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Hollyoaks: Discussion Thread


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I don't see Riley and Seth as Max and OB. While they are a big step up from the Goonies castoff Duncan and the comatose Ricky, I think Max and OB just had something special that transcended the bickering and the drooling over hot babes.

I don't think Seth is very good at dialogue yet, and Riley, he's OK, but he looks too old for the role. I was surprised to learn that Riley is supposed to be 17.

I like Mitzeee more than I did on Friday but I look forward to when they can move on from the story about her wanting Carl. That just adds to the whole late night porn channel vibe which their other scenes are already getting.

Did anyone else kind of get a strange vibe from the Costello family scenes? It's not so much that I am shocked by Riley and Seth panting after their cousin, because they didn't even know she was their cousin until today's episode, but why did the show even make her their cousin, why not just a friend of Heidi's from their modeling days? Was there any reason she needed to be a cousin?

And what was going on with those Carl/Jem scenes? The music, lighting, and the body language in them suggested she was his old love, not his estranged daughter.

Everything with Kris and Michaela and Zak seemed like filler, like ticking down the clock. The dividing line between "old" and "new" Hollyoaks.

Was anyone else impressed by the lighting in most of this episode? I thought it was especially effective in the scenes with Nancy/Jake/Loretta, the blue drabness and strange dreamlike quality.

I'm glad we got to see Adam one last time. He's very cute yet he's not a traditional "hunk." I'd love to see him more often. How about pairing him with Nancy?

The best thing for me about the new promo was that Darren was at the center of the group photo, the position of power, as he should be.

Edited by CarlD2
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The "comedy" scenes of a very smug Riley (he seems to be set on smug), Seth, and Jem destroying property and apparently being rewarded for this were pretty close to the excerable level of Duncan and Cheryl. What was that with Dominic hitting a window with a tree branch? When did he become a CPO anyway, was that during Lucy Allan? Is Carmel still a CPO too? Did they ever work together?

Loretta's last stand was a bit of an anticlimax. Melissa Walton did a good job when Loretta was talking about her past but the faces she made throughout the "hostage" scenes were very fake. And is that really it for why Loretta acted the way she did? A few sentences saying she had been molested as a child, with very little sympathy from Jake or Nancy and then being carted off to get help? I'd almost rather they just say there was no real reason. The best part of all that was Kevin Sacre's performance, especially when he talked about how he'd hurt Nancy and Charlie. He and Jessica Fox were both good, they have such good chemistry together, it was one of the reasons I liked them as a couple even though on paper the idea was outrageous.

I'm glad they seem to be adding some other mysteries to the Mitzeee/Carl affair stuff, like bringing up her mother, and her saying that Heidi is no saint.

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As if she hasn't dragged down enough characters? I just can't take this woman. I was cringing yet again when she was making a fool of herself in the Dog (at least Cindy seems genuinely repulsed by her). Are we in the minority and she's actually very popular? I keep thinking she must have some fans, as some at DS say she's great, but I just can't take her. And what a boring story about winning the lottery, she still just sits on her a$$ all day.

Her brother might improve the situation but from the promo he looks like a cross between Rasputin and Ethan from GH.

So what did you think of the wrapup to the Loretta story? I thought she was generally pretty dull. I liked the focus on Jake more than the rest; the scenes where he spoke privately to Nancy about not bothering to tell his family the truth, due to their lack of trust in him, then Nancy telling Frankie, and that hug between Frankie and Jake near the end of the episode.

I knew they were going somewhere heavy with Steph's quest for fame. Everyone involved did a good job with the fallout of the failed audition (I still kind of think that if Steph doesn't die they should have her take Tom with her, I see no real purpose in his character).

What do you think of the Costellos so far?

Do you think Michaela doesn't seem like herself anymore or am I just seeing that because I know she's leaving? I'm glad Des is about to be exposed but I didn't really believe Gaz would so quickly believe Lauren was attacked by Des.

I will miss the Zak/Kris friendship. I used to hate Kris but these days he's one of the more enjoyable characters, at least when he has some comedy.

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The Loretta stuff just seemed rush, I didn't understand the point of her taking Nancy hostage. It seemed like they were just dying to get rid of her and couldn't do it fast enough. The Nancy and Jake conversation at the hospital was the best part of it all I thought.

The Costello's seem very one-note and forced so far, but I think the actress playing Mitzeee is actually quite good and better than most, if not all of the actors in that family so far. The Costello's just seemed forced and pushed onto the show at the moment, they should have gradually faded them in and have them interact better with the established characters on the show. As of right now, we have no reason to care for them.

Michaela seems like a non-entity these days, she doesn't seem to have any purpose or interact much with her family anymore. She's there, but it doesn't really feel like she's there most times.

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I think they should have spent more time building up Carl and Heidi, as I do like them, before bringing in the kids or Mitzeee, or at least waiting a while to reveal Mitzeee's ties to the family. I guess they feel they have to hurry slightly because of the ratings, but this family seems to have so much going on and yet at the same time they're not really all that affected by most of what is going on around them.

I think that the Sharpes had a more interesting debut, although it's stupid to compare. I know some have said they shouldn't have vanished for weeks but I think that helps create more interest from viewers.

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