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ATWT week of June 23

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I enjoyed the family feel of the show...for all of about FIVE minutes before I realized the entire show was going to revolve around Snyders dipping into the same gene pool.

I just can't tell you how forced the Holden/Carly scenes felt today. As if featuring Carly laughing would mask how distasteful the entire "affair" is. Interesting that you can tell the camp scenes were shot way before, because there's absolutely no tension between Holden and Carly when they met, even though the last time we saw them, Carly was still pushing hard for Holden to leave for Montana. (*snort...okay, I will admit even I chuckled at Carly calling him fat. I don't care if it's mean...it wasn't Holden's best look. ;) )

Sometimes I really wonder if Liberty has any feelings whatsoever. I wish she'd stay far, far away from Parker.

The Jack/Janet scenes were actually nice. It just makes me madder, though, because today they were written like thoughtful, motivated people. That's the way this show should be written...and 95% of the rest of the time, it's not.

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Compared to what I'm seeing on Y&R and GH these days I'll take ATWT right now. Luke and Noah while not the greatest love story ever told is kinda heart wrenching in its own lil way. I didn't laugh at him crying yesterday. In fact it was a lil sad to him break down like that. I mean the kid lost his mom a long time ago and just lost his dad. While I find some of Luke's dialogue to be annoying I thought he said the right things yesterday. Especially the part about Noah's home being with him....

And I honestly cannot get enough of Julie Pinson...Loved her on PC and I'm lovin her fergalicious self on ATWT right now! Her and Liberty are the breath of fresh air this show needs right now.

I'd love for Aaron to get a career though...like something other than being Alison's lil slave.

Uhh Casey and Emily...worst thing I've ever seen on a soap...wrong on so many levels and not even in a temptation type of way.

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As little chemistry as there is between Holden and Carly, I would still be interested in the storyline if Martha was still playing Lily. The thought of the confrontation between the two Emmy-winning leading ladies would be worth the wait.

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Today wasn't bad. I'm totally enjoying Carly and Holden though I got frustrated and wanted them to stop stalling and get to it. I can't wait for tomorrow. However, Jon Hensley needs to work out if he is going to do those shirtless love scenes.

I have never been a Julie Pinson fan, but I found Janet very moving today. She comes off like a real person with desires, securities and dreams. She is far more interesting than the other female characters on the show right now. I wouldn't mind if Brad falls in love with Janet eventually.

Liberty is a pain in the butt, but she and Parker are sweet.

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Oh dear lord...please....no! Katie is rivlaing Erica Kane with all these botched marriages. This marriage to Brad better last a good long while.

Yeah, I'm not gonna lie. Today sucked. These days, ATWT is so predictable. You KNOW Janet's using Jack to get to Brad. You KNOW Holden's going through a mid-life crisis by his vulnerability around the sex-line-operator-voiced Carly. (What was with that today anyways? Love Maura, but she seemed like she was working for 1800sexalot with all that low, raspy panting about the wind, the rain, etc.)

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There's something about the way Liberty continues to use Parker that just sets my teeth on edge.

I forgot to mention how irritated I was at Brad today, when he jumped on Liberty for calling Jack her uncle. HELLO....I think Brad delighted in being an "uncle" to Parker and JJ, even before Parker had officially been adopted by Jack. It's so sad when I can't blame my Brad-aversion on Katie.

Honest to God...did any other old-timers flash back to Holden's uber-bad howling at the rainstorm moment when he was talking about the lightening? I forget the entire scene, but it's infamously bad. Almost as bad as that tree that fell off him. Ironically, I can't wait for them to just do it already either. 'Cause then it will be over. Let the cover-up commence.

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I don't want to waste Janet on Jack. If anything Brad won't run around judging Janet and berating her for not living up to his expectations. Plus, Janet is too good to be put in the middle of Jack and Carly's drama. Janet isn't likely to really ever get over Brad anyway and he is definitely not over her so they should work it out, but not for a long time.

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Well, I would think the middle of the drama is where all soap characters should be. The actor who plays Brad comes across as dazed and confused to me. He hasn't grown on me in the least. So I would like to see Janet with Jack for a few months to drive Brad crazy (and to keep Jack busy while Holden and Carly to their thing) and eventually she can fall for Mike or Chris or whomever. But I can't root for Brad and anyone as long as AP is in the role and I doubt I ever will.

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