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Y&R: Looking forward to the summer

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How about they FINALLY EXPOSE GLORIA and she's sent off to prison? Think about how many people that effects. Michael would lose his law license for covering up her misdeeds, Lauren could get in trouble and then she decides that she can't put up with Michael's family's crap and decides to leave Michael and sue for sole-custody of Fenmore, Kevin would be torn and in some trouble as well. Jack and Ashley will finally be allowed back into Jabot and they'd finally win a battle against Gloria. Jill will have some bragging rights against Kay, because she was right all along over the skank Gloria truly is. The story basically writes itself, but they've refused to tell it. Josh Griffith has such a hard-on for all things Gloria. :rolleyes:

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I really hope that's true. I don't want to get excited too soon.

I'd love that storyline. :) But I have hard time believing anyone would let it happen. They love Gloria, and if they'd try to break up Michael/Lauren some crazy fanbase would forbid it.

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Tracey E. Bregman told Sara A. Bible that she wanted more conflict in Michael and Lauren's marriage and my idea would be a perfect way to do that (among other things). That whole Fisher-Baldwin family has eaten Y&R alive for the past couple of years, talk about a being a cancer to a particular show.

The female characters need serious work as well, Latham basically massacred Phyllis and Lauren. Jill seems to be coming back to who she used to be, and I'm seeing sighs of the old insecure Phyllis again, but it's time to give that character back her tits and take her away from Nick. Talk about two characters that majorly bring one another down. I miss the vampy Phyllis who was self-destructive and the town pariah.

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You son of a...., lol.

First of all, that (idea for a) Friday tag? That was brimike's idea. (I like it, though, brimike! Can it be at Newman Enterprises, lol?)

Second, IIRC, I wanted to use Gloria as the catalyst for this reveal. As the receptionist at Jabot, she overhears a conversation she shouldn't have, with Cane basically admitting he isn't Jill's son, which is part of the big con. Gloria confronts Cane, threatening to go to Jill unless he helps her reclaim her executive position at Jabot. Cane pretends to cave into Gloria's threats. Later that evening, however, Gloria disappears on her way home from the office. Several days later, her body is found. (In my "projections," Michael and Kevin would go on the warpath to find her killer; Jeffrey would be the prime suspect; Michael would work diligently in building the case against him; but just as Jeffrey is about to be nailed for the crime....)

From Gloria's murder comes the reveal, as brimike outlined above. However, Adam's plan collapses, because 1) David is genuinely in love with Nikki and wants to tell her the truth (thanks, brimike, for that one, too!); 2) Cane has a sense of family (with Jill, Kay and Lily) he's never experienced before; and 3) Sabrina has begun to fall for Victor, as well.

But, Victor ends up being the spoiler, as he has set a trap for his new bride. At their new chateau in Paris, Victor confronts Sabrina, telling her she cannot possibly be pregnant with his child, since he had two vasectomies. Then, Victor has another, even bigger surprise: their marriage is not legal! (Another part of Victor's subterfuge.) Sabrina is surprised by two Interpol agents, whom Victor has alerted, and she is arrested for fraud.

Then...there's some other stuff, lol.

The climax involves Adam, now exposed, and his co-horts holding most of the players involved hostage.

Cane holds Chloe, Karen, and Lily hostage, and threatens to kill all three unless Devon and Neil help him escape. (Cane, however, actually wants to take Lily away with him, now that Jill and Kay know who he is and have shunned him.)

David holds Nikki hostage in the barn with Nikki's new horse, arranging for a means for the two to leave town.

Sabrina, who has escaped back to Genoa City, holds Jana, Kevin, Michael and Victoria hostage at Crimson Lights. (Kevin and Michael have been knocked unconscious, though, and tied up by an unwilling Jana and Victoria.)

And at the Newman Ranch, Adam has pulled a gun on his father. There, all the pieces fall into place: what Adam, Cane, David and Sabrina have done, and what motivated Adam to do it. (I even picture a sequence where we intercut among the four explaining to their respective hostages.)


Devon and Neil double-cross Cane, who ends up taking a bullet. At the hospital, Cane summons Lily to his bedside. There, he tells Lily he truly loves her and never meant to hurt her. He dies begging for her forgiveness. (He also summons Kay, and cryptically tells her to contact Brock. She does, and Brock tells her the truth: he managed to avert the baby-switch, knowing his mother was emotionally unstable. Thus, Phillip was actually Phillip, and the grief and pain over losing him years ago comes back for Kay and Jill.)

Paul rescues Nikki from David, who dies in the struggle when he is impaled on a pitchfork. This will set in motion a Nikki/Victor/Paul triangle down the road.

Kevin finally breaks free in time to stop Sabrina, who has shot Jana and is about to do the same to Victoria. Unfortunately, Jana dies in his arms at Crimson Lights. In time, Kevin finds it difficult to return to work, and ends up leaving his job (and possibly Genoa City).

Adam and Victor reach a final showdown, with Victor overtaking Adam for his gun. Adam dares Victor to shoot him, not believing that the man would kill his own flesh-and-blood. Victor has a surprise for him, though; he can. ;) (That was brimike's idea, as well.)

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The problem with Y&R is that almost all the people in Genoa City are totally bland, bumps on a log and mostly its due to the writing, which I find to be apathetic.

Y&R was always known for such rich, vibrant, and interesting characters but currently the only character on Y&R that has a pulse is Gloria, and most fans would prefer her to flatline. Even Amber, of all people, has seemingly become less annoying and just another run of the mill blonde toothpick. Its like Maria Arena Bell has zapped all the personality out of these characters, LML might have made them do things that were out of character, but MAB just has them doing nothing. The flaming tyrannical red head that is or more appropriately was Phyllis just sits at her desk at Restless Style and smiles happily, that is not Phyllis! I would never believe Phyllis would ever be content with some boring desk job at some horrendous magazine, which by the way is the answer to AMC's Fusion.

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Khan, I love your story, but I don't want any of it to happen.

I like Adam. I think he's the best thing in years. The only thing better is Cane. Both actors are terrific, and I don't want to seem them squandered this way.

I love Sabrina. I think the actress is terrific. If they hadn't ignored Victor's vasectomy, I'd be totally on board with her.

I certainly, certainly, certainly don't want my beautiful Gloria to die. Her role today as comic relief/receptionist was perfect.

I TPTB read anything, I want them to totally ignore Khan's post :-).

I did have one idea today: If the fans hate Gloria so much, and want her "rested" from Y&R, why not send her to B&B to take over Spectra. They are wasting Leslie Anne Down over there, and Chapman would be perfect to restore Spectra to its' campy greatness.

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Um no, that's exactly what's killing this show. Gloria needs to pay and in a big way. It's over two years after the Skin Cream fiasco and she still hasn't been exposed. That's the same fiasco that's keeping legacy character Jack Abbott away from Jabot, where he should be. There's so many storyline possibilities if Gloria is exposed and sent to prison (this is a soap, she won't be there for that long). However, they refuse to go in that direction.

I will not be satisfied until Gloria is knocked down once and for all and put through the same damage she's been responsible for giving to other, more essential characters.

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I know - reading that just caught me off guard. The fact that TPTB ever had any intention of keeping her around for 3 years just shocked me. Hopefully they will see how unpopular this character/pairing is with viewers and she'll be gone much sooner. Hopefully Sabrina will go insane and shoot Victor and there will be another Victor/Nikki death bed wedding. :D

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