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ATWT week of June 23

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Well, today sucked!!!!


Sophie is freakin' me out with her impersonation of Anne Hathaway as crack whore.

Katie and Brad and their fake concern over Jack can shove it.

And for the love of God...how many times will Paul be forced to propose to Meg? It's seems like it's every other month.

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:lol: So true

I was hoping no one would start a thread for this week. It is just so hard and painful to even post about the show anymore.

The only good part was seeing Barbara, Lisa and Mike. Man did Mike's pecs look hard underneath that shirt. I was hoping the shirt would come off. We havent seen Nu-Mike shirtless yet. What a waste for the Mike recast. Why arent they pairing him with someone? There's Emily available....or is

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That was puke worthy. I didnt give a damn either.

I guess Meg forgot how evil Paul is. I liked Barbara's line about Paul was never going to be perfect...or that he wasnt going to change...she wasnt going to get what she wanted ...perfection...Meg should have just said no...but lets get the loon Sophie out of our lives.

Because of posters like PJ who take their time to post a thread.

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'Cause misery loves company. My show might suck. Might suck to depths of hell. But why should we stop discussing it? All I've ever seen GH and Days fans do is bitch about their soaps left and right for pages, on multiple boards.

I still love my show. I hate the friggin' writers.

Meg/Paul...isn't it smurfy how all their problems just disappeared when Craig left town? Did they ever deal with the death of their child? Nope. Paul was still having jealous meltdowns over nothing when Meg took off with Mike in the balloon. He obviously hasn't "grown". He used Sophie to make Meg jealous, screwed her when it suited him, then dumped her like a used tissue when he figured out Meg was on the verge of coming around. Yes...obviously Paul is just a "changed" man. :rolleyes:

I don't get the Bratie/Jack/Janet thing. Katie's bitching about Jack/Brad's sibling rivalry? Who's she kidding...that very dynamic made sure her bed didn't even have time to cool off. I think it's going to contrast with the Holden/Carly/Jack dynamic, since I doubt Jack's going to be happy about that. But I don't get why Jack is suddenly happy to irritate Brad or Brad is so possessive about Janet. And I thought Katie being a bitch and belittle Janet the waitress was just extremely tacky.

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But, but, buuuuut, he asked Nurse Joy to marry him and and she said yes. Doesn't that count for something??? :D And oh yes Soph is preggo---SURPRISE

Let me give you a hand----

1. Since JackAs s the G-man is now the older brother he may be trying to play the payback game with Brad for helping Carly when she was sick (yes I know it was only for a nano-second)

2. The UN-SORAS of Brad has truly made him Brain Dead, what other reason could there be for him being so blind to Jump-me-Janet.

3. Nobody plays tacky bit ch like Katie, practice makes perfect and she's been at it for almost ten years now.

4. What can I say about Jump-me-Janet, nothing.

All in all today's show was zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz inducing and like you said s ucked, but, I'm not planning on not watching.

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I obviously ran over JP's or Goutman's dog without knowing it. And this is why you keep seeing that lol.

This is like in 2006 when Paul literally proposed to Meg like once a week for about two months. It was even in spoilers and it was like 'WTF is that a spoiler?'.

My only consolation is that at some point, Paul will do something the sainted Meg won't like and she'll dump him. Again.

One can only hope this time he realizes how much she sucks. And failing that, James and / or Emily and / or Barbara (when they stop having her on Meg prop duty) will smack him repeatedly upside the head til he sees that.

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I don't think there's a chance in hell that A) Paul and Emily will ever share a scene again, and B ) Anthony Herrera will EVER step foot in that studio again while CG is there.

Which means it's Barbara. And like you said, she's on prop duty.

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JS, after thinking about it, (aside from it proving that Brad suffered a massive brain trauma sometime after marrying Katie, most likely from repeatedly banging his head while screwing his insatiable wife..) I think it's just meant to signal a less judgmental version of Jack miraculously returned to Oakdale. Why, I'm not sure. Jack can't possibly believe Janet is just "trying to establish a family for Lib's sake"...she's twice tried to recruit him to help break up Bratie. Maybe it's the fact Janet's so flighty and harmless, that Jack doesn't think she can tempt Brad.

I just don't get how TIIC can go forward with Paul/Meg. I know they've got their fans, but while I sat on the fence about them before, after Craig/Ro, I can't imagine anyone not seeing how completely shallow they are.

And as Babs sat blessing their union...I swear I heard the ice forming in Hell. Poor CZP...she won't have a damned thing to do after this.

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^^ I can't believe Paul and Meg will be happily married, ever. Paul will always do something to screw it up and hopefully that'll keep CZP busy. From what I've heard RH doesn't want Paul to be boring and happy. I think I believe that because he never is for more than 5 mins (happy that is).

I liked the Lucinda/Babs scene from a few days ago. i hope that friendship is reestablished. They've been enemies for too long.

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I don't know what annoys me more...Holden's blase attempt at maintaining his marriage to Lily in light of his fascination with Carly, or the way Lily's naievete has permeated her brain. (if I never hear how Lily's never screwed anyone to try and "fix" a problem, I'll be just too, too happy..)

Poor Carly...caught between these schmoos.

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