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Hollyoaks: Discussion Thread


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I can't take the woe-is-Anita stuff. It's not that I don't feel sorry for her because I do but the actress has a whiny voice and the facial expressions are also kind of melodramatic.

I thought Des was going to go at Ravi with a baseball bat or something -- the smoke bomb wasn't up to much. And doesn't Relish have a back entrance??

At least Zak did the right thing. It's sad seeing him, and Michaela, these days.

I don't feel sorry for Gaz, not really, although I think there's still some mileage left in the character and the actor is underrated. I guess it would be ironic if he left in the unintentional frameup over the gun (and seeing that gun end up with Gaz and the stuff with the police going to them because Zak thought Anita was being targeted was all very interesting, but did they say how the police or Zak knew where Anita was?). But I just :rolleyes: whenever Sasha, who endlessly worshiped the unhinged Warren, tries to talk about Gaz.

The scene with Steph telling Tom about her cancer was good, and so was Jack's reaction, and Jack trying to get Steph to know what to do.

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Okay it looks like i'll be returning to Hollyoaks since the new showrunner is about to arrive. I'm starting with the week of June 7th only because I didn't wanna go too far back, but wanted to see where things were before he arrives. I'm looking at the arrival of the Sharpe family as his true start since we know that those are 100% characters he created. I think this could go either way so we'll see. I notice a lot of the actors he's casting are very pretty so I just hope they can act. I'm beginning to see it truly is going to be a very different show and I just hope it's a GOOD show.

Will keep you guys posted once I begin viewing episodes.

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Marquess' first episode was a huge snore. Nothing felt different and I've noticed not even any subtle changes. But I guess we'll have to wait another month or two for actual stories to kick in. But still, not even the tone of this episode seemed different from what we've usually gotten under Lucy Allan.

Cheryl's dancing. :rolleyes:

I don't find this racism story interesting at all.

When did Lee Hardman start getting listed as EP with Tony Wood and Carolyn Reynolds? :unsure:

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I didn't see a big difference either, but this was the first time in years I've kind of liked Cheryl, so...that's something?

The racism stuff interests me when the McQueens are involved (although I'm not sure Jacqui would get all that upset on behalf of Ravi) but I'm not that involved when it's about the Roys. Ravi's acting, especially when he said he wanted to get his hands on Gaz, cracked me up. The scenes with Jacqui trying to keep things under control with her family do compel me though. The stuff about Gaz and the gun not so much although the woman who plays the detective is really good.

Four years in and the acting from Sasha is still shocking.

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Please stop with the Valentine girls and their "acting." Where is Leo anyway? Gemma Merna is the only one carrying these scenes. And Sasha is such a cold, judgmental person who rarely has time for anyone else's grief. Ugh.

Gilly and Steph don't have a lot of passionate chemistry (although they have never really had that with much of anyone), but I like them together, they seem sweet. I like how he guilted Rhys into helping Steph out. Rhys needs another storyline now that his family is almost gone.

At least Myra is finally being brought into Theresa's pregnancy plot. Give her something to do!

Around a year ago today:


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She has her moments, but that's mostly when she is reacting to something, when they just show her face. The more dialogue she gets or the more the scene is about her, the worse she is. She's also very inconsistent.

Edited by CarlD2
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I thought she was OK but again I thought they kind of went on too long and there was too much talking.

Hollyoaks is an odd show in that I think some of their actors would be much better suited to silent films, like Amy. She has an expressive face, but with the "I don't currrr..." you get distracted.

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