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Y&R: Scoops & Spoilers

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from daytimeconfidential.com-

People get ready for some showdowns that are about to go down!

Victor and mini Victor in training Adam fall out of love yet again, when he invites his lady friend Heather to come for a dip at the Newman ranch. At first Ms. Stevens is a bit reluctant (don’t blame her) because Slick Vic can’t stand her for suspecting him in the still unsolved Ji-Min murder investigation. Of course Adam breaks the cardinal rule of loyalty in families especially the Newman household because he chalks it up to her doing her job.

Turns out Adam isn’t as smart as he thinks he is because it all hits the fan when Victor shows up and doesn’t hide his hatred of Heather, going out of his way to be rude and prompts a showdown between father and son. Victor forbids Adam from seeing Heather which prompts Jr. to tell pop that he can’t control his love life. The tiff is an eye opener for junior Newman and makes him a bit jaded on his idolization of The Great Victor Newman. He decides to continue seeing Heather and not dump her.

I bet Adam wished he listened to his siblings and associates when they warned him about the man. Harvard didn’t teach him that I guess…

Speaking of Victor, he and Paul decide to join forces. Now remember that spoiler I gave about Adam and Heather’s family this could be it or maybe Victor decides to break out his cape and run to Nikki’s rescue.

Chloe’s knocked up (WTF!?) and decides that she wants Cane to be the baby daddy even though he loathes her and has a girl already. Ok when the HELL did Chloe get some in order to be with child and doesn’t that girl know that Cane’s mama Jill and Grandma Kay do NOT play that when it comes to their kin?

Meanwhile the latest Mrs. Newman Sabrina's whole world is about to get even more crazy due to her ex boyfriend showing up to Genoa City to make her life hell.

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No, this sounds to me like Victor and Paul trying to break up the union of their kids. Which is a level of interference NEITHER has ever shown before. Victor has disagreed with his kids' romantic choices, but he hasn't tried to break them up.

This can REALLY increase rooting value for Heather and Adam, who have already shown great chemistry.

Good! Chloe as the next Nina! I can TOTALLY buy that. This I would enjoy! Hendrickson can hold her own against those veterans! Now I'm excited.

Does THIS explain how she is knocked up? 'Cause last I checked, Victor is shooting blanks. YEARS of story tell me he is SHOOTING BLANKS. Without explanation, there is no way he could be the daddy.

Even if boyfriend is the daddy, it doesn't explain why Victor isn't PISSED to have been cuckholded. Or did his epilepsy/brain damage ruin his memory? Even if, did it also ruin Kay's memory? The whole town's memory? They really MUST address this soon.

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They're actually developing the "newbies" for a change, something that's rarely done on Y&R or any other soap anymore. Adam, Heather, and Chole don't lead any major story. If anything, they're B characters in supporting B storylines.

Adam and Heather are tied into Victor and Paul, so it's not like they're left on a little island of their own.

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I could, too, except...I'm confused. Was Chloe pregnant when she came to GC? If not, how did she get pregnant, when we haven't seen her hook up with anyone since her arrival?

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I couldn't get one of those links to work. I have actually been watching since 1973 :-). But, I'll concede your point. There is no disputing that Victor is *generally* interfering, but I don't recall him being so interfering in his kids' romantic choices. But maybe I'm sanctifying him a bit, 'cause I like Victor :-).

But operagirl, thank you for actually replying with DETAILS, rather than just saying "you're wrong" :-). I always appreciate, accept, and learn from an argued, justified position.

But my position holds for Paul :-).

It would be very cool if Paul BECAME interfering, since that is a well-earned legacy from his mother Mary. Whom I miss like heck!

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