in instead of Cheryl. Was it the same actress? I wonder if she's leaving with Malachy or if she's staying around.

The breakup with Malachy and Mercedes was well done but I hope this is it.

I hope this is almost it for that very untalented woman playing Veronica. Her attempts at "fear" were awful. I was also trying to figure out exactly what Mercedes did to her, as she seemed perfectly fine to me when Cheryl's BORING brother showed up. I finally realized who else he reminds me of - Ciaran from Corrie, who at least has a sense of humor and isn't given any storylines.

The stuff with the Costello women was pretty good, even if I still don't buy Heidi as a mother.

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Final backstage video for the Valentine's:

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hdp6IwRfXCk?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hdp6IwRfXCk?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hdp6IwRfXCk?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

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How sad that the editors chose to make that video all about Bronagh. She's not going anywhere.

I'm not too sorry to see the Valentines leaves but I wish more interesting characters were replacing them. So far it's mostly been duds.

I am happy to not have to see Sasha anymore. I am so tired of her judgmental a$$, constantly lecturing Lauren, and forgetting her own history.

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Wow, Duncan is a pathetic waste of airtime. So pathetic that they actually have to resort to HE'S SO FAT HE EATS DOG TREATS jokes. So I guess it's deliberate that they always dress him several sizes too small and he makes those awful faces. I wonder how the girl who played Chloe feels, as the show always tried to be respectful of her weight and told stories about her insecurities. Duncan is such an awful character I even skipped most of the scenes with Jack and Darren.

Rhys and Jacqui don't seem to have a lot of chemistry so far. We'll see. Those scenes with Cheryl as Alan Sugar were awful. She's more like the Chicken Lady.


Lauren's moral lecture with Gaz was odd, as she seemed to forget just how actively she was involved in these crimes, and she wasn't just mooning over him. Those scenes were all strange and probably could have been left out, although at least we know Gaz won't be back. I still have no real idea why Lauren decided to go back to being with her mother, but I'm glad she didn't let her father's guilt-tripping work.

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It feels odd only reading about the British Soaps and not being able to watch them. I'm currently in the States and it also feels odd with the roles being totally reversed and being able to watch the American soaps as they are shown.

By the sounds of it, Hollyoaks is starting to wobble again, as it finds its feet under Paul Marquess, which is disappointing. I guess I can form a comprehensive opinion when I get back to London.

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Well, a lot of people are still enjoying the show, at least at Digital Spy. The ratings seem OK, considering it's summer. I think it might be that some of us just don't share the enthusiasm for some of the characters that may be popular with others. I like the idea of great new characters livening up the atmosphere but so far most of them haven't done a lot for me, and when you add in the nightmarish Duncan and Cheryl it's a drag.

I do think the story about Jasmine is pretty good so far.

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Overall the show was pretty decent today, with the exception of the scenes with Ste losing his job with Tony and getting punched by Boring Brendan. I think that was supposed to be some kind of fun love to hate moment but Brendan just seems oily and generic to me.

The scenes with the Costellos were, on paper, strong. Jasmine lashing out at her father. Carl lashing out at her by nearly throttling Boring Bart. Jem being traumatized over the memory of her boyfriend. The transition to screen didn't quite work, mostly because there was no real tension when Carl pushed Bart against the fruit machine. Remember when Mike Barnes terrorized Josh? THAT was tense. This looked like the actor was afraid to go too far. The scene with Jem and Carl was OK, not the best acting, but they got the point across of how far Carl can go.

While I don't understand why all the Valentines needed to leave together (and given that Lauren has imploded over the last year I'm not sure if she necessarily needs to be around Leo or Sasha), I did think their last episode was well-done, and I think they got a respectful send-off. I'm glad so much of the focus was on Carmel's loss of these people she cared so deeply about and her guilt over not telling them about Theresa's baby. Gemma Merna did a great job today and she also looked beautiful, she always looks good when they tone down her hair and makeup.

So I guess the person Tony sees is

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